Fan Fiction Fellow Writers - Come Chat!

Can anyone give me tips on how to write a good psychodrama? I was hoping to create a fic with KH as inspiration but at the same time I don't enough to write a story like that down. I don't know if I could but nevertheless I going to give it my best shot and also I would like to know any authors who had done it before so that I can learn from them.
As I have already said before in one of my random threads I'm preparing to write a new story. I roughly know the story but I have yet to develop it and I need help on some Japanese names for my characters. I think I'm going to name my story "In Search Of A Dragon and a Dancing Girl". Here's a little information about my story.

A young girl living in the early 20th century is raised by a wealthy English family. She is well mannered, intellegent and shy. What she never knew was that she was much different than others. Whenever she goes to town people look at her with confused eyes "Just ignore them. They're jealous of your beauty" Her mother would say. But one day her patience finally breaks.
"Why am I different?" she cries. Only then she finds out she is not English at all. She has Japanese blood flowing through her veins. Her so-called family refuse to explain more. What she does know was that she was "given" over to her English parents by a mystereus armoured man when they were on a visit in Japan. Although she knows little she is determined to find out who her parents are, and do whatever it takes to get to Japan.

There's a huge spoiler I have in my story, so I'm not sure wether I should tell you.
I'm writing my 1st chapter and I'll make a thread about it, but I think I'll need someone to read over and check my mistakes etc.
[Highly inspired by Arthur Golden*]
Been a while since this thread had a post in it, but whoops. I revived it. xD

As writers, what do you feel motivates you to actually produce something you think is really good? For me, if I ever experience writer's block that happens every once in a while, then I turn to listening to music and watching films that have recently been released.

For instance, the new Transformers film has got my creativity buzzing right now ...
Music for me. I'll hear a beat in a song that just strikes something within me and inspires me to write. If it's piano I usually come up with something soft or romantic, if it's the drum beat, something dramatic, and so on. I rarely suffer writers block anymore... I get something completely opposite.

I'll end up with so many ideas for my story that if I don't write them down and lay them out, the become jumbled and confused. You should see the several pages of information I have laid out for my Bleach Fic. Which is going to have a shit load of chapters btw. :wacky:
The ideas themselves are what drives me. It could be an idea for a scene, or a character, or a theme, or sometimes just a single sentence. But whatever it is gets in my brain and forces itself to want to come out. So I flesh it out from there. Like Vikki, it's not uncommon for me to end up with pages of skeleton outlines, notes, maps, changes, etc.
My greatest problem is having too many ideas. The plot bunnies are always multiplying until my head is so filled with ideas, I can't think of anything to write because I'm being pulled in so many directions.

I tend to write what I like to read... Fanfiction with new original characters/fan characters inserted into the fic as the main character. I don't mean self-insertion fics, but those are sometimes fun... I like the OC/FC to be new and interesting and not focused on hooking up with the guy or girl of her choice.... Like Tseng, Cloud, or even Tifa. Though, don't misunderstand me, if there's a romance between the OC and a canon, it should be well written to make it seem believable that such a romance could even happen.

I like stories that have a new plot, even though obviously AU.

Inspiration usually comes to me when I watch too much Final Fantasy VII vids, cutscenes, or the Advent Children movie. Only series I know anything about. XD

Though a problem people complain about me, I leave holes in the details of any story I write until halfway into the story where you learn... Why certain events happened or the truth behind a certain character's motives.
I love fan fiction. I mean, I'm in the process of writing an FFF themed Bleach fic without the Canon Shinigami. Only the Antagonists from the series. It's just fun to throw different people into an already created universe xD

Though I'm also writing my own Original story too so I can alternate.

I really need to focus some more on writing today though. >_>
Music, rereading or watching canon material (for fanfic), reading other people's great writing for inspiration, those all help. Sometimes, however, I find I just need to step away and let the muses percolate for a while.

Hello, people. I've been gone forever.

I just wanted to tell Final Fantasy fanfiction writers about something, and I'm not sure where this news should go.

There are annual awards each year for FFVII Fanfiction: the Genesis Awards.
This year, they've also opened it up to Final Fantasy X fanfiction.

So if you've written fanfiction in either of those, or (even better) have read some good fanfiction in one of those fandoms, may I humbly suggest going to the Genesis Awards and checking out their nominations threads, rules, etc, and/or nominate a piece you think deserves recognition?

I'm a little wary of posting a link, because I don't want to break advertising rules. But this isn't my site or my contest -- I just heard about it on LJ recently.

They seem like a good group of writers.

Anyway, if interested, Google "Genesis Awards Final Fantasy" and that should get you there.
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At the moment, I'm doing too many stories. Like, way too many. Not cool. :wacky:

So I'm doing these ...

FFF Crisis III: Rising of the Netherworld - The sequel to FFF Crisis II: Goddess of Death. It will be a mixture of drama, humour, romance and such.

FFF Origins - The prequel to FFF Crisis, telling the story of the three years that led to the events of the other three follow-ups.

Angels & Monsters - An original series based around vampires, including a Spanish one. Vampire hunters and themes of humanity are visited frequently.

Last Daughter of Heronia - Sci-fi romantic comedy based around an alien landing on Earth and clueless to everything, whilst remaining low.

Paranormal Emergency! - Possibly a more relaxed version of the FFF Crisis series. Comedy and unnatural disasters all around it!
Even though i'm only writing the one story I seem to be at a loss for inspiration during the day. I'd probably have a chapter every day if I had the inspiration and creativity when I was sat at the computer, as opposed to lying in bed xD

Also, on a slightly related note. At most i'll be going up to chapter 9 till the 4th, when i'll be away. When I return i'll continue :grin: (unless Dissidia or FF1 drag me away :wacky:)

I'm up to chapter 32 on my epic Final Fantasy X AU (see my sig), with a couple huge fight sequences on a scale with a good boss battle (I hope). I ended on a quadruple cliffhanger (character death, Auron in an impossible situation, Vegnagun vanishing and going somewhere, and Sin about to pulverize the city).

And now I'm having trouble picking up. I know what happens next. I've got a good grip on the ten jillion plot threads. Yet it's hard to keep juggling them and presenting them in a compelling, vivid way. I shot all my bullets in the last two chapters, apparently.
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I have an awful lot of series in progress too Faithy. :gasp:

Bleach: The End of Everything: Bleach Fanfiction with none of the canon shinigami. FFF members featured instead. Though the antagonists/Arrancar are there.

Blood Conflict: My Novel fantasy series. Six parts each with three parts/books each. Hopefully. It's my lifetime series :wacky:

Heroes Armageddon: Heroes fic featuring specific FFF members. ;))

The Shattered Heart: A kingdom hearts fanfic based around the Organization.

Along The River: Branch off from my Blood Conflict series.

There are several others, but I don't feel like listing em. :wacky:
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Can anyone point me to some FF or KH Darkfics? I am looking for some inspiration for my story and I need a new place to start.
What do you mean by darkfics?

My AU sequel to FFX (click my signature for link) is pretty danged dark. Yuna's dead, Lulu's Sin (and a cranky, vengeful Sin at that), Auron's getting old and struggling not to lose hope and turn into a fiend, Isaaru's only half the summoner that his predecessors were, and for the first part of the story Auron isn't sure which of Yuna's other guardians survived the Final Summoning.

I've only posted the first few chapters here -- I'm trying to update slowly so as not to be a doublepost spammer *sheepish grin* -- but I'm gonna post some more in a day or two. The next chunk is rather Operation Mi'ihen like.
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Ah shat, I just realized I should post here.

Ah! Well, after a lot of work and dedication and plenty of encouragement from readers, I've finally finished my FF7 fanfic "After AC". Though to some of the hard-core shippers it may seem like a Cloti deal, it really is the farthest thing from that. I just wanted to write a story where the characters would settle down in what I thought to be a realistic way.

And I made plenty of funnies in there too. Because, of all games I can think of, FF7 was low on funnies.

So, anyways, I've ended it just short of 100 pages (99 pages to be exact) and it's around 52,000+ words. I'm proud of it. :D
Dragon Mage: Buried in my own epic writing madness right now, which isn't sufficient excuse, but I say: congrats on FINISHING longfic. Especially when you're taking canon and extrapolating. Gap-filling and "where do they go from here?" stories are great, and too many people reduce complex games/stories/groups of characters to "what ship is it?" :)

(I say this with some irony, considering my username)
The problem is with me is that there are far too many ideas to fit in my head. You get all these wonderful ideas for a fanfiction or original work, but then don't know how to put the words down. First chapters are always (particularly the very FIRST one itself) are a major pain. I always let the words flow, but then you can imagine how insecure I feel. Is it good enough? Could it be improved? Should I tone it down?

When it comes to writing professionally, I'll be worse. :wacky:
Auronlu said:
Dragon Mage: Buried in my own epic writing madness right now, which isn't sufficient excuse, but I say: congrats on FINISHING longfic. Especially when you're taking canon and extrapolating. Gap-filling and "where do they go from here?" stories are great, and too many people reduce complex games/stories/groups of characters to "what ship is it?"

(I say this with some irony, considering my username)

Ah! thank you very much, Auronlu! I truly appreciate your appreciation for this kind of fic. I must get some chocolate to celebrate. ^^

And by the way: On another forum, my fic prooved so popular that the readers are demanding a sequel! Specifically, a sequel concerning the events of the 2 children of the main characters that made them as famous as their parents. ^^ I should post this on and see if it gets any reaction.

Faith Crest said:
The problem is with me is that there are far too many ideas to fit in my head. You get all these wonderful ideas for a fanfiction or original work, but then don't know how to put the words down. First chapters are always (particularly the very FIRST one itself) are a major pain. I always let the words flow, but then you can imagine how insecure I feel. Is it good enough? Could it be improved? Should I tone it down?

This is a common problem for a lot of people. I agree with you, first chapters are a BITCH. I've been through this so let me give you some advice:

First, your ideas are great! Don't write them down in-story though. The first thing you should do is make a seperate document and in there explain to yourself how all of this works, how it happens and why, and how your chacters play a role in it. A case of idea-overspill can kill your story easy--if you can't think of a way to make an idea work with the rest of the story, then set it aside for use somewhere/sometime else or alter it a lot so it can fit.

Second, things shouldn't be too complicated. Slowly explain everything to yourself again. If it's too convoluted for any reader to understand quickly, abandon that idea but consider placing it elsewhere.

A story should have about 5 smaller 'story-lines' or 'braids' as they're called. Each braid follows a different character or someone involved in what's going on. Maybe the idea you have would serve better in a different braid than the one you have it in now?

Third, make sure ALL your ideas are fully fleshed out. It helps you get a better idea of what kind of impact that idea will have and how influential it is on the story overall.

Fourth, when you have all your ideas solidly put down and you've organized what goes where and effects what how, then you can start writing. The first thing you want to ask yourself is 'how can I start this in an interesting way?' Sort out the many ways your protagonist (NEVER start with the antagonist!) could be introduced and pick the one you think feels best.

Remember, the major key is organizing your ideas and understanding them to the fullest. You can't begin writing if you find out you don't know why things are the way they are! (Trust me, I know!) And never be afraid to discard an idea and substitute a new or altered on. Your story will grow over time as you go back and constantly tweak it a little.

Don't second-guess yourself! I cannot stress the importance of this enough. When you think you got soemthing down fairly well, don't give 2cents worrying about if it's too much and can be toned down, or if it can be improved. The answer to that is easy: it can always be improved. That being said, nothing in the world is ever perfect, but you can get damn close.

After you got it down in what looks fairly good, put it up and ask for suggestions. Readers will ALWAYS find something to be fixed that you wouldn't have thought of. Thus begins the next draft, but it can't be started until you finally throw all worry out the window (tied to a piano for good measure) and bluntly ask for creative critique.

I'm on the 4th draft of my book and I would never have gotten there if people hadn't honestly told me that my first ideas weren't working. The result? I world-rehaul. Literally. I had to dramatically change my world-setting for my book (it's a fantasy) compared to my very first draft. But really, I only made small, gradual steps in getting it to the perfect setting it is now.

Your goal is to do the same thing, albeit in different ways. But this rule is the most important: Toss caution out the wind and just write and rewrite!

Also, when you go to do revision, it is just that -- re-vision. You're re-envisioning your setting/plot/character/whathaveyou. That means a whole new creature than the original.

So, I hope this helps you out a bit! And good luck on your writing. (+rep if anyone liked it or thought this helped out!)
Well, after letting a bunch of ideas for stories swirl around in my head for a while, I've decided to start one multi-chapter story and not work on anything else until I finish it. The only problem is that there are two multi-chapter stories that I'm eager to write, and I'm wondering which sounds more interesting.

The first is a fan fiction I started about two years ago, but only wrote one chapter. It was a sequel to Chrono Cross and Chrono Trigger that starts directly after the conclusion of CC and stars Kid. Though I only wrote one chapter, I want to start from the beginning and finish it. The first chapter can be found here if you are interested:

Story summary:
Now that Fate has been defeated, the worlds have returned to how they once were. It is as if it never happened. The people have been given the chance to rewrite their stories – this time – without the influence of Fate. How will one girl choose to live this new life she has been given. Can she be happy? Or will she risk everything for the one thing she is missing?

The second story is a prequel to Final Fantasy IX called Rose of May. It takes place about 14 years before the start of FFIX, and it is about how Beatrix became a general of Alexandria. The idea of the story was inspired by fan lyrics made for Beatrix's theme "Rose of May" as seen here:

Here's what I have for the summary of the first chapter:
In that quiet village by the countryside, young and innocent maidens were known as Roses of May after the field of flowers that bloomed on the outskirts of the settlement each spring. Though this village was beautiful and peaceful, it was not out of reach from news of war and violence. Seduced by words of glory and honor, the Roses of May were spirited away by chivalry's call. Far from where innocence lies...
I've been writing since I was twelve...
It was the time after I finished reading the Silmarillion by JRR Tolkien.
I got so obsessed with fantasy literature that I couldn't stop myself.
Of course it was a bit lame at the beginning but soon I liked it and never stopped since then.
The thing is... it's in Greek, but I'll try to write something in English a.s.a.p.