Favourite Summon

The Best Aeon, Summon, GF, Esper etc....

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wow, picking a top 5 favorites is really difficult as i love summoning BUT here goes...

Starting at number five and working my way up.
At number five is the awesumly stylish and very well animated Odin of Final fantasy VII: Crisis core.

at four held up by his sheer physical and badass look is Final fantasy VIII's Diablos.

In third place is the cauldron stirring status Ailment causing badass from hell Hades from final fantasyVII.

comming in second place is the moon destroying Golden dragon of pure awesumness, thats right you guessed it it's Crisis core's Bahamut Fury.

and coming in first place, the one creation that can top a badass dragon is the bitch who needs a big ass chain to pull her from the floor, the mother of one of the most badass Villain's in FF history is Seymour guado's mother, commonly known as Anima.

so here is the list in the order as informed above (the short version)
1.Anima (FFX)
2.Bahamut fury (Crisis core)
3.Hades (VII)
4.Diablos (VIII)
5.Odin (crisis core)
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here are my top five favorites in no particular order, so here ya go :monster:

Shiva has ALWAYS been my favorite summon. I saw her first when I was putzing around on my brother-in-law's copy of VIII, then again during X. I just thought she was so cool! Her design, attacks, and general concept have always appealed to me. Not cos her boobies are showing all the time, mind you. :P I just like the whole kick-butt ice-queen. Fierce!
I rather like Anima. =]

But there are more Aeons then on that, on the list. Yojimbo is pretty cool though.
Bahamut. Definitely. When I saw it, I was like "That's going to be favourite summon evar," and I was right. :) After Bahamut... I'd say either Leviathan or Shiva.
Definitely chose Ifrit, looks like a proper demon, well wicked. On that last, I'd have Alexander next, then Anima. Anima's overdrive was just immense.

Bahamut is my favourite summon out of ever Final Fantasy, especially in IX ^_^ With Anima being my second for pure awesomeness :)
Well yes Anima in FFX looked all mighty but Bahamut in FFX looked even more awesome!, he looked like he could crush you with his little finger haha.
bahumat is awesome, what could be cooler than a giant dragon obliterating your enemies. my fave one is probably bahumat zero, as that move just completely owns everything
Bahamut is the strongest Summon in my opinion.Bahamut has been in every single Final Fantasy game! There has not been any final fantasy game without bahamut.Bahamut Doesn't even have to do mega flare to finish all the other summons! a regular attack from bahamut and your'e knocked out!
Well yes Anima in FFX looked all mighty but Bahamut in FFX looked even more awesome!, he looked like he could crush you with his little finger haha.

He looked really colourful and not as threatening as previous installments from the series. That being said, Bahamut Sin looked fat, and really weird instead of threatening and cool.
mine would have to be Bahamut no wait anima no definatley Bahumut

he was just sooo cool the way he crossed his arms even when he gettin hit lol
nd the way he just kinda drifted over when you told him to attck

oh this is from final fantasy X if you hadn't already guessed lol

Yeh its Gotta be Bahumut