Favourite GF?

My favorite would have to be Leviathan. I've always liked him,and my favorite version of him is the one in FFVIII. I love the way his animation looks in this game!

Im also very fond of Cerberus (because he is very useful when casting magic),Doomtrain (because he can inflict status effects on the enemies, and that is very useful), and Diablos and Phoeni (I love their animation, and Phoenix can be a life saver).
I liked Shiva. She was useful for the whole game for me, she never let me down. I could always rely on her for decent damage, and she was a great shield :wacky:

Plus she gave me the ability to junction so many stats! Invaluable summon imo.
Well I am replaying FF8, and back in the day it was Ifrit, but thats because he was probably my strongest, and looks kinda crazy. So for now him, but I can't wait to get Bahamut and Doomtrain.
Bahamut simply because he's Bahamut really. He's always been my favorite summon (I love dragons). I also liked Doomtrain a lot. I liked the animation and the status effects were pretty useful.
My favourite GF is Alexander. Pretty much as soon as I saw his summon animation I fell in love with it. Who doesn't like a giant walking tank-castle with gigantic holy cannons? And you gotta admit, it made a short job of the Ruby Dragons you fight at the start of Disc 3 (with Laguna). And the attack, Holy Judgement, oh my god, there could not be a better attack name.
i have quite a few :/
i really liked doomtrain - he was good for paralysing monsters which was handy ^_^ Eden was pretty cool - quite powerful, and i liked my giant tonberry just cos it looked cute lol. it had some pretty good abilities to learn aswell.
Diablos FTW.

Granted he dealt gravity damage which is always a percentage of HP damage, but he was still the most badass looking GF there was in the game IMO. and when you throw in the fact of when you fight him after using the item he gives me the feeling that you just interupted something With Mrs Diablos when he has a go at you for 'awaking him from his slumber. . . YEAH RIGHT Big D was getting some adult action and you stopped him, thats why he is so angry with you, and thats why he attacks you.

Doomtrain wasn't like that you see, so Obviousely doomtrain was actually asleep.
Definitely Diablos.

1) It feels like such an achievement when you obtain him early on.

2) He is the best designed GF

3) Once you have him, I loved using the Darkside attack to exert extra damage, and eventually mug too - very useful.
In terms of GF usefulness, I'd have to say Diablos. Once he got into the level 20-30 range, he became quite useful indeed...and he was a lifesaver when I was hunting Tonberries. -__-

However, the most amusing sequence to me is Brothers. I like how they seem to be playing Rock Paper Scissors to determine who gets thrown in the air, and how Sacred is always crying as he shoots into the air. Good times. :wacky:
I've always loved summoning Eden, probably because his summoning sequence is really long, so you have enough time to boost him, causing some huge damage.

'Course, what I don't love is the boss you have to fight to acquire him......
I always loved Siren, because I thought she was really pretty <3 but as for attack, I loved Cactuar and Doomtrain. Doomtrain had all of those excellent status attacks, and Cactuar was just so damn cute! A little green dude shooting needles at you is adorable :)
id have to go with doomtrain cuz it puts all the bad elements on the enemy and its attack animation is pretty sick.
My favourite GF in design was Siren because I loved the wings on her head and the harp that she played. Of course she wasn't all that useful later on, seeing as she had a weak attack and you can pick up silence quite easily later on.

Opening Sequence wise, I loved Carbunkle. He reminded me of a little Pokemon or even Alice in Wonderland with the cute little creature jumping out of the hole, I'd love to have a plushie of him!

Attack wise I normally used Eden for obvious reasons but I never liked its design, something about it just never appealed to me.. but my over all favourite is..


Yeap, that's right.. Quezacotl! He was one of the first GFs you get, I loved his design and he was just overall awesome. I wish he continued to be in the FFs, he would've been a good match with Valefor in X.. ah X..
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I never managed to get all of the GFs, but out of the ones I did get, I always liked Shiva. I loved her design, and I loved the way that I had managed to get her to Summon at uberquick time
Eden.her attack animation was badass and the damage was off the charts.also that devour ability was pretty useful in bringing my stats up.If i could chose two,then i would pickm bahamut.i liked the gf's that could really pack a punch
I personally loved DIablos and Cereberus. Also, Leviathan.

I loved Diablos for his entrance and the way he was designed. I wish they had brought him back for another FF game. It would do him justice.

Then Cereberus for how he gave double and triple. Now that really came in handy for me.

Leviathan because of how powerful he was with Squall. I enjoyed his entrance and his abilities. So he was a natural pick for me.
I've always LOVE shiva!!!
shiva's the best.

the next would be bahamut and odin.

i like odin because he is out of our control... lol
With his Revive ability, I liked Alexander the most. Infinite Full-Lifes ftw ^_^
Every character with him Junctioned always had that move equipped, saved me stock that I junctioned 100 of for Status purposes.