Fan Fiction Fellow Writers - Come Chat!

If anyone can PM me or give me their email to review my story, I would appreciate it.
Allo, all. I'm writing a book, currently on my second draft. It's an original story in an original setting with original characters. It is a fantasy story.

Yes, I made the world and magic mechanics in one day. Ph34r my skillz. :P

The theme poses the question of, is there such a thing as destiny or do we just fulfill omnious 'prohecies' unintentionally by our own actions? When it comes right down to it, it's about whether we choose to fulfill our own destinies or not.

I'm very close to finishing Part One. :nana: It's taken me all summer to get this far!

Is anyone else writing an entirely original story?
Yes I am, actually. Well actually, it's kind of finished but it's just a short story, slightly based off of something that happened in my life. I'm not sure I should share it around though because the theme isn't exactly something that makes you think; at least I didn't think of it like that. I wrote it for fun, I guess. So I'm not sure anyone wants to see it.

Cuz I really want to read it!

However, I'm afraid I'm not going to post my story here. Seeing as I want to get it published, I cannot jeopardize it being stolen. My sincerest apologies.

But I will post some short stories! I'll post one right now!!
I'm working on a novel, but it's on hold for my dissertation. Meh. I was supposed to finish it last autumn while I was on sabbatical for surgery and homebuying, but I let myself fritter away what spare time I had in other pursuits. Idjot.

Right now I'm only good for fanfic. It's junk food, but it's useful practice.
Alrighty here goes, Currently I'm writing two stories, a Heroes fanfic called Heroes: Another Story and of course my biggest one so far Darkness Of Destruction. I'm currently on a hiatus from DoD at the moment to work on Heroes and I'm also considering doing a little life story of Rene Skylar and his friends.

P.S there's a new chapter for people who read my fanfic.
I posted a thread on my poetry called, 'Feir's Poetry' for anybody who likes...poetry. :D
I don't mind if anyone decides to check it out.
>.< See this is why I don't post anything here. No one bothers to post it and say 'yeah, it sucked lemons.' Not even that. I mean, I don't expect people to go on a posting rampage, but when something so short is up for quite a while, you think one dang person would have something to say?

Screw it, just screw it.....
I've done a short on my gal's life after the events of Final Fantasy X, but skipping X-2 entirely... I.e., her future from that sad FFX ending onwards is completely different and has nothing to do with X-2 anymore!

I've opened up another thread but i guess for every1's benefit, i should write that little story here also, eh?
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No, this isn't where we write little stories. This is just where writers come to discuss their stuff. DM, hon, you need to calm down...Not everybody on this forum are writers or do they like to sit and read fanfiction. ^_^ If you want people to read your stuff, I suggest advertising it in your sigs.
Dragon Mage, I'd be happy to read your stuff when I got the time. Right now, I'm figuring out what to do in the next installment of FFF Crisis II and thinking of updating FFF Heroes at the same time.

And also, not to sound too petty, but ... I was wondering if we could have this thread stickied? Sometimes, it's hard for me to find this thread and I think it stands out from the others. Plus, new writers could find it easily.
Stuck as per request.

I don't really write that much fanfiction. And I don't write much anyways. If I did, it would most likely be short stories because then I don't have to worry about rhythm and such like you would in poetry. I'm terrible at it.
Thank you, Angelus. ^_^

I mainly write fanfiction, but want to stick to more original stories. The only problem is that people tend to read more fanfiction and don't give originality a chance.