Favourite Quickening

Ashe has my favorite quickening. I love the white against the background, I love her movements, and I love the way the attacks look. Vaan comes in second as all of his are vastly different. Followed by Basche, I like the hand to hand thing about them.
i'm a huge fan of Vaan's level 3 quickening and basche's level 3 quickening. Other than that, another fav would have to be any one of Ashe's
It's gotta be Basch's level 3 - Flame Purge it's so immense with all the swords cominfg together plus it's Basch so that gains bonus points.

2nd Vanns level 3 - Pyroclasm thats an alright one with the big explosion

3rd Vanns level 2 - White Whorl i'm not sure what it is about this but i like it a canny bit.
~I Liked Basch Fulminating Darkness~

Mod Edit: Please say why
you like it. Thank you. ^^
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Please put more effort in your posts, say WHY you like the quickenings, thankyou ^^
I like Vaan's Pyroclasm best.

Mod Edit: Please say why you like it. Thank you. ^^
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Probably Fran's Whip Kick, I like the animation where she beats up her enemies.
Letsput more effort in our posts guys

Say why you like these quickenings ^^
Balthiers are the best visually and audio wise. All the others seem to have less thought put into them? Fran and Vaan would be joint second though.
Definitely Tides of War from Balthier, its my favourite. Its the coolest looking one I have so far, excellent.
Fran's Shatterheart. It's silly, but watching it for the first time was probably one of the most exciting moments in the game for me. I love the little squeals she does and the lovely close ups.
I kinda have a thing for frans whip kick I think it looks cool. I also like Vaan cause the colors and the way he moves through them draw my eye. Penelo is probably my least favorite I just get bored looking at hers cause nothing is really going on. Everyone else is shooting beams and summoning swords and storms and she is playing with snow flakes lol.
Mv favorite quickenings are all Ashe's quickenings but whats the name of her level 3 quickening I forgot? I like Balthiers tides of war that was just purely awesome with the tidal wave and everything.