Favourites & Worsts List

Favorite Character: Basch
Favorite Male Character: Basch
Favorite Female Character: Ashe
Favorite NPC: Gabranth
Favorite Guest Character: Reddas
Favorite Race: Esper :P
Favorite Judge: Gabranth
Favorite Weapon: Masamune
Favourite Equipment:-
Favorite Magic: Renew
Favorite Technick: Libra
Favorite Gambit: -
Favorite Quickening: Flame Purge
Favorite Esper: Zalera
Favorite Hunt: Every
Favorite Monsters: Cactoid
Favorite Marks:-
Favorite Villain: Gabranth
Favorite Airship: Balthier's
Favorite Place: Arcades
Favorite Area: -
Favorite Music: Esper's Theme, Theme of the Empire
Favorite Cutscene: Basch as Jezus! HALLELUJAH! and when Ashe slaps Basch
Favorite FMV: Opening and Ending

Worst Character: Uncle Haleem or whatever
Worst Male Character: Uncle Haleem
Worst Female Character: -
Worst NPC: Vayne
Worst Guest Character:-
Worst Race: Bangaa
Worst Judge: Bergan
Worst Weapon: Zodiac spear for being so hard to get
Worst Equipment: -
Worst Magic: -
Worst Technick: Steal, barely works on me
Worst Gambit: -
Worst Quickening: All of Penelo's are pretty girly and pathetic to watch
Worst Esper: Cunnshfasijshjs Whatever his name is -_-
Worst Hunt: Hell Wyrm, Yiazmat
Worst Monsters: Magic Pot
Worst Marks: Hell Wyrm, Yiazmat
Worst Villain: Vayne
Worst Airship: -
Worst Place: Magicite Crystal in Giruvegan
Worst Area: Crystal
Worst Music: -
Worst Cutscene: When Gabranth is forced to kill Drace T.T
Worst FMV: Whenever Vayne's on screen it's pretty dreadful
Favorite Character: Balthier
Favorite Male Character: Balthier
Favorite Female Character: Fran
Favorite NPC: Montblanc
Favorite Guest Character: Reddas
Favorite Race: Viera
Favorite Judge: Gabranth
Favorite Weapon: Ragnarok
Favourite Equipment: Genji Armor
Favorite Magic: Flare
Favorite Technick: Steal
Favorite Gambit: None
Favorite Quickening: Shatterheart
Favorite Esper: Ultima
Favorite Hunt: A Wild Stench
Favorite Monsters: Wyrms
Favorite Marks: Trickster
Favorite Villain: Vayne
Favorite Airship: Strahl
Favorite Place: Eryut Village
Favorite Area: Archades - Riennna
Favorite Music: Eryut Village
Favorite Cutscene: Meeting Balthier and Fran for the first time
Favorite FMV: None

Worst Character: Penelo
Worst Male Character: Vaan
Worst Female Character: Penelo
Worst NPC: Kytes
Worst Guest Character: None
Worst Race: Nu Mou
Worst Judge: Bergan
Worst Weapon: None
Worst Equipment: None
Worst Magic: None
Worst Technick: None
Worst Gambit: None
Worst Quickening: Intercession
Worst Esper: Belias
Worst Hunt: Rogue Tomato
Worst Monsters: Slime
Worst Marks: None
Worst Villain: None
Worst Airship: None
Worst Place: None
Worst Area: None
Worst Music: None
Worst Cutscene: First cutscene with Vaan
Worst FMV: None
Favorite Character: Basch
Favorite Male Character: Basch
Favorite Female Character: Ashe
Favorite NPC: Larsa vayne battle
Favorite Guest Character: Reddas
Favorite Race: Humes
Favorite Judge: Gebranth
Favorite Weapon: Fomalhaut
Favourite Equipment: Bubble Belt
Favorite Magic: aga spells, cura and curaga
Favorite Technick: Steal
Favorite Gambit: Attack
Favorite Quickening: Heavens wrath
Favorite Esper: Mateus
Favorite Hunt: Haven't done all of them yet, will get back to you once I've done
Favorite Monsters: So many cant decide
Favorite Marks: Same as favorite hunt
Favorite Villain: Dr Cid
Favorite Airship: Strahl
Favorite Place: Balfonheim
Favorite Area: Cerobi Steppe
Favorite Music
5. Estersand
4. Theme of the empire
3. Boss Theme
2. Giza Plains, Tchita Uplands
1. Pharos First Ascent
Favorite Cutscene: Still Thinking
Favorite FMV: Same Applies

Worst Character: Vaan, hes okay but not really worthy.
Worst Male Character: Vaan
Worst Female Character: None
Worst NPC: None
Worst Guest Character: None
Worst Race: None
Worst Judge: None
Worst Weapon: ALL HAND BOMBS
Worst Equipment: None
Worst Magic: None
Worst Technick: None
Worst Gambit: None
Worst Quickening: None
Worst Esper: None
Worst Hunt: None
Worst Monsters: I dunno wolfs?
Worst Marks: None
Worst Villain: None
Worst Airship: None
Worst Place: None
Worst Area: None
Worst Music: None
Favorite Character: Basch
Favorite Male Character: Basch
Favorite Female Character: Ashe
Favorite NPC: Judge Ghis
Favorite Guest Character: Reddas
Favorite Race: Moogle
Favorite Judge: Ghis
Favorite Weapon: Deathbringer
Favourite Equipment: Zodiac Escutcheon
Favorite Magic: Scourge
Favorite Technick: Libra
Favorite Gambit: HP < 30% = Curaga
Favorite Quickening: Maelstrom's bolt
Favorite Esper: Adrammelech
Favorite Hunt: N/A
Favorite Monster: Ash Wyrm
Favorite Marks: N/A
Favorite Villain: Gilgamesh!
Favorite Airship: Leviathan
Favorite Place: Ozmone Plain
Favorite Area: Ozmone Plain
Favorite Music: Gilgamesh <3 (clash on the big bridge)
Favorite Cutscene: Gilgamesh!!
Favorite FMV: N/A

Worst Character: Fran
Worst Male Character: Vaan
Worst Female Character: Fran
Worst NPC: Vossler
Worst Guest Character: Vossler
Worst Race: Viera
Worst Judge: Drace
Worst Weapon: Gilt Measure
Worst Equipment: Ensanguined shield
Worst Magic: Slow
Worst Technick: Numerology
Worst Gambit: N/A
Worst Quickening: Red Spiral
Worst Esper: Zeromus
Worst Hunt: N/A
Worst Monsters: N/A
Worst Marks: N/A
Worst Villain: Vayne
Worst Airship: Bahamut
Worst Place: Giza plain (dry)
Worst Area: Giza plain (dry)
Worst Music: Giza plains
Worst Cutscene: N/A
Worst FMV: N/A
Favorite Character: Gilgamesh
Favorite Male Character:
Favorite Female Character:
Favorite NPC:
Can't decide
Favorite Guest Character:
Favorite Race:
Favorite Judge:
Judge Zargabath
Favorite Weapon:
Wyrmhero(Because it makes that funny squeak noise on each hit :3)
Favourite Equipment:
Can't decide
Favorite Magic:
Favorite Technick:
Favorite Gambit:
HP < 30% = Curaga
Favorite Quickening: Maelstrom's bolt
Favorite Esper:
Favorite Hunt:
Can't decide
Favorite Monsters:
Ash Wyrm
Favorite Marks: Can't decide
Favorite Villain:
Favorite Airship:
Favorite Place:
Balfonheim Port
Favorite Area:
Necrol of Nabridia
Favorite Music:
Clash on the Big Bridge
Favorite Cutscene:
When vaan ask Fran her age
Favorite FMV:
The entire last battle

Worst Character:
Worst Male Character:
Worst Female Character:
Worst NPC:
Worst Guest Character:
Worst Race:
Worst Judge:
Judge Zecht
Worst Weapon:
Gilt Measure
Worst Equipment:
Ensanguined shield
Worst Magic:
Worst Technick:
Worst Gambit:
Self = Attack
Worst Quickening:
Red Spiral
Worst Esper:
Worst Hunt:
Little love on the Big Plains
Worst Monsters:
Worst Marks:
Can't decide
Worst Villain:
Worst Airship:
Worst Place:
Worst Area:
Omzone Plains
Worst Music:
The Dalmasca Westersand
Worst Cutscene:
When you first meet penelo after she takes your bag of coins away.
Worst FMV:
Vaynes Speech
Last edited:
Favorite Character: Bashe and Lord Larsa.
Favorite Male Character: Bashe.
Favorite Female Character: ... I'm not sure I was that fond of any of them. :sad3:
Favorite NPC: None.
Favorite Guest Character: Lord Larsa!
Favorite Race: Moogle.
Favorite Judge: Gabranth.
Favorite Weapon: Ashe's sword.
Favourite Equipment: None.
Favorite Magic: Flara and Cura. And Ensuna! Haste!
Favorite Technick: First Aid was pretty useful for the first 5 hours. I would not have passed the underground dungeon without it! :gasp:
Favorite Gambit: Hm, wasn't there one which encouraged the other members to attack the enemy you had chosen? Or one which encouraged them to attack the weakest? :hmmm:
Favorite Quickening: None.
Favorite Esper: None... I wasn't really fond of the Espers. :/
Favorite Hunt: None.
Favorite Monsters: Wow, I can't decide!
Favorite Villain: Vayne.
Favorite Airship:
Favorite Place: Rabanastre!
Favorite Area: Sandeas. There was a pretty awesome swamp area too. And the snow-covered mountains! The whole world was pretty great, really. :)
Favorite Music: Kiss Me Goodbye, Giza Plains.
Favorite FMV: Opening, the scene in which Fran and Balthier ride the flying bikes (or something of the sort) and first meet Vaan, Ashe and Recks, the Ending.

Worst Character: Vaan.
Worst Male Character: Vaan. Cid was also a little too eccentric for me.
Worst Female Character: Hm... Ashe could be an absolute... She was unecessarily nasty. :hmph:
Worst NPC: Cid.
Worst Guest Character: None.
Worst Race: None.
Worst Judge: None.
Worst Weapon: None.
Worst Equipment: None.
Worst Magic: None.
Worst Technick: None.
Worst Gambit: It was more to do with combinations...Some caused utter chaos! :gasp:
Worst Quickening: None.
Worst Esper: I didn't like any of them. :sad3:
Worst Hunt: The Tomato hunt towards the beginning was horrible. I felt so underlevelled... I don't really like grinding that early on in a game. -_-
Worst Monsters: The large, furry crocodiles were a bit weird...
Worst Marks: None.
Worst Villain: Cid.
Worst Airship: None.
Worst Place: One of the final dungeons...I think it was a tower? Anyway, it was very monotonous. -_-
Worst Area: None.
Worst Music: I didn't DISlike any of it, but the OST is one if the weakest.
Worst FMV: None.
Favorite Character: I have a few... Balthier, Fran and Ashe.

Favorite Male Character: Balthier, for so many reasons that have everything to do with my sexual attraction toward him. I have no regrets.

Favorite Female Character: Depends on the day. Today, it's Ashe, because she is most defined by her strong will. She is proud and irritable, but she is also determined, very loyal, and fiercely independent. She selflessly fights for her kingdom, sword in hand, and leads The Resistance. Her sense of justice and righteousness is what fuels her determination, and she will stop at nothing to restore her family to its rightful place. Who can't love her? She's delicious.

Favorite NPC: Larsa. That's one fucking amazing kid, let me tell you what.

Favorite Guest Character: Reddas; Badass, strong, wished he stayed put longer. Sometimes I call him Redass. You know, as in what your bum looks like after a good spank?

Favorite Race: Viera, but only because they're so graceful, feminine and strong. Their beliefs and values are ones I could do without. I quite liked Garif too, they were pretty neat.

Favorite Judge: Gabranth, especially at the end there.

Favorite Weapon: Aldebaran was so fucking sweet looking. They're weak ass weapons, but my brother and I had such a great time getting Balthier guns that just kept looking better and better each time. After the Aldebaran, the looks just went downhill from there. Shit's legendary.

Favourite Equipment: There was no "maybe" about the Battle Harness. It was convenient as hell, and I never questioned whether or not it was a waste of space.

Favorite Magic: Scathe is so much fun, even though the accuracy stinks.

Favorite Technick: I hated all of them, since there was a risky catch to each one. If I had to choose, I guess I'd pick First Aid. It was okay for a while there at the beginning of the game.

Favorite Gambit: I'm a big fan of the super convenient ones, like have my strongest warrior (Basch) perform sodomy on the foes who are at critical status, making that top priority, while the rest of my party focuses on whatever they're currently doing.

Favorite Quickening: Anything performed by my favourite characters. I love seeing the spotlight on them while they show off their badassery.

Favorite Esper: God, I only obtained so many. I fail so hard at them. I looked them up on the Wikia just now though, and I guess I'd choose Ultima or Zodiark, even though I've never used them. They look pretty sweet, and I like the Dark/Holy elements.

Favorite Hunt: I don't knowwww, they're all so much fun. I like fighting dinosaurs, and the hunts with a bit more of a story to them that continue on for a bit (like the Flowering Cactoid) were pretty neat too.

Favorite Monsters: The Tyrannosaurs!!

Favorite Marks: Any of the difficult ones, since after I slaughter them, it feels so fucking good. I wish I could take a leg and feed it to my party or something. That would hit the satisfactory mark 100%.

Favorite Villain: Doctor. Fucking. Cid. Excellent character, excellent voice acting, excellent story, just excellent all around. He's hilarious as fuck too. "Pirate scum of the skies!" It's kinda hot when Balthier gets made fun of. It's even hotter when he looks slightly sore by it. What's wrong with me?

Favorite Airship: Any of the ones I actually got to run around in.

Favorite Place: This one is hard. I don't think there's a single one I can actually choose, since all of the places I like have a great thing about them. Whether it's the people and their stories, the environment, the mosters, it's all for a different reason. I can't choose.

Favorite Area: Same answer as above.

Favorite Music: I cannot find the title to this song, but it plays in one small area with a crystal, and it can't be found in any other part of the game. It does get used for the RW though, when you save your game. I love that music, it's lovely. I'm also a fan of the themes for Paramina Rift and Eruyt Village.

Favorite Cutscene: Anything with humour, I suppose. So that's a lot with Balthier. I can't single any out, it's been a while.

Favorite FMV: I don't know, they were all pretty basic. I can't think of one that made me go "wow!". I'm sure there's one that I really enjoy though. Like I said, it's been a while, so I can't tell you which that is exactly.


Worst Character: Vaan, naturally. I don't know if they wanted to recreate Tidus or what, but he was useless in every way I can think of.

Worst Male Character: Vaan.

Worst Female Character: Penelo, I guess. She's alright. Useless, like Vaan, but I only choose her because she doesn't stand a chance against the alternatives.

Worst NPC: Any of those little fucking kids. Screw everything to do with Vaan.

Worst Guest Character: Can I consider Reks a guest character? Sure, let's go with that.

Worst Race: Baknamy, those fucking monkeys.

Worst Judge: Any. I don't know, they were all the same shit to me.

Worst Weapon: FUCK measurements and FUCK hand-bombs. Garbage.

Worst Equipment: They were all good. Bangle, I guess? I don't know. Never had use for it.

Worst Magic: I guess any of the ones that inflict negative status on enemies, since everyone was immune anyways. Especially when it mattered most, like on bosses.

Worst Technick: Every single last fucking one of them.

Worst Gambit: None that comes to mind. They were all extremely convenient.

Worst Quickening: Anything Vaan the fuckface had to offer. Weak piece of shit.

Worst Esper: ...All of them, I dunno lol. They have time for fuck sakes! That was always so lame to me, especially since I was so used to Aeons.

Worst Hunt: lol those god damned ones that you spend hours looking for, only to find that you can't get to them because you need to go all the way to the other end, or you need some sort of a fucking key, or some shit.

Worst Monsters: Any cheap ones with 300million HP, limitless magick and stronger than you forever. Though I can appreciate them for encouraging strategic thinking.

Worst Marks: Same as worst monsters.

Worst Villain: Vayne was pretty lame.

Worst Airship: I dunno, I can appreciate them all I guess,

Worst Place: Giza Plains. Boring as fuck, repetitive, and I just get so impatient when passing through it. I wanna leave so desperately once I enter.

Worst Area: I don't see a difference between worst place and worst area, to be honest. So my answer for worst place still stands.

Worst Music: Chocobo theme, but even that isn't so bad.

Worst Cutscene: Those first bits when you're being Reks. God, the beginning of this game did it no favours, let me tell you.

Worst FMV: Anything with just Vaan and Penelo, if those exist.
Favorite Character: Ashe
Favorite Male Character: Balthier
Favorite Female Character: Ashe
Favorite NPC: Vayne
Favorite Guest Character: Reks
Favorite Race: Human
Favorite Judge: Gabranth
Favorite Weapon: Spears
Favourite Equipment:
Favorite Magic:Ultima
Favorite Technick:
Favorite Gambit:
Favorite Quickening:
Favorite Esper:
Favorite Hunt: Gilgamesh
Favorite Monsters: Mesmenir
Favorite Marks:N/A
Favorite Villain: Vayne
Favorite Airship: Dreadnaught Leviathan
Favorite Place: N/A
Favorite Area: N/A
Favorite Music: None
Favorite Cutscene: Anything with Ashe
Favorite FMV: Marriage at Start

Worst Character: Fran
Worst Male Character: Vaan
Worst Female Character: Fran
Worst NPC: Migelo
Worst Guest Character: Reddas
Worst Race: Urutan-Yensa
Worst Judge: Bergan
Worst Weapon: Rod
Worst Equipment: N/A
Worst Magic: Fire
Worst Technick: N/A
Worst Gambit:Auto Potion
Worst Quickening:
Worst Esper: Cuchulain
Worst Hunt: Rogue Tomato
Worst Monsters: Alraune
Worst Marks:N/A
Worst Villain: Bagamnan
Worst Airship: Bahamut
Worst Place: Pharos
Worst Area: Golmore Jungle
Worst Music: Soundtrack
Worst Cutscene: When Vaan wants to go home and Penelo says no (after being kidnapped), and then they go on an adventure because she said so….
Worst FMV: N/A
Favorite Character: Ashe
Favorite Male Character: Balthier
Favorite Female Character: Ashe
Favorite NPC: Mjrn
Favorite Guest Character: Larsa
Favorite Race: Nu Mou
Favorite Judge: Gabranth
Favorite Weapon: Masamune
Favourite Equipment: Genji Gloves
Favorite Magic: Dark
Favorite Technick: Telekinesis
Favorite Gambit: Foe > Party Leader's Target > Attack
Favorite Quickening: Maelstrom's Bolt
Favorite Esper: Chaos
Favorite Hunt: Gilgamesh
Favorite Monsters: Dreamhares
Favorite Marks: Same as hunt... if you're referring to rare game then Helvenik or Bombshell.
Favorite Villain: Doctor Cid
Favorite Airship: Strahl
Favorite Place: Old Archades
Favorite Area: Nabreus Deadlands
Favorite Music: A Time for Rest
Favorite Cutscene: First cutscene with Doctor Cid
Favorite FMV: Balthier and Fran's introduction

Worst Character: Not sure
Worst Male Character: Meh.
Worst Female Character: Penelo
Worst NPC: Monid
Worst Guest Character: Vossler
Worst Race: Seeq
Worst Judge: Bergan
Worst Weapon: Any rods or measures
Worst Equipment: Ensanguined Shield
Worst Magic: The ones that inflict negative status effects are useless. Also, water sucks since there's no watera/waterga.
Worst Technick: Hard to say, since most of them sucked anyway.
Worst Gambit: None
Worst Quickening: Whip Kick
Worst Esper: Cuchulainn...
Worst Hunt: Ixtab
Worst Monsters: Magic Pot
Worst Marks: I don't know.
Worst Villain: Vayne
Worst Airship: None
Worst Place: None
Worst Area: Dalmasca Westersand
Worst Music: Kiss Me Goodbye
Worst Cutscene: None
Worst FMV: None