FF Cosplay.

Wow these costumes are amazing I wish I had a Tidus costume because I exactly look like him omg and those girls exactly look like Tifa and Yuna. Except the eye color for Yuna. This is hot!!!!

Myself as Larsa and my friend CJ [Youtube Kefka] as Balthier.



Aaawweeeeesome Squall.



Best. Yuna. Ever.


Another awesome Yuna.


Preeetttttyyyyy Tifa.

Lots of good Yunas, apparently.

Another pretty Tifa.

ALL TOTALLY AWESOME! You look great as larsa! way to go!!
Indeed, amazing stuff here. I envy people who can dress up and just let rip and have fun! Sadly in the UK you can get beaten up for stuff like that and theres nowhere to cosplay to.
The outfits are amazing, and Contra, you really are fantastic at cosplaying. All outfits are stunning!

@ Saphire Star - It is a shame indeed SS -_- but they do actually have the conventions...just very few people go dressed up.

I really wanna do it, but I don't wanna get on the train and tube dressed up.

But there is a way...You could carry your outfit in a bag and then get changed in the toilets, I'm considering trying it.
There are anime conventions in the UK and lots of people cosplay at them. I'm not sure where these comments are coming from. The conventions may not be large in size (1300 people at most, and often well under 1000) but they're there, and cosplay is one of the biggest aspects of it, including FF cosplays.

These are two of the UK cons next year which have sites at the moment - and two more should be running next year too (Minami in Southampton in March, and possibly Aya in the University of Warwick in August).

Then there's MCM London Expo (in May and October every year) - not a convention, and nowhere near as good as one, but it's a decent enough weekend event, with some cosplayers too.
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Wow, these are amazing cosplayer pics! Personal fav so far is the one with the King Tonberry. Ain't he precious? First time I've seen such good photoes, and a decent one with Edea.
I'm quite tempted to go to the one in Southampton... Should I get a good Squall costume and gunblade together (gunblade shall be fun to get, what with the mothership and all)
Be warned if you do want to go to the one in Southampton - it is only 350 capacity and fills up very quickly (a day or two usually after opening registration) - though there is a waiting list you can go on once it gets fully booked, in case people cancel etc. And if you get high up on the waiting list you have a chance of being offered a place. Registration for next year's (which takes place at the end of March I think) hasn't opened yet, but may open very soon - best thing is to keep an eye on the home page:

If you already know all this, apologies for rambling on XD
Lol - you make a great Larsa and your costumes are amazing - I never knew that people put so much effort into cosplays and looked that great. The Tifas and Yunas were great and so was the Dirge of Cerberus (was it?) crew.
Wow, great stuff!

I like the "Lol"-cosplay^^
Whole party killed because of a king Tonberry-thingy?

Great stuff, really^^
Where do you find so many dedicated Final fantasy friends to do all this dressing up with?
Im the biggest FF fan I know. Though I guess when I was younger I knew more.