Favourite FF quotes

Barret: How much farther do these stairs go on?
: Why don't you ask them?
Barret: It's not one of them endless stairways or somethin', d'ya think?
Tifa: Of course not!!
: Right... couldn't be that....Are we there yet?
: Not yet.

Always makes me laugh, and I always think of it now when going up the stairs in a tall building (I dislike lifts XD).
Seifer: "Great. I've got a chicken wuss and a guy who just reached puberty in my squad."

Zell: "I can imagine Selphie now saying, "Woohoo, we're Flying!" with Irving sitting right next to her." Selphie: "Woohoo, we're flying!"

Genesis: "Hmm... how noisy. Zack, the puppy dog."

Kefka: "You sound like chapters from a self-help booklet!"

Yuna: "Give me a Y!"
Rikku: "Give me an R!"
Paine: "Give me a break!"

Cloud: "No one lives in the slums because they want to. It's like this train. It can only go where the tracks take it."
"You stand before the final dimension, and i am the darkness of eternity." -something like that. infact everything said at the end of the game is pretty good, th one thing that ffix had was excellent quotes.

"To be forgotten is worse than death"

"Why defy your fate? is the will to live that powerful..."

Everything about FFIX was about people living forever through the memories of their loved ones, i like that :)

"This is not the end. I am eternal... as long as there is life and death"

And finally (lets see if i can remember)
"Peace is but a shadow of death,
Desperate to forget its painful past.
And though we hope for promising years,
And after shedding a thousand tears,
Yesterday's sorrow constantly nears.
And while the moon still shines blue,
By dawn, it will turn to a scarlet hue."

God bless Kuja (...)
Kefka: "Ahem...there's SAND on my boots!"
*guy cleans off boots*
Kefka: "Idiots!"

Celes: "I'm a GENERAL, not some opera floozy!"

Gau: "Is Mr. Thou coming?!"

Kefka: "Welcome to my barbecue!"

Eiko: "My man?! MY man?! Even I've never called him that!"

Vaan: "Uhh, Fran, about that viera saying you said the same thing fifty years ago...how old did you say you were again?
*Fran walks away*
Balthier: "Nice going."
Larsa: "Surprisingly rude."
Penelo: "Try to grow up, please."

Man in Zozo: "Zozo?! Never heard of it."
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Vincent: "I have nothing to say."
Yuffie: "That's Okay, it was probably depressing anyway."

I can't remember how it goes exactly x3
Zack : You are not a monster , those are wings of angels.
Angeal : So tell me! , what do angels dream of !! To become human again ....

Something like that.
Balthier: "I'm the leading man, you know what they say about the leading man, he never dies."
Fran: "I'd say you're more of a supporting role."
Balthier: "Fran, please."

Wasn't the best game, but that part was epic. :neomon:

"I will never be a memory" Sephiroth, AC

"This is your story." Auron
Cid to Yuffie - Shaddap!? You want to get off, then jump! Get the hell off my back!
Jecht - I'm the Best
Rikku - (In Al Bhed) Sorry {Punches Tidus, Knocking Him Out}
Steiner - Princesssssss!!!

Baku: So this Dr. Tootsie is gonna give us the supersoft?
Marcus: It's Tot.
Baku: Looks like we're stuck babysittin' the princess again!
Marcus: Why?
Baku: Cause this Toot won't give you the supersoft if the princess
isn't with you!!
Marcus: It's Tot....
Baku: Might as well rest and give Ted time to prepare.
Marcus: It's Tot...
Balthier: I've changed my mind: this isn't a dungeon, it is a sty

and Tidus and Yunas laughter when they're trying to 'laugh/look happy when they're feeling sad'...
"If you want to be a hero, you've got to have dreams... And honor" ~Angeal
It was repeated so much during crisis core! Definitely the best quote in my opinion~
I assume this has already been said, but no way am I trawling through 18 pages lol.

Seifer: "Great, I have a chicken wuss and a guy who just reached Puberty in my squad"
Wakka: I can't believe you just said that!
Seymour: Then pretend I did say it.
"Trying to find a knife to stab it with! XD"- Dr.Cid in FFXII

That bit really shoud have had a cymbal clash, and the sound of an invisible crowd laughing. n_n
In FF7, when Sephiroth talks about his father and says "What does it matter?" is a good line. Also, in FF4 in the fan translated version Cid says he's giving Golbez his middle finger. haha that was fun.