Fan Fiction Fellow Writers - Come Chat!

If there any Twilight fans out there, could you possibly read my fic called Salvation and comment on it? It's about Edward becoming human and is from his point of view. Thanks to those who can!
Thank you, Angelus. ^_^

I mainly write fanfiction, but want to stick to more original stories. The only problem is that people tend to read more fanfiction and don't give originality a chance.

That's true for art too though. I draw Sephiroth, and people are attracted to it like flies to honey. Then I draw something original, and nobody cares.
Sayuri said:
No, this isn't where we write little stories. This is just where writers come to discuss their stuff. DM, hon, you need to calm down...Not everybody on this forum are writers or do they like to sit and read fanfiction.
If you want people to read your stuff, I suggest advertising it in your sigs.

Calm down? Do I need to calm down? I wasn't aware that I needed to calm down. Trust me, I've far to go before I get to the point where I may need to calm down. ^^

And this is my point: I don't write fanfiction. I don't. I don't. (I'll say it again) I don't write fanfiction.

And reading other's work should be a common courtesy in any writing forum. You shouldn't HAVE to advertise your work in order to get it read--it should be a duty of those that frequent the writing forum to post their work, read other's work just because it's there, and to give their opinon of it. This goes for everyone.

If people post their work, it's obviously because they want it to be read, not ignored. If it is ignored, then what's the point? And If people post their work to be read, it's obviously because they want some outside opinions, not silence.

It's simple logic, really. And I think it should be integrated into the rules of the writing forum asap, for the sake of being fair to everyone, and that everyone gets what they want from here. Otherwise, just what the heck is this place for? For people to get praise and nothing else? What happens to those people that want actual feedback in order to improve? Will they simply go forgotten? We must make changes now if several people actually want to get something out of this forum.
Agreed, Dragon Mage. I only put my stories in my signature, so that it's easier for others to find them.
And this is my point: I don't write fanfiction. I don't. I don't. (I'll say it again) I don't write fanfiction.

And reading other's work should be a common courtesy in any writing forum. You shouldn't HAVE to advertise your work in order to get it read--it should be a duty of those that frequent the writing forum to post their work, read other's work just because it's there, and to give their opinon of it. This goes for everyone.

If people post their work, it's obviously because they want it to be read, not ignored. If it is ignored, then what's the point? And If people post their work to be read, it's obviously because they want some outside opinions, not silence.

It's simple logic, really. And I think it should be integrated into the rules of the writing forum asap, for the sake of being fair to everyone, and that everyone gets what they want from here. Otherwise, just what the heck is this place for? For people to get praise and nothing else? What happens to those people that want actual feedback in order to improve? Will they simply go forgotten? We must make changes now if several people actually want to get something out of this forum.

I completely agree, actually. I know I got some response when I posted my short stories and poetry, but I also know that other people don't get as much response, nor do I myself even go out of my way to give any response.

I think part of it has to do with not knowing when someone wants critique or when they want 'praise'. There are people that don't want to hear, "You need improvement on this, and then it'll be good." Maybe we could have a form people should fill out whenever they post something in here. It could tell if they're posting poetry, fanfiction, original work, etc, as well as if they want critique, feedback, if negative is acceptable, preferred, etc.

Personally, as flattering as positive feedback is, it doesn't tell me much about how to improve, so personally, I'd love negative feedback, wish advice on how to improve. We could even make a second form that has a rating system for the piece being reviewed, where it needs improvement, what was done well, etc.

Does this sound like it'd be acceptable, or did I take an idea and run too far with it? :P
Well, Newgrounds does that kind of thing with the flash movies people submit. In fact, it's all about criticism and ratings and such; I have no idea how they generate so much feedback that way. It could just be that they're flash movies though; maybe that's why.

The problem with getting people to read your stories is the same problem with getting people to see your artwork--either they'll only look at it if it interests them, or they won't leave comments, either because they know they can't give you anything constructive, they don't care to, or they don't really have an opinion of it. With the latter, the problem is that you don't know how many people have read your stories and simply decided not to say anything. There's a big difference between people seeing artwork and reading stories thought--the latter takes time.

There's a lot of people I know haven't read my stories or don't care to comment on them, which is fine with me because I know it won't be interesting to everyone who reads it. I didn't exactly post it solely for the sake of feedback; I was also a little curious to see how many people actually cared to read it, and it's there for the people who enjoy it. If they don't, that's fine too; I know I'm not a good writer.
I haven't read your work, but I feel you shouldn't go saying that you aren't a good writer.

Anyway, I understand what you're saying, and I suppose my implication was that if someone posts writing, then they should leave at least one feedback on someone else's. Or, if a writer leaves feedback, then they could also leave a link to one of their own pieces, where whomever they left it to could leave them one. It wouldn't be mandatory, as there's no way we could enforce something like that, but sure as hell common courtesy, right?
What kind of feedback though? Some people just leave simple comments because they read for fun, and can't really offer constructive criticism, either because they don't notice the stuff that needs to be improved, or they have nothing to say about it. Maybe they know they can't offer any constructive criticism, and don't comment at all because they don't want to leave simple comments that aren't useful to the writer. The only thing it does is say that you read it, unless that's exactly what you want.

I know I'm not a good writer. I have a terrible time understanding how people feel, so I'm bad at characterization and I don't have good rhythm.
Doaj said:
I think part of it has to do with not knowing when someone wants critique or when they want 'praise'. There are people that don't want to hear, "You need improvement on this, and then it'll be good."

Sorry to sound callous, but if they don't like it then too bad. Personally, I find it downright embarassing when all people do is nod and smile at my work when they KNOW it's utter crap. I would gratefully accept all critiques that would make me less of a fool of myself on the internet.

Personally, as flattering as positive feedback is, it doesn't tell me much about how to improve, so personally, I'd love negative feedback, wish advice on how to improve. We could even make a second form that has a rating system for the piece being reviewed, where it needs improvement, what was done well, etc.

Does this sound like it'd be acceptable, or did I take an idea and run too far with it?

It's sounds like a wonderful idea to me. I'm actually a member of a Creative Writing forum on another website, and they already have a critiquing system as well as critiquette. (etiquette for critiquing). I'm going to contact the admins of the forum and ask if I can basically copy their rules and apply them to here. That way everyone can get what they want and there are's no uncertainty as to whether your piece will be read and that you'll get help on your writing.

Anyway, I understand what you're saying, and I suppose my implication was that if someone posts writing, then they should leave at least one feedback on someone else's.

Ah ha! How funny you should mention this, for that is exactly what the rule is on that forum I mentioned. Only they say it's 'giving back to the community'. In order to get a critique, you must return the favor. It's that simple.
Sorry to sound callous, but if they don't like it then too bad. Personally, I find it downright embarassing when all people do is nod and smile at my work when they KNOW it's utter crap. I would gratefully accept all critiques that would make me less of a fool of myself on the internet.

I understand that completely; I'm the same way. My point was that not everyone wants that type of criticism. If anything, we could leave 'Writers Boulevard' and make a separate one specifically for harsher criticism. That way the reader knows what they're getting into beforehand and and doesn't have to specify in each specific thread.

It's sounds like a wonderful idea to me. I'm actually a member of a Creative Writing forum on another website, and they already have a critiquing system as well as critiquette. (etiquette for critiquing). I'm going to contact the admins of the forum and ask if I can basically copy their rules and apply them to here. That way everyone can get what they want and there are's no uncertainty as to whether your piece will be read and that you'll get help on your writing.

Doesn't sound bad to me, just so long as we have a few people look at it, make sure the general public agrees (I doubt they'd have a problem if it has been instated somewhere else).

In order to get a critique, you must return the favor. It's that simple.

As it should be.
In all honesty i agree, I'd love if more people read our work, but the only problem is half the people in the forum don't. Why? For the simple reason that they aren't as interested as us in poetry and writing and what ever else.

I think we need more poetrists on the site. The best you can do is advertise in siggies. And as for criticisms if any Doaj...your vocabulary is quite good. You have a variety of poems and isn't cliche'd, they are good length and have emotion in about using different style? Such as ABAAB, or ABCABC?
I don't generally post in different styles. I just write it all through once, decide if I like it, and delete it if I don't. And then I usually end up disliking a piece after a couple days. Those are the ones I decide to edit.
Anyway, I can give those styles a try.
Doaj said:
I understand that completely; I'm the same way. My point was that not everyone wants that type of criticism. If anything, we could leave 'Writers Boulevard' and make a separate one specifically for harsher criticism. That way the reader knows what they're getting into beforehand and and doesn't have to specify in each specific thread.

That's another possibility, but that entirely depends on how busy and willing our admins are. Also to consider is will the server support that much of an extra dataload? Truthfully, I don't think you should posting just for shits and giggles. It's supposed to be serious. No one wants to display their inadequacy at writing. They want to write the most powerful story or poem ever made. So, if they want to improve, they can say that in the thread description. (The forum I mentioned earlier used to use the Fujita scale for critiquing, F1 being mild crits, and F5 being very hard crits.) If they don't want that critique at all, then they just don't put it in the descriptor--and they'll be left alone. A lot less stress on everyone I think.

Of course, the other option is to just come to the other Creative Writing forum and join there. Be warned though--they do not take liking to any kind of fanfiction.

Dark-Angel said:
In all honesty i agree, I'd love if more people read our work, but the only problem is half the people in the forum don't. Why? For the simple reason that they aren't as interested as us in poetry and writing and what ever else.

Well then, that's fine. We don't need the opinions of the uninterested and the inexperienced. Those few people that do read, however, and DO crit--that's what counts. You don't need a jury of 50 people--one or two is good enough.

I think we need more poetrists on the site. The best you can do is advertise in siggies.

Poets and writers alike are needed. But it's not the size of the community that matters, it's the few valuble crits that are given that does. And that has nothing to do with population stats, if you catch my drift. And advertising in siggies is simply not going to cut it. Depending on people to click on a link in your siggy and reading it AND giving a crit--all out of the goodness of their heart--is fond thinking. We must establish an assured way of friendly and helpful critiquing and reading all across this forum in order to get anything done.
Of course, the other option is to just come to the other Creative Writing forum and join there. Be warned though--they do not take liking to any kind of fanfiction.
Can you give me a link to that Creative Writing forum? I might want to check it out.
Well, since writing is a major part of my life (for personal and educational purposes), I think I should contribute to this thread as well. :3

I've got a myriad of stories from over the years; most of what I write is fan fiction, but I have dabbled with the idea of an original plot or two as well. And although the majority of what I write now is yaoi, I do try to throw in something different every now and then.

One thing I've always really been interested in is write a collaboration piece with someone else. I think I might've done it once before in a creative writing class or something, but I haven't had the chance to do it again, even though I very much enjoyed it the first time.
I've started writing a Kingdom Hearts Fan-Fiction. It's called Kingdom Hearts - Stand Together. It is for the mere fun of writing it to be honest. I've decided to post it on the forums if anyone is interested. Even if it isn't at all popular, I'm still gonna write it because I have fun doing so.

It is a story about some events that occur after KH2, focusing on how Kairi felt about everything that happened, the relation bulding up between Sora and Kairi, and shows how I think their school lives are.
Just joined the forum and this area appealed to me :P
I enjoy writing and have written short stories and fan-fictions all my life. Although I hardly ever finish them as I get new ideas and can't wait to try them.

I'm attempting to write my first proper story. I guess it's a novel, but that sounds too professional. I may put it up if I get round to planning it fully and actually writing it.

A question; when you are thinking of ideas for a story do you always think "Oh this happened in so-and-so game or movie I can't do that"? It's hard to think of anything completely orignal these days.
I usually make a connection between movies, anime, games, books, etc when I'm thinking of an idea to write about, but I never stop myself from pursuing it just because someone else has. There's always going to be a slight variation even if the same concept was explored by another individual, and even then you can always simply add elements from other sources. Not only that, but there are some genres that haven't yet been completely exhausted; it's easier when you choose one and work around what people still want to see.