Favourites & Worsts List

Favorite Character: Fran
Favorite Male Character: Vaan
Favorite Female Character: Fran
Favorite NPC: Gabranth
Favorite Guest Character: Larsa
Favorite Race: Hume
Favorite Judge: Gabranth
Favorite Weapon: Zodiac Spear
Favourite Equipment: Genji
Favorite Magic: Ice
Favorite Technick: Libra
Favorite Gambit: NA
Favorite Quickening: I liked them all XD
Favorite Esper: Mateus
Favorite Hunt: Gilgamesh
Favorite Monsters: NA
Favorite Marks: Gilgamesh
Favorite Villain: Gabranth
Favorite Airship: Strahl
Favorite Place: The Wood
Favorite Area: The Viera Village
Favorite Music: NA
Favorite Cutscene: Gabranth's arrival at Pharos
Favorite FMV: Ending

Worst Character: NA
Worst Male Character: NA

Worst Female Character: NA
Worst NPC: NA
Worst Guest Character: NA
Worst Race: Seeq
Worst Judge: Zargabaath
Worst Weapon: Maces, Hand-Bombs
Worst Equipment: NA
Worst Magic: NA
Worst Technick: NA
Worst Gambit: NA
Worst Quickening: NA
Worst Esper: NA
Worst Hunt: NA
Worst Monsters: NA
Worst Marks: NA
Worst Villain: Vayne
Worst Airship: NA
Worst Place: Nabreus Deadlands (God that was so hard haha)
Worst Area: NA

Worst Music: NA
Worst Cutscene: NA
Worst FMV: NA
Favorite Character: Fran
Favorite Male Character: Balthier
Favorite Female Character: Fran
Favorite NPC: Montblanc
Favorite Guest Character: Larsa
Favorite Race: Moogles
Favorite Judge: Gabranth
Favorite Weapon: Zodiac Spear
Favourite Equipment: Genji
Favorite Magic: Water
Favorite Technick: steal
Favorite Gambit: NA
Favorite Quickening: I liked them all XD
Favorite Esper: Mateus
Favorite Hunt: Gilgamesh
Favorite Monsters: NA
Favorite Marks: Gilgamesh
Favorite Villain: Gabranth
Favorite Airship: Strahl
Favorite Place: The Wood
Favorite Area: The Viera Village
Favorite Music: NA
Favorite Cutscene: all of them
Favorite FMV: Ending

Worst Character: NA
Worst Male Character: NA

Worst Female Character: NA
Worst NPC: NA
Worst Guest Character: NA
Worst Race: Seeq
Worst Judge: Zargabaath
Worst Weapon: Hand-Bombs
Worst Equipment: NA
Worst Magic: NA
Worst Technick: NA
Worst Gambit: NA
Worst Quickening: NA
Worst Esper: NA
Worst Hunt: NA
Worst Monsters: NA
Worst Marks: NA
Worst Villain: Vayne
Worst Airship: NA
Worst Place: Nabreus Deadlands
Worst Area: NA

Worst Music: NA
Worst Cutscene: NA
Worst FMV: NA
Favorite Character:Basch
Favorite Male Character:Basch
Favorite Female Character:Fran
Favorite NPC:Al-cid
Favorite Guest Character:vossler
Favorite Race:Jahara
Favorite Judge:Zargabaath
Favorite Weapon:Masamune
Favourite Equipment:Genji gear
Favorite Magic:bubble
Favorite Technick:shades of black
Favorite Gambit:
Favorite Quickening:
Favorite Esper:chaos
Favorite Hunt:Battle on the big bridge
Favorite Marks:Gilgamesh
Favorite Villain:Ba'Gamnan
Favorite Airship:bahamut
Favorite Place:Feywood
Favorite Area:
Favorite Music:eek:pening music(harp)
Favorite Cutscene:
Favorite FMV:

Worst Character:Vaan
Worst Male Character:Vaan
Worst Female Character:Penelo
Worst NPC:seeq child that hides from ghost in the house
Worst Guest Character:Amalia
Worst Race:seeq
Worst Judge:Bergan
Worst Weapon:hammers and axes
Worst Equipment:magicite
Worst Magic:float
Worst Technick:horology
Worst Gambit:allyhp<10%
Worst Quickening:penelo's first
Worst Esper:belias
Worst Hunt:Waterway haunting
Worst Marks:
Worst Villain:Vayne
Worst Airship:the Strahl
Worst Place:garamyscythe waterway
Worst Area:
Worst Music:when you kill a mark
Worst Cutscene:
Worst FMV:
Favorite Character: Fran
Favorite Male Character: Balthier
Favorite Female Character: Ashe
Favorite NPC: -
Favorite Guest Character: Larsa (Never ending stock of Hi-Potions)
Favorite Race: Moogles
Favorite Judge: Gabranth
Favorite Weapon: Artemis Bow
Favourite Equipment: Dragon Shield (Immune: Earth)
Favorite Magic: Bubble
Favorite Technick: Achilles
Favorite Gambit: Foe: Ice-weak = Blizzara
Favorite Quickening: Tides of Fate (Balthier)
Favorite Esper: Mateus
Favorite Hunt: The Gil Snapper
Favorite Marks: Gilgamesh
Favorite Villain: Ba'Gamnan
Favorite Airship: Strahl
Favorite Place: Salikawood
Favorite Area: Eruyit Village
Favorite Music: Salika Wood Music
Favorite Cutscene:
Balthier tells Ashe that he was a Judge
Favorite FMV: The Shiva escape

Worst Character: Vayne
Worst Male Character: Vayne
Worst Female Character: -
Worst NPC: -
Worst Guest Character: Penelo (at the beggining)
Worst Race: Seeq
Worst Judge: Bergan
Worst Weapon: Sword of the Kings
Worst Equipment: Dawn Shard
Worst Magic: Vanish
Worst Technick: Countdown
Worst Gambit: Self
Worst Quickening: Fulminating Darkness (Basch)
Worst Esper: -
Worst Hunt: Waterway haunting
Worst Marks: White Moss (The flan)
Worst Villain: Vayne
Worst Airship: Leviathan
Worst Place: Garamsythe Waterway
Worst Area: Tchita Uplands
Worst Music: Phon Coast theme
Worst Cutscene: When Larsa leaves the party
Worst FMV: Ashe and Rasler
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Favorite Character: Balthier
Favorite Male Character: Balthier
Favorite Female Character: Penelo
Favorite NPC: Al-Cid, Dantro's Wife, Burrough, Jovy and plenty others :lol:
Favorite Guest Character: Vossler and Larsa tie.
Favorite Race: Moogles
Favorite Judge: Ghis
Favorite Weapon: Guns
Favourite Equipment: Cat-Ear Hood
Favorite Magic: Sandstorm. A couple monsters in the Pharos use it among others. It just looks really cool.
Favorite Technick: Steal
Favorite Gambit: Self > Protect/Shell/Libra/Haste etc.
Favorite Quickening: White Whorl, Fires of War, Whip Kick, Flame Purge, Heaven's Wrath, Resplendence. One from each :cool:
Favorite Esper: Ultima
Favorite Hunt: Still haven't actually finished more than about 15 and I'm on my 3rd playthrough >_< but I guess so far I'd say Ring Wyrm.
Favorite Monsters: Bombs, Nighshades, Cockatrices, Tyrants, Entites, Wyrms, Flans and Behemoths.
Favorite Marks: I'm guessing this is rare game? Since Hunts have already been covered. So far Ripe Rampager.
Favorite Villain: The Venat, Dr. Cid and Vayne trio.
Favorite Airship: Flagship Garland, the one Ondore commands during the final battle.
Favorite Place: Archades and the Banks of the Nebra.
Favorite Area: Garamsythe Waterway, Salikawood, Paramina Rift, Sochen Cave Palace and Cerobi Steppe.
Favorite Music: Salikawood or Stilshrine of Miriam.
Favorite Cutscene: Both of Al-Cid's, Fran going Beserk, Ashe and the Occuria.
Favorite FMV: The Resistance/Rozzarian vs Archadian airbattles at the end.

Worst Character: N/A
Worst Male Character: N/A
Worst Female Character: N/A
Worst NPC: That snotty kid in Tsenoble, Archades who taunts you when you use the Gate Crystal.
Worst Guest Character: Reddas, but by no means did I dislike him. Just the least favorite of the three.
Worst Race: Nu Mou
Worst Judge: Zargabaath, I wish they did more with him.
Worst Weapon: Hand-Bombs
Worst Equipment: Cotton Shirt
Worst Magic: Immobilize
Worst Technick: First-Aid
Worst Gambit: Self > Attack
Worst Quickening: Red Spiral, Element of Treachery, Shatterheart, Ruin Impendent, Northswain's Glow and Intercession. Though I like all of them anyway.
Worst Esper: Belias
Worst Hunt: Nidhogg, so far. Took me forever to beat it and it has an ugly name.
Worst Monsters: Garudas and the like.
Worst Marks: The ones with ludicrous spawn conditions. Other than that they've all been pretty cool to see.
Worst Villain: Ba'Gamnan
Worst Airship: Dreadnought Leviathan. I didn't really have a clear view of what it actually looked like so this isn't saying much.
Worst Place: Nalbina, too small.
Worst Area: Giza Plains (Dry) and Tchita Uplands.
Worst Music: Giza Plains and Tchita Uplands. Pointless recycle of the same bleh song. Which really was the only music I didn't care for.
Worst Cutscene: The one after Vayne's speech, Vaan's looking up at the Palace daydreaming about stealing something.
Worst FMV: N/A
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Favorite Character: Reddas
Favorite Male Character: Reddas
Favorite Female Character: Fran
Favorite NPC:Judge Zargabaath
Favorite Guest Character: Reddas
Favorite Race: Hume
Favorite Judge: Zargabaath
Favorite Weapon: Save the Queen (great sword)
Favourite Equipment: All of the Genji gear
Favorite Magic: Haste (and other positive effects)
Favorite Technick: Telekenisis
Favorite Gambit: Foe:(element)-weak
Favorite Quickening: Basch's Fulminating Darkness
Favorite Esper: Addremelech
Favorite Hunt: Rogue Tomato (easiest)
Favorite Monsters: Skeletons
Favorite Marks: Gilgamesh
Favorite Villain: Dr Cid
Favorite Airship: The Shiva
Favorite Place: Balfonheim Port
Favorite Area: Sochen cave palace/ Stilshrine of miriam
Favorite Music: N/A
Favorite Cutscene: Balthier tells Ashe he was a judge
Favorite FMV: Ending

Worst Character: Ashe
Worst Male Character:Vaan
Worst Female Character: Ashe
Worst NPC: Judge Bergan
Worst Guest Character: Basch (when he has no equipment)
Worst Race: Garif
Worst Judge: Drace
Worst Weapon: Hand bombs
Worst Equipment: Mirror mail
Worst Magic: Most negative status effects
Worst Technick: First aid
Worst Gambit:Foe: party leaders target
Worst Quickening: any of Ashe's or panelo's
Worst Esper: Belius
Worst Hunt:N/A
Worst Monsters: Flying
Worst Marks: N/A
Worst Villain: Vayne (to easy for a final boss)
Worst Airship: Bahamut
Worst Place: Rabenastre
Worst Area: Barheim passage
Worst Music:N/A
Worst Cutscene:N/A
Worst FMV: first enter Bhujerba
Favorite Character: Balthier
Favorite Male Character: Reddas
Favorite Female Character: Ashe
Favorite NPC: Judge Zargabaath
Favorite Guest Character: Reddas
Favorite Race: Hume
Favorite Judge: Gabranth
Favorite Weapon: Dragon Whisker
Favourite Equipment: No idea
Favorite Magic: Scathe
Favorite Technick: Telekenisis
Favorite Gambit: No idea
Favorite Quickening: Basch's Flame Purge
Favorite Esper: Ultima
Favorite Hunt: Belito (KILL BAGAMNAN)
Favorite Monsters: Undead
Favorite Marks: Gilgamesh
Favorite Villain: Dr Cid
Favorite Airship: Dreadnaught Leviathan
Favorite Place: Rabanastre
Favorite Area: Pharos at ridorana
Favorite Music: Boss battle
Favorite Cutscene: No idea
Favorite FMV: Ending

Worst Character: Basch
Worst Male Character: Basch
Worst Female Character: Penelo
Worst NPC: Judge Bergan
Worst Guest Character: Basch (when he has no equipment)
Worst Race: Garif
Worst Judge: None
Worst Weapon: Hand bombs
Worst Equipment: Mirror mail
Worst Magic: Status ailmnt inflictors
Worst Technick: First aid
Worst Gambit:Foe: party leaders target
Worst Quickening: Penelos
Worst Esper: Matues
Worst Hunt: Yiazmat
Worst Monsters: Flying
Worst Marks: Yiazmat and Behemoth King
Worst Villain: Vayne
Worst Airship: Bahamut
Worst Place: Byujerba
Worst Area: Garamsythe waterway
Worst Music:N/A
Worst Cutscene:Don'y Know
Worst FMV: first enter Bhujerba
Favorite Character: Ashe
Favorite Male Character: Basche
Favorite Female Character: Ashe
Favorite NCP: ---
Favorite Guest Character: Vossler
Favorite Race: Viera
Favorite Judge: Gabranth
Favorite Weapon: Tournesol
Favorite Equipment: Bubble Belt
Favorite Magic: Sleep
Favorite Technick: Steal
Favorite Gambit: Foe (nearest)
Favorite Quickening: Heaven's Wrath
Favorite Esper: Ultima
Favorite Hunt: Gilgamesh
Favorite Monsters: Cerberus?
Favorite Marks: Hell Wyrm
Favorite Villian: Dr. Cid
Favorite Airship: Strahl
Favorite Place: Rabanastre
Favorite Area: Garamysthe Waterway
Favorite Music: Kiss Me Goodbye
Favorite Cutscene: The Wedding Scene

Worst Character: Penelo
Worst Male Character: Balthier
Worst Female Character: Penelo
Worst NPC: --
Worst Guest Character: Larsa
Worst Race: Seeq
Worst Judge:--
Worst Weapon: The guns
Worst Equipment: Mirror Mail
Worst Magic: Reflect
Worst Technick: First Aid
Worst Gambit: I don't know
Worst Quickening: I liked them all
Worst Esper: Zodiark
Worst Hunt: Yiazment
Worst Monsters: The ones in Sochen Cave Palace
Worst Marks: The Flan
Worst Villian: Vayne
Worst Airship: Garland
Worst Place: Henne Mines
Worst Area: Stilshire of Meriam
Worst Music: Giza Plains
Worst Cutscene: The one with Penelo and Larsa
Worst FMV:--
Favorite Character: Balthier
Favorite Male Character: Balthier, Basch
Favorite Female Character: Ashe
Favorite NPC: Al-Cid
Favorite Guest Character: Larsa
Favorite Race: Hume
Favorite Judge: Gabranth
Favorite Weapon: Masamune, Tournesol
Favourite Equipment: Maximillian, Ribbon
Favorite Magic: Bubble, Renew
Favorite Technick: Expose
Favorite Gambit: Foe any- attack :wacky:
Favorite Quickening: Fires of War
Favorite Esper: Zodiark
Favorite Hunt: Yiazmat
Favorite Monsters: Bandercoeurls
Favorite Marks: Yiazmat, again
Favorite Villain: Vayne
Favorite Airship: Bahamut
Favorite Place: Rabanastre
Favorite Area: The Cerobi Steppe
Favorite Music: Battle for Freedom, Ashe's Theme, Ozmone Plains
Favorite Cutscene: The one at the Phon Coast with Balthier and Ashe
Favorite FMV: The ending one

Worst Character: Ba' Gamnan
Worst Male Character: Ba' Gamnan
Worst Female Character: None
Worst NPC: Ba' Gamnan (again, lol)
Worst Guest Character: None
Worst Race: Yensa
Worst Judge: None
Worst Weapon: The ones the characters start with
Worst Equipment: The ones the characters start with
Worst Magic: Level 1 elemental magic
Worst Technick: Numerology
Worst Gambit: Any of the foe-vulnerable kind
Worst Quickening: None
Worst Esper: Cuchulainn
Worst Hunt: Roblon
Worst Monsters: Hyenas
Worst Marks: Roblon, White Mousse
Worst Villain: None
Worst Airship: Leviathan
Worst Place: Yensa Sandseas
Worst Area: Yensa Sandseas
Worst Music: None
Worst Cutscene: None
Worst FMV: None
Favorite Character: Basch
Favorite Male Character: Basch
Favorite Female Character: Fran
Favorite NPC: -
Favorite Guest Character: Reddas & Vossler
Favorite Race: Viera
Favorite Judge: Gabranth
Favorite Weapon: -
Favourite Equipment: -
Favorite Magic: -
Favorite Technick: -
Favorite Gambit: -
Favorite Quickening: I liked all <3
Favorite Esper: Mateus
Favorite Hunt: I hated them all...
Favorite Monsters: Zombies! XD
Favorite Marks: -
Favorite Villain: Vayne
Favorite Airship: Strahl
Favorite Place: Archades
Favorite Area: Golmore Jungle
Favorite Music: the music when the imperials appeared... don't know the name :/
Favorite Cutscene: Basch & Vossler (I liked everyone, from the first at the beginning to the last)
Favorite FMV: The Ending

Worst Character: Balthier
Worst Male Character: Balthier
Worst Female Character: Penelo
Worst NPC: Al-Cid
Worst Guest Character: -
Worst Race: Seeq
Worst Judge: Bergan
Worst Weapon: -
Worst Equipment: -
Worst Magic: -
Worst Technick: -
Worst Gambit: -
Worst Quickening: the lv. 1 ones
Worst Esper: there were bad ones?
Worst Hunt: every hunt
Worst Monsters: flying ones
Worst Marks: -
Worst Villain: none
Worst Airship: Leviathan
Worst Place: Bhujerba
Worst Area: Lhusu Mines
Worst Music: -
Worst Cutscene: -
Worst FMV: -
Favorite Male Character: Balthier, Vossler, whathisname Marquis Ondore
Favorite Female Character: Penelo, Ashe
Favorite NPC: Rasler
Favorite Guest Character: LARSA!!!
Favorite Race: Hume
Favorite Judge: Bergan, Ghis
Favorite Weapon: Ragnarok, Scorpion Tail, the ninja swords
Favourite Equipment: Cat ear hood, that thing that gives you double EXP (I forget, is it Golden Tippet?)
Favorite Magic: Curaja, Scourge
Favorite Technick: Steal
Favorite Gambit: ?
Favorite Quickening: Penelo's and Balthier's
Favorite Esper: Zodiark, Ultima
Favorite Hunt: Gilgamesh, the Rogue Tomato was pretty funny
Favorite Monsters: The giant turtlies :D and of course, the mandragoras
Favorite Marks: ?
Favorite Villain: Vayne
Favorite Airship: I dunno, the Strahl?
Favorite Place: Rabanastre, Eryut Villiage
Favorite Area: Archadian Empire (Tchita Uplands, Phon Coast, etc)
Favorite Music: Rabanastre, the Sochen Cave Palace
Favorite Cutscene: Any of the cutscenes at Jahara, the Mandragoras
Favorite FMV: ?

Worst Male Character: Basch (he was boring)
Worst Female Character: None
Worst NPC: Al-Cid
Worst Guest Character: Reddas
Worst Race: Baknamy
Worst Judge: I forget his name, but the one you fight at Mt. Bur-Omisace
Worst Weapon: Measures
Worst Equipment: ?
Worst Magic: Confuse
Worst Technick: Poach
Worst Gambit: ?
Worst Quickening: ?
Worst Esper: Belias, Adremmalech (sp?)
Worst Hunt: Shadowseer
Worst Monsters: Not a single monster, but the ones that swarm in the lower levels of the Pharos were terrible
Worst Marks: ?
Worst Villain: Doctor Cid
Worst Airship: Dreadnought Leviathan
Worst Place: Westersand
Worst Area: The sandseas *shudders*
Worst Music: None
Worst Cutscene: Most of the beginning
Worst FMV:
Favorite Character: Larsa (infinite hi-potions XD )
Favorite Male Character: Balthier
Favorite Female Character: Penelo
Favorite NPC: Deweg or Gibbs (which ever one had Chocophobia XD )
Favorite Guest Character: Larsa! Infinite Hi-Potions! 8D
Favorite Race: Humes, of course.
Favorite Judge: Judge Judy. I mean, Zecht :P
Favorite Weapon: Fomalhaut
Favourite Equipment: Light Armor
Favorite Magic: Arise
Favorite Technick: Steal
Favorite Gambit: Foe: Nearest Visible/ATTACK.
Favorite Quickening: Element of Treachery "Here's she comes" ROFL. Also, Pyroclasm and Basch's third. Flame Purge, maybe?
Favorite Esper: Zalera
Favorite Hunt: Carrot hunt (requires nothing but fleeing, my speciality XD )
Favorite Monsters: Top Three: Saurian, Hare, Chocobo
Favorite Marks: Pylraster
Favorite Villain: Cid! Who doesn't like someone that listens to voices no one else can hear? XD
Favorite Airship: Alexander
Favorite Place: Eruyt Village
Favorite Area: Subterra
Favorite Music: Basch's Reminiscence. It's melodramatic, yes, but in a good way. Vocal music that doesn't use actual words :)
Favorite Cutscene: When Balthier gives Penelo his hankie ^^ So cute
Favorite FMV: Dawn Shard asploding the Leviathan! Cool! :P

Worst Character: Ashe for sure. Far to melodramatic. "I must... endure!" I rolled my eyes at all of her phrases
Worst Male Character: Vaan. Not character development at all.
Worst Female Character: Ashe, see above :P
Worst NPC: The Seeq outside Barheim. Oh our boss is stuck in their, but we won't go help him, nope. We'll just sit here like lazy pigs.
Worst Guest Character: Amalia :P Tryin' to take my Flan experience away from me. D:<
Worst Race: Seeq.
Worst Judge: Ghis. Anyone that old cannot be awesome enough to be a Judge XD
Worst Weapon: Staves. Rods were far more useful with my magick users.
Worst Equipment: Mystic Armor because it didn't really help me much, nor did it provide a useful advantage. Light Armor = great HP boost, Heavy Armor = HUGE defense boost
Worst Magic: Gravity magick. Rarely used it, and when I did, it always missed.
Worst Technick: Traveler.
Worst Gambit: Ally: Ashe XD
Worst Quickening: Northswain's Glow and Ashe's other Quickenings.
Worst Esper: Cuchulain
Worst Hunt: Thextera Hunt
Worst Monsters: Behemoths, they damaged themselves?! Too, too easy. I expected far greater difficulty than Giruvegan presented me with.
Worst Marks: Thextera, Yiazmat (wasn't even hard. It just took forever to kill him. His "limit break" was almost negated by my Windbreakers...)
Worst Villain: BaGamnan. WHY. WON'T. YOU. DIE??!?!?!!?
Worst Airship: Shiva
Worst Place: Babbling Vale, Mosphora Region
Worst Area: Starfall Fields. All those hours of stealing hides off those god damned Werewolves in 122333...
Worst Music: The Strike of a Blade
Worst Cutscene: Anything with Jules. The conniving bastard...
Worst FMV: The one the happens before you load your game up :P It's not bad, just my least favourite :P
Favorite Male Character: Balthier
Favorite Female Character: Fran
Favorite NPC: Montablanc
Favorite Guest Character: Larsa
Favorite Race: Hume
Favorite Judge: Ghis
Favorite Weapon: Handaxe
Favourite Equipment: Golden Amulet or whatever gives you double license points.
Favorite Magic: Curaja
Favorite Technick: Steal
Favorite Gambit: Doesn't matter
Favorite Quickening: Balthier's
Favorite Esper: Zodiark
Favorite Hunt: --
Favorite Monsters: Cactuars
Favorite Marks: --
Favorite Villain: Demon Wall
Favorite Airship: Shiva?
Favorite Place: Rabanastre
Favorite Area: Gizma Plains
Favorite Music: --
Favorite Cutscene: Vaan asking how old Fran is.
Favorite FMV: I forget

Worst Male Character: Vaan
Worst Female Character: Penelo
Worst NPC: --
Worst Guest Character: --
Worst Race: --
Worst Judge: All the others
Worst Weapon: Measures
Worst Equipment: --
Worst Magic: Silence
Worst Technick: Poach
Worst Gambit: --
Worst Quickening: --
Worst Esper: Belias
Worst Hunt: --
Worst Monsters: Most of them were quite annoying.
Worst Marks: --
Worst Villain: Flans?
Worst Airship: --
Worst Place: Ozma Plains
Worst Area: The sandseas
Worst Music: --
Worst Cutscene: Most were kinda boring so I skipped them
Worst FMV: --
Favorite Male Character: Balthier
Favorite Female Character: Fran
Favorite NPC: Montablanc
Favorite Guest Character: Larsa
Favorite Race: Viera
Favorite Judge: Gabranth
Favorite Weapon: Loxley Bow
Favourite Equipment: -
Favorite Magic: Tremor
Favorite Technick: Traveller
Favorite Gambit: All
Favorite Quickening: Evanescence
Favorite Esper: Mateus
Favorite Hunt: Trickster
Favorite Monsters: Dragons
Favorite Marks: -
Favorite Villain: Dr. Cid
Favorite Airship: Strahl
Favorite Place: Eruyit Village
Favorite Area: Dalmasca Estersand - Village
Favorite Music: Salika Wood theme
Favorite Cutscene: Balthier telling Ashe he's a Judge
Favorite FMV: Explosion of Leviathan

Worst Male Character: Basch
Worst Female Character: Mjrn
Worst NPC: Gibbs
Worst Guest Character: Penelo (at teh beggining)
Worst Race: Bangaa
Worst Judge: Ghis
Worst Weapon: Staffs
Worst Equipment: -
Worst Magic: Vanish
Worst Technick: Raise
Worst Gambit: Self - Attack :monster:
Worst Quickening: Maelstorm's Bolt
Worst Esper: Thunder Esper (can't remember name)
Worst Hunt: -
Worst Monsters: Giant Birds...
Worst Marks: -
Worst Villain: Vayne
Worst Airship: -
Worst Place: Henne Mines
Worst Area: Giza Plains - Nomad Village (the dry)
Worst Music: Archades theme
Worst Cutscene: -
Worst FMV: -
Favorite Character: Balthier
Favorite Male Character: Balthier
Favorite Female Character: Ashe
Favorite NPC: Vossler
Favorite Guest Character: Vossler
Favorite Race: Bangaa, Humes
Favorite Judge: Gabranth
Favorite Weapon: Greatswords and guns
Favourite Equipment: Thief's cuffs, embroidered tippet and golden armlet
Favorite Magic: Ensuna
Favorite Technick: Telekenisis, steal
Favorite Gambit:
Favorite Quickening: Fulminating darkness
Favorite Esper: zodiark
Favorite Hunt: gilgamesh
Favorite Monsters: anything that gives good exp
Favorite Marks:
Favorite Villain: Dr Cid
Favorite Airship: The Ifrit
Favorite Place: Rabanastre
Favorite Area:
Favorite Music: The one at the beginning where they show parts of Ivalice
Favorite Cutscene: The 1st with Al-Cid
Favorite FMV: The one at the end-ish where Archadia surrenders.

Worst Character: Vayne
Worst Male Character: Vayne
Worst Female Character: Jote
Worst NPC:
Worst Guest Character: Larsa
Worst Race: Urutan Yensa..? The desert people and the pigs at Nalbina
Worst Judge: That guy called Alexander or something - the rally strong one - beats up Drace.
Worst Weapon: Mythril sword
Worst Equipment:The ones that only work at full health
Worst Magic: poison
Worst Technick: charge
Worst Gambit:
Worst Quickening: Panelos are wierd... but the worst areis Vaans 1st
Worst Esper: Mateus
Worst Hunt:
Worst Monsters: the elder wyrm was annoying
Worst Marks:
Worst Villain: Vayne
Worst Airship: The Leviathan
Worst Place: The Sandsea
Worst Area:
Worst Music:
Worst Cutscene:

Worst FMV:
It's been awhile since I played, so if anything seems off, I apologize. :P

Favorite Character: Ashe
Favorite Male Character: Balthier
Favorite Female Character: Ashe
Favorite NPC: N/A
Favorite Guest Character: Larsa!
Favorite Race: Viera
Favorite Judge: Gabranth
Favorite Weapon: The Wyrmhero Blade
Favourite Equipment: Bubble Belt
Favorite Magic: Curaja
Favorite Technick: Steal
Favorite Gambit: N/A
Favorite Quickening: Ashe's 3rd
Favorite Esper: Zodiark
Favorite Hunt: Gilgamesh
Favorite Monsters: N/A
Favorite Villain: None
Favorite Airship: The Strahl
Favorite Area: Feywood
Favorite Music: Esper Battle
Favorite Cutscene: Balthier and Fran Entrance
Favorite FMV: The one at the beginning where Balthier picks Vaan up and jumps off of the building. ^_^

Worst Character: Vaan
Worst Male Character: Vaan
Worst Female Character: Penelo I guess
Worst NPC: N/A
Worst Guest Character: Vossler
Worst Race: N/A
Worst Judge: N/A
Worst Weapon: N/A
Worst Equipment: I THINK it was the dawn shard.. It was the one that silences on equip.
Worst Magic: N/A
Worst Technick: N/A
Worst Gambit: N/A
Worst Quickening: I hated the look of Balthier's first.
Worst Esper: C something... It was like Cu'chalan or something like that. The big green guy. :P
Worst Hunt: Yiazmat... It takes WAY too long to beat.
Worst Monsters: N/A
Worst Villain: Vayne
Worst Airship: N/A
Worst Place: The Great Crystal... I had to print out a map just to navigate that place. :P
Worst Music: Bhujerba Mines
Worst Cutscene: N/A
Worst FMV: N/A
Favorite Character: Gilgamesh
Favorite Male Character: Gilgamesh
Favorite Female Character: Ashe
Favorite NPC: Old Dalan
Favorite Guest Character: Reddas
Favorite Race: Viera
Favorite Judge: uhhh... I suppose Gabranth
Favorite Weapon: Masamune
Favourite Equipment: Nihopalola (I can't spell it)
Favorite Magic: Scourge
Favorite Technick: Steal
Favorite Gambit: Enemy HP = 100% (for stealing)
Favorite Quickening: Baschs second one
Favorite Esper: Chaos
Favorite Hunt: .... Oh just guess...
Favorite Monsters: Behemoths
Favorite Marks: See hunt
Favorite Villain: Gilgamesh doesn't count really does it? Good then Vayne
Favorite Airship: Strahl
Favorite Place: Giza
Favorite Area: what?
Favorite Music: I hated all the music.. Too generic
Favorite Cutscene: I supose Vaan asking Frans age
Favorite FMV: Finale where Balthier and Fran risk their lives

Worst Character: Vaan
Worst Male Character: Vaaaaan
Worst Female Character: Penelo
Worst NPC: That kid that hung around Vaan.. whatshisname
Worst Guest Character: Larsa.. Useful but annoyed me
Worst Race: Seeq
Worst Judge: Drace..was it?
Worst Weapon: All the measures
Worst Equipment: Shields.. Annoyed me because their desirable stats meant getting rid of a good weapon :(
Worst Magic: Vanish
Worst Technick: Most of them
Worst Gambit: Hard to say
Worst Quickening: Red Spiral
Worst Esper: Zeromus.. Can't kill anything
Worst Hunt: Flowering Cactoid
Worst Monsters: Wolves. Trying to pass through an area and having to take out your sword every half a second and for nothing
Worst Marks: Not sure
Worst Villain: Not sure
Worst Airship: Leviathan
Worst Place: Ester sand
Worst Area: Ester sand
Worst Music: Hated all of it
Worst Cutscene: Before entering Golmore
Worst FMV: I need to go so I can't think of one
Favorite Character: Vaan
Favorite Male Character: Vaan
Favorite Female Character: Ashe
Favorite NPC: King Raminas
Favorite Guest Character: Vossler
Favorite Race: Humes
Favorite Judge: Gabranth
Favorite Weapon: Durandal
Favourite Equipment: Durandal
Favorite Magic: Death
Favorite Technick: Infuse
Favorite Gambit: None
Favorite Quickening: Pyroclasm
Favorite Esper: Zalera
Favorite Hunt: Vorpal Bunny
Favorite Villain: Judge Gabranth

Favorite Airship: Balthier's airship
Favorite Place: Rabanastre
Favorite Area: Paramina Rift
Favorite Music: Clan Headquarters/Rabanastre, Paramina Rift
Favorite Cutscene: The one where Judge Ghis' airship blows up

Worst Character: Penelo
Worst Male Character: Judge Ghis
Worst Female Character: Penelo
Worst NPC: Judge Ghis
Worst Guest Character: None
Worst Race: Seeq
Worst Judge: Ghis
Worst Weapon: Any of the axes or hammers
Worst Equipment: Any of the axes or hammers
Worst Magic: Cure
Worst Technick: Libra
Worst Gambit: None
Worst Quickening: Intercession
Worst Esper: Belias
Worst Hunt: Trickster
Worst Villain: Judge Ghis
Worst Airship: Ghis' airship
Worst Place: Bhujerba
Worst Area: Golmore Jungle
Worst Music: None
Worst Cutscene: None
Favorite Character: Gilgamesh
Favorite Male Character: Balthier

Favorite Female Character: Ashe
Favorite NPC: Gilgamesh

Favorite Guest Character: Reddas

Favorite Race: Hume

Favorite Judge: Gabranth

Favorite Weapon: Tournesol

Favourite Equipment: Ribbon
Favorite Magic: Scathe
Favorite Technick: Steal

Favorite Gambit: --
Favorite Quickening: --
Favorite Esper: Ultima

Favorite Hunt: Trickster

Favorite Monsters: Omega MK XII
Favorite Marks: Yiazmat
Favorite Villain: Dr.Cid
Favorite Airship: Strahl
Favorite Place: Giruvegan

Favorite Area: The Crystal

Favorite Music: Clash on the Big Bridge

Favorite Cutscene: Gilgamesh first encounter
Favorite FMV:
When the Sun-Cryst explodes of Mist

Worst Character: Vayne

Worst Male Character: Vaan

Worst Female Character: Penelo

Worst NPC: Montblanc

Worst Guest Character: Vossler

Worst Race: Seeq
Worst Judge: Judge Ghis

Worst Weapon: Wyrmhero Blade

Worst Equipment: --

Worst Magic: --

Worst Technick: First Aid
Worst Gambit: --

Worst Quickening: --
Worst Esper: Belias
Worst Hunt: Behemot King

Worst Monsters: Pumpkin stars
Worst Marks: --
Worst Villain: Vayne
Worst Airship: --
Worst Place: Archades
Worst Area: Sochen Cave

Worst Music: --
Worst Cutscene: --
Worst FMV:
Favorite Character: Fran
Favorite Male Character: Balthier
Favorite Female Character: Fran
Favorite NPC: Jote, Mjrn, and the various Moogles XD
Favorite Guest Character: Vossler and Larsa
Favorite Race: Viera and Moogle, the Bangaa were pretty cool
Favorite Judge: Gabranth
Favorite Weapon: Diamond Sword
Favourite Equipment: I don't really have a fav for equipment
Favorite Magic: Bubble possibly
Favorite Technick: Poach =P
Favorite Gambit: Don't have one.
Favorite Quickening: Shatterheart
Favorite Esper: Ultima
Favorite Hunt: Trickster, haven't beaten it but I still like it XD
Favorite Monsters: Mu, they are cute XD
Favorite Marks: Feral Retriever
Favorite Villain: Cid XD he's plesantly insane
Favorite Airship: The Strahl and The Shiva
Favorite Place: Eruyt Village and Rabanastre
Favorite Area: The Salikawood
Favorite Music: Eruyt Village
Favorite Cutscene: Just as they get to the Phon Coast
Favorite FMV: Flying to Bhujerba, I thought it was nice

Worst Character: Panelo
Worst Male Character: All the males were pretty ok
Worst Female Character: Panelo and Kinda Ashe
Worst NPC: The brats in Archades
Worst Guest Character: None
Worst Race: Seeq
Worst Judge: Bergan
Worst Weapon: Oaken Pole
Worst Equipment: I'm not really sure.
Worst Magic: Idk.
Worst Technick: Shear sorta
Worst Gambit: They are all pretty ok
Worst Quickening: Red Spiral
Worst Esper: None
Worst Hunt: Very First one.
Worst Monsters: Elementals
Worst Marks: Not sure
Worst Villain: None
Worst Airship: Not sure
Worst Place: Balfonheim

Worst Area: Garamsythe Waterway
Worst Music: Zertinan Caverns
Worst Cutscene: None actually, they are all pretty good.
Worst FMV: None