FF Panties


Sep 18, 2006
This is on loads of other forums, but i fell i must spread it like genital herpes, in the best way possible. Basically, you take a phrase from a final fantasy game, replacing one or two words with the word "panties", to induce comic effect. For example: When Dagger tlaks about "hating her eidolons so much i wanted to destroy them", that could be changed to, "I hated my panties so much, i wnated to destroy them".

Got it Memorized?

(I reeeeeeeeeeally like that phrase)
Sephiroth once said (not really): Me and panties will destroy the earth and use it as out vessel.
Cait Sith:"Listen you stupid, slimy, sleazy old scab bag! If you want to get women, there is such a thing as the RIGHT panties!"
Rikku: Panties are nice, but thats all they are

Tidus:I Dont care about your panties!

Biran:Kimahri so small cant see Yenke and Birans panties

Luzzu: See? Keep your panties down, say "sir" a lot and youll do fine

Yenke: Poor Kimahri! Lost his panties, and now lose his summoner

Auron:The red panties have teeth

Yojimbo: If you desire my panties, you must pay a price

Kid in Kilika: When i grow up, i want to be panties!

Lulu: The Dead Need Panties
Vocalisers in OWA: Estuans interius
ira vehementi
Estuans interius
ira vehementi
Hojo:You see,I left him locked up in the panties and tampered with him.You may retrieve him,but it is only optional.
Dilly-Dally, Shilly-Panties(you know, it makes more sense this way)
Seifer: Wanna hear about my ROMANTIC panties?
Sora: Ansem! I mean, Xehanort's PAnties!
Draclau: "Here now! Are you saying the panties lied?!"
Agrias: "N-no, I didn't mean that...."
Rikku: Panties are nice, but thats all they are

Tidus:I Dont care about your panties!

Biran:Kimahri so small cant see Yenke and Birans panties

Luzzu: See? Keep your panties down, say "sir" a lot and youll do fine

Yenke: Poor Kimahri! Lost his panties, and now lose his summoner

Auron:The red panties have teeth

Yojimbo: If you desire my panties, you must pay a price

Kid in Kilika: When i grow up, i want to be panties!

The one about Luzzu fits so amazingly well!

anyway how about:
Wakka: "just hold your chocobo's 'til then" to
"just hold your panties 'til then"
Cloud: Stay where you belong. In my panties!

Tifa: What's it going to be? Panties or us?

Yuffie: Alright, Who's been touching my panties?

Yuna: One more thing, the panties that we have lost,
and panties that have faded. Never forget them.

Reno: It's Jenova's friggin panties.

Rufus: A good son would have panties.

Rikku: We don't have anything against panties!
Tonberry: Panties!

A few that I can remember from other FF games...

?: WARRIORS! Revive the power of the PANTIES!

Gilgamesh: Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S PANTIES TIME!

Vincent: The panties... How appropriate.

Squall: ...Panties.

Squall: To tell you the truth... I worry too much about what others think of panties.

Zell: If it's Odine brand, it should be pretty effective! They're NO.1 when it comes to magical panties!

Zell: Why don't you try to show a little more panties...? You know, like me!

Seifer: I prefer to be called her panties.

Seifer: This is the scene where you swear your undying panties for me!

Naja Salaheem: Forever! Always! Until death! You panties are my pawns.