Fan Fiction Fellow Writers - Come Chat!

Before I ask anything else, I would like to ask if anyone is willing to critique my original short story? I already did this in another forum but I only had a response from two people reviewers. I want ask if I can PM anyone about this and later email it to them but then I would to ask if they could PM me back with advice, I would appreciate it!

Hello, I would just like to ask a question about constructing a story overall. I know that they may already been questions like this but I really need some advice on some matters:

1. Is there any right or wrong to construct a story? I have many ideas in head but sometimes after a little awhile they change sometimes. What are some ways that can construct an overall storyline and what are some outlines that I can use?

2. I am trying to construct some multidimensional characters that don't fit into on trope or description but sometimes even after watching television or reading a few books that is hard to do at least for me. Do you of anyway that I can design such characters and how do know if I designed a good character as not to turn off the readers.

3. I want know how to describe objects, people and place and even though I am already good with this, compared to most writers I believe I could do better with description. Do you know of any way that practice description.

4. Last thing, should I compare my works to that of other writers? I know that I am a good writer myself but compared to most fanfics, original works, short stories and even novels I am not sure if I will ever be that good. Should compare myself to those writers or should I just run my own race?
Guernsey, here's my email:

Go ahead and send it to me.

1. Is there any right or wrong to construct a story? I have many ideas in head but sometimes after a little awhile they change sometimes. What are some ways that can construct an overall storyline and what are some outlines that I can use?

There definitely isn't any specific way to write a story. I think you're halfway to a good story if you use proper spelling and grammar in the first place. The rest of it comes through based on the interest of the story, how well it goes from one situation to another, adjectives (Huge!), and many other things change. Also, writing outlines works wonders. If you have the vaguest idea then you can write it down. Then work on how you can get to that situation. Or do you want to start their? if so, what would happen because of it and how will that effect anybody involved in the situation. Every story could go on for thousands and thousands of pages. We just have to know which details to include, and where it should start/end.

2. I am trying to construct some multidimensional characters that don't fit into on trope or description but sometimes even after watching television or reading a few books that is hard to do at least for me. Do you of anyway that I can design such characters and how do know if I designed a good character as not to turn off the readers.

Well, first off, your protagonist will always need one thing- something the reader can relate to. Your protagonist needs a Hubris, or some character flaw for him/her to improve upon. Secondly, there's a "form" that I always fill out to make sure I cover everything.

Body Type:
Face Type:
Clothing Style:
Speaking Style:
General Demeanor:

Anything you personally feel isn't necessary for your character, you don't have to fill out. Not all of the information you do fill out will end up in a story. You just need to know your character so that you know how they'll act in each situation.

3. I want know how to describe objects, people and place and even though I am already good with this, compared to most writers I believe I could do better with description. Do you know of any way that practice description.

Description is something I think that once you reach a certain point, the only way to get better is to practice. Start with a very simplistic sentence. Then, look at it. We'll use an example.

"He opened the door."Now in order to make this sentence more interesting, we have to beef it up.

"John opened his door." Now we have familiarity with the character and we also know this he owns this door. It isn't just any door, it's his.

"John slowly opened his door, wary and watchful of what may be on the other side." This process can be done over and over, until you're finally satisfied.

"John took three deep breaths, just like his therapist told him to whenever he was under stress. John had a fair feeling he knew what was on the other side of his front door, but he needed to face it. Breathe in. Exhale slowly. He closed his eyes and cracked the door open. He saw the light filter through and as he saw a silhouetted figure begin to run toward him, he forgot everything his therapist had said to do when he panicked. All John could do is pray everything worked out as his vision turned to black and he saw the ground come up to meet him." Through this process an entire paragraph of information can be spilled out. This paragraph, in relation to the initial sentence, is much more likely to catch someone's interest.

4. Last thing, should I compare my works to that of other writers? I know that I am a good writer myself but compared to most fanfics, original works, short stories and even novels I am not sure if I will ever be that good. Should compare myself to those writers or should I just run my own race?

That's completely dependent on what you personally want. Most people would tell you that you should go at your own pace, but that's only if that's what you want. I understand where you're coming from; I often used to ask for advice with my writing, and I took what people said and made particular note of it. If you plan on RP'ing, posting fanfics, etc. then you would of course, want to outshine others, so that people will read your story. Most people want an audience, afterall. If you write for enjoyment, then take it at your own pace. If you want to improve, then comparison would help. Read others' stories and see what they have that you don't. Can they deliver humor well? Suspense? What emotions did you feel when writing and how can you make people feel similarly with your own?

Well, I hope I helped. Good luck with your writing, and you'll have to let me know if you end up posting anything here on FFF. Have a nice day.
Just introducing myself here. Names Royce and I'm an Author. I don't really write fan fic so unfortunately I don't have anything great to add story wise. Great to see other writers though.
Keep it up!
Hey, my names Artemis and I'm not sure about my story. I haven't gotten alot of comments on it, and I'm sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. Bad Thing meaning I should probaly just stop writting it.
^I'll check it out.

Hi, everyone. You can call me BlueMage. I'm new around here and don't know anyone. But, I'm hoping to meet new people. I once turned down an invite to a party because I didn't know anyone at the thing, then my friend replied, "That's how you meet new people."

So, with that in mind, I'll take the plunge and see if I can't meet any new friends.

Now, I haven't written any FF fanfics (that I want to show off), but I do have some work in Megaman.
You can find them Here and Here
And that's the only time I'll plug my own work.
Yeeeah...I'm just gonna come right out and say it.

As you know, I've been writting The Abyss is Forever, but I feel it hasn't got enough of a response for me to carry it on, writing it consumes too much valuable time. I would write it if I knew a fair amount of people were enjoying it, but until then, I won't be writing much more, because as you might know, time is something I'm starting to lack at the moment, and I can't spend this time writing something just to entertain a small amount of people. If people have been enjoying it, then please comment, I can't expect this knowledge to jump into my head.

To the small portion that have been enjoying it, I'm sorry to inform you of this, but once it gets more of a response, I don't see the point in continueing the story, especially if chances are, it's crap.
Ah, hey. Old member returned. I recently started writing a Final Fantasy fan fic to spend the waste some extra hours I gain during Summer. Chapter 3 is up, read it if you want, comment if you want, thank you.
Let me spread a little wisdom to you two.

I used to start plenty of fics, and I'd usually abandoned them because nobody was posting. So, all my writing and planning was just wasted effort on my part. Firstly, what I discovered, is that you've got to write a story for yourself - because the World Wide Web is vast and infinite, and your story is just another drop in the ocean, filled with much better distractions like online Manga, Comics, Youtube, and X rated stuff

Secondly, since you're writing it for yourself, make sure its a story that you feel has to be told. Or, else why bother telling it at all.

I had a few readers, and very few posters to my works on But, even though it took me months to update them, I never abandoned them, because they were stories I really wanted to tell.

Now, I remember what it was like when I first started out. I was constantly looking for affirmation from my fellow writers. So, in the spirit of that. I'll go read the first chapter(s) of your stories.
I am writing this one for myself because I became so immersed in Crisis Core that I had lots of ideas come to mind at once. I sorted through them and arranged a story told through another who isn't in the story and who will be used as a link between characters.
Sorry, about that. I lumped you two together when I shouldn't have.

My bad.

But my advise still stands for those that are thinking "I'll quit, if no one posts soon." You should do it because you want to write it, not because you want people to applaud you. You're usually not going to find people willing to post.

Sad, I know. But, that's just now the Net entertainment works out. You can threaten to not update, but people won't care. If you won't produce, they'll just get their fix someplace else. Everyone is giving it away for free, so people will turn to someone else who's not so needy.
I thank you for the review anyway, thanks. I enjoyed reading it and have taken it on board, but I planned to describe him later, the next chapter actually.
Well, currently I'm writing both Heroes: Another Story (A fanfic based on the epic series of Heroes :) ) And Darkness Of Destruction (A story with many characters from FFF in, specifically Rene Skylar, Faith Crest and Filden Gurito) Currently I'm taking a break from DoD and concentrating mainly on Heroes, though I will slowly be writing the next chapter for DoD you're more likely to see more chapters of Heroes than DoD
I'm taking my stories a bit slow at the moment too, considering I don't have a computer to use, apart from when I'm in college.
Hm, a chatting place for writers? That could be the place to ask something.
I've been writing fantasy stories so far. And nobody in my family wants to read them. (They all don't like fantasy <<") So I decided to write a "murder story" for my mother. It also has to be a murderer who has psychological diseases.
Now that sounds easier than it is, because I have NO IDEA where to start. '-'
So my question is: Has anyone written a thriller or a "short murder story" (that sounds stupid, but someone has to die XD) yet and could help me a bit?
I dont tend to write stories, i'm prefer writing poetry more. Theres more feeling in it for me

I posted a few a while back but they're not there anymore :(
Yes, this thread isn't just about writing. It's for poets, too! I just put the "Fellow Writers" bit in because that's what this section is all about ...
What I'm trying to put through is, I'm quite lacking of freetime, and due to the small amount of comments, I would assume that the quality of my story is poor, therefore, there is a lack of sense in continueing (it's just like broadcasting a show that get's poor view ratings and bad reviews, but continueing it nonetheless)

As I said before though, if the thread receives a fair amount of posts, then I will continue. I was thinking though about doing a comedy, it's what the comedy should be is that I'm thinking off, I'm either going to do one of four things:

1. A Big Brother House that stars some of either the FFF community or Final Fantasy characters, and offer the readers a chance to vote.

2. A story about a school with various FFF members that often lands themselves in funny and akward situations

3. A story about a few FFF members as they have trouble with their jobs and, like with the school, often land themselves in akward situations.

or 4. A Story of very obsessed FF fans, (Still deciding whether to have it star FFF members) set in the year 2020, where science has developed the closest thing to magic it could make, and these FF fans have offered themselves as test subjects to this experience they have named 'Project Materia' (Yes, it will be in the form of materia, but unlike the game, the materia will be surgically installed.) The story will show them both gain and suffer with this, using the powers to help themselves and have the upper hand in fights, but also suffer due to side efforts (Due to this, expect some dark humour)

All three will be written in an anime-ish fashion.

If there is a story you want to see in particular, tell me, because I'm having quite a bit of trouble deciding, however, I think I may enjoy the Big Brother idea the most. Also, if you do recommend the Big Brother idea, tell me who you want it to be in it. (Remember, either FF characters or FFF members)
Bahamut's Heir: Seems to me, that if you do a, how would you call it, "friends insert" fic, then you should really only expect for whoever you're inserting to be reading it. Which limits your reading base to however many FFF Members you insert.

In addition, it seems unlikely that you'll nail the personalities of the members you're inserting, so, in the end, you'll be using characatures that happen to share members names. Inserting Members into your last story didn't bring the post count up, so what evidence is there that it'll work this time?

You should skip the middleman, and write your comedy with characters that you can make up yourself, and name them yourself.

If you need a gimic, the cast can be Final fantasy Job classes, and you can play against type, or go with the flow. Like a story version of 8-Bit Theatre. Or, don't limit yourself to just the Big Brother house, instead expand into an Animal Crossing town, with 4 main characters planting flowers, choping trees, digging for fossils, and fixing the town. And, writing letters to neighbors, or angry letters to other characters.

I think that has more potential for hijinks.