Favourite Outfit

I loved Lulu's dress,pretty detailed,and her whole style.it just made her look like the Black Mage she was.
I guess my favourite was probably Yuna's outfit...it was so pretty and elegant, and she had nice jewelry @__@;
I liked Tidus' too though...probably because of the bits that showed skin XD
Lulu's dress was pretty amazing. :) I loved the accessories in her hair as well. :)
I loved the whole belt thing going on, although it was revealing. :P
Well, for me, it still has to be Yuna's dress in X when she was a Summoner...

However, to make things perfect, I'd prefer her character in FFX combined with something more trendy, say tanktop and jeans with sport shoes + her usual accessories like rings and necklace, and driving a flashy sports car... That's what's going through my mind when playing NFSU2 as Yuna actually! :D
I loved the kimono-esque style of Yuna's dress. It was so pretty! I absolutely loved the skirt as well. <3 The flower pattern on the bottom of it was gorgeous.

Call me crazy but I also really loved Lulu's dress of belts. I want to cosplay her so bad. x_x I did draw her awhile back, but the design of her dress was a bitch to draw. Anyway, I love the overall design and how her hairsticks just seem to go perfectly with the dress. So yeah, Yuna and Lulu's clothes for me.

Tidus's wouldn't have been too bad if both short legs had been the same length. He had a very unique-looking outfit.
I think I liked Yuna's outfit, it made her look so pretty and I wanna have somehting like that too
I also Loved Lulu's dress, it was so elegant. Her hair style went with that outfit so perfect. It simply made her look so elegant x.x;;
Aurons clothes are bad ass. Just like him. Rikku and Yunas outfits are cute. ^^ Tidus' outfit seems like a badboy style outfit. Kinda suits him too. I cant decide a favourite.
Kitty-kat: Actually Lulu's outfit leaves a lot to the imagination! The behold-my-boobs maneuver was painfully fan-service, but what turned me into a leering fan-goob (after I noticed it) was that tiny glimpse of thigh peeping between the belts.

The belts rock. Ridiculous as an outfit for travel, but WOW. Fishnets. Lace. All the revealing outfits of X-2 were not half so attractive as what you couldn't quite see of Lulu's legs.

Also, Lulu's braids are nummy.

It's hard to wear an outfit like that and not look like a slut, but Lulu managed to come off elegant. She wins.

Braska needed her PR agent. Good grief, didn't he know every temple in Spira would be making statues of him? Immortalized for all time as an artichoke heart!!!

Edit: Actually, I think these outfits also win, but that's because I have a silly sense of humor. PG-13, NOT entirely worksafe.
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I actually liked Tidus' weird outfit. Lmao. It was unique and cool to me.

I didn't like Rikku's too much, honestly. I loved Rikku in FFX-2 much better. Lulu's is nice too. I love the idea for belts as a dress.

I am going for Tidus as the best though.
Yuna looked so nice in her dress. It so fitted her charecter! One of the big dissapointments about X-2 for me is that she started dressing slutty:mad:
Auron: ...wtf? He has a jug of water hanging on his belt and always acts like his arm is broken. So no.

Tidus: What's with the weird arm guards? I guess they're for blitzball, but it still looks ridiculous.

Yuna: Pretty, but boring.

Wakka: Oh dear lord...what's with the overalls? And the hair? It's just...strange.

Rikku: It looks a bit silly to me. Not sure why.

Lulu: I guess it was cool that she had a dress made of belts and whatnot, I can imagine it took a while for the designers to design her outfit. So overall I like hers the best because it's unique, I guess.
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I think the person with the best outfit is Lulu. Horribly impractical for traveling around Spira in, but it looked amazing. And she totally pulled it off. Yunas outfit is pretty, and suits her image as a White Mage. Tidus' is just horrible though, what's with one leg of the trousers being longer than the other? I mean really, come on, that was just ridiculous, and ugly -__-
Claudia! You made me giggle loud enough to scare my cat. Auron is NOT carrying a jug of water! Hint: When they put Auron in Kingdom Hearts, they had to take away his jug, because it wasn't suitable for a kid's game. ;)

Poor guy: He's dead, he's lost his former master, he's gotten drafted into a Disney flick, he has to protect Donald Duck and Goofy, and then to add insult to injury they take away his booze.

The arm-tucked-in-his-coat is, oddly enough, a common gesture in Japanese iconography for the veteran samurai, particularly one who has lost his master and gone ronin. (But not always the latter; sometimes it just seems to mean "I can fight you with one hand tied behind my back.") It looks strange to western tastes, but it's like "LOVE HATE" written on someone's knuckles as a shorthand to mean "this character drives a motorcycle." It makes it obvious who and what he is before he says a word.
i really liked the overall style of all characters. though tidus stands out for me- thats just a damn fucking cool outfit hes got there. lulus is awesome too (and damn hot :O ) .
I could have sworn I already posted in this thread :gasp: oh well..

Lulu had the best outfit imo. Her black belt dress was really nifty and suited her personality to the t. She looked like a million bucks in it.

I suppose second place would go to Yuna. Her outfit was both practical and stylish. The only thing I didn't like was that black bra that hung out of her dress.. at least I think it was a bra o__O
Yes, it was a bra lol. She's very shy (though confident and all that) , reserved, and not at all a big 'ol slut like FFX2 makes her out to be. That's why I always found it weird she was OK with her bra being on display. But hey *shrugs*.

And Rikku's only 15- her dad lets her wear those short-shorts?? lol. But I suppose if a teenage girl wants to wear what she wants to wear, there's really no stopping her. :P
i liked yuna's kimono it was so pretty and had all my favorite colors in it to and i loved the big bow in the back
hmmm.... in final fantasy x2 i think it is, i think auron looks the best... hes just so cool!
Poor guy: He's dead, he's lost his former master, he's gotten drafted into a Disney flick, he has to protect Donald Duck and Goofy, and then to add insult to injury they take away his booze.

Wtf? That was booze?! :P Jeez, I've met lots of alcoholics, but none of them are bad enough to carry a whole jug of it around their belt!

Oh God, I may be a moron...
I love all the unique outfits. :) Yuna and Tidus had the best I think. Yuna's was very pretty and dream-like, especially when she danced on the water. Tidus' was cool with the dungarees :P