FF role models

Ashe B'nargin

Sweet Gambler..
Jan 18, 2009
The Local Coffee bar
Is there any Final Fantasy characters that you look up to, inspire to be or want to be ?
That you relate to their storyline, personality and past and how they managed to conquer their past and bad memories and you just really powerfully respected that character.

Or maybe you see a character that you look up to because he/ she has nice hair/ wears nice clothes - or maybe you would like to be that character because he/she has amazing confidence, or is a great amazing leader or just looks cool within the shadows - standing alone looking rather anti-social.

Used to look up Rinoa from FF VIII because she was just everything I wanted to be and more, she had long stunning black hair, wore a very pretty blue dress and was just so open and confident, and despite being a damsel thought that she was a very brave person.

But usually look up to characters like Laguna Lore, Locke Cole and Zidane Tribal. Because they are just so filled with heart. It's amazing how selfless they are, and how they give up time to help others in need and ask for nothing in return. Don't want to be a blonde-haired monkey flirt, but really look up to Zidane the most because he still cares about his characters, but he still isn't that prefect. Also used to have a blue bandanna that used to wear alot, because was massively strange and loved Locke Cole alot.

So yeah, do you guys look up to anybody from the Final Fantasy series ?
Or just a big weirdo on this one ? ^-^
Aspire to be? Nope, not really they are made up characters in people's minds. To be perfectly honest though I don't really aspire to anyone in real life either, I just take from others a little something here and there.

Though I can say I can "relate" to some of the FF characters in general. I'll just list two for now, but I'll list a bit more later.

1) Auron - He is sort of a guide from time to time. He has quite a bit of wisdom and helps those around him only when they are in need it seems. He has humor but you can tell he's been worn down through his life, so it is rarely invoked.

2) Angeal - He is dedicated to SOLDIER and also a very fierce warrior when tested. He has more of the "laid" back "chill" personality in which I like in FF characters. He has a strong being within and is moved by those around him and is definitely an excellent teacher. He knows when to intervene and when to step back, but is sometimes over influenced by his childhood friend Genesis.
Well not really, after all characters are characters because they have their own personal flaws and such; if there was a perfect character then they simply wouldn't be very interesting and so they're not going to be included in a game...or at least they shouldn't. I can't really say I get my life ideals or aspire to be like a computer generated character though even if I can empathise with some aspects of certain ones.
I dunno if I aspire to be any FF character, but there are those that I have a lot of admiration. For me, it is resignation to an adverse fate that fosters literary respect. For example, I respect Jean Valjean most of any character I have studied. Applying this trait to FF, I have a lot of respect for

Auron --
Knowing that death was coming, and working hard to bring it about

Yuna -- Knowing the fate of all summoners

Tidus --
Knowing that he would both be sent and lose the one that he loved

There are other examples that escape me, but FFX's dark macabre lent itself to the type of things that I like
mh, i don't really have a FF character as a role-model. but if i would relate to one that would have to be Tifa.. :3 and maybe some Aerith, because i can be very.. cheerful. XD but mostly Tifa.
for me i really admire zack fair cuz he had an really good out look on life i kinda want to be like him
Sephiroth.... I've always been looked up to by many of the kids in my grade for being the "smart" kid, but I've also been alienated and feared by many. Happens, though I probably won't run someone's lover through...
I look like Kunsel.He might be a minor character but I looked like him.I care most for my friends and not my bussiness,I like to read and learn many interesting things.However he is not my role model he just look like me.I don't have any role models from FF because I trust myself.
Hmmm nah i wouldnt wanna be any of them afterall theyre only video game characters and not real people. I guess i kinda admired Lagunas personality, he was always cheerfull and helping people, he was liked by pretty much everyone. I guess if i could i wouldnt mind being like him in some ways. But im always gunna be me regardless, im too old to change now :)
I don't look up to anyone, but If I could have the personality of someone it would be Auron. He's so wise and just calm about things.
Now, if I could *dress* like a character, it'd have to be Ashelia :)
Everyone keeps saying that they're fictional characters and that you can't really act like them - well, who says someone can't be as brave as Auron? As cheery as Rikku?
If I admire anyone personality-wise, it would either be Rikku or Tidus. (I'm a FFX/-2 freak :awesome:) They're both happy and joking, but still have their selfless, more sensitive sides.
Oaka from Final fantasy X

Travelling the World selling items to strangers making as much Money as you can get Having a wonderful accent and wonderful fashion sense Oaka has it All He's my Role model
Everyone keeps saying that they're fictional characters and that you can't really act like them - well, who says someone can't be as brave as Auron? As cheery as Rikku?
If I admire anyone personality-wise, it would either be Rikku or Tidus. (I'm a FFX/-2 freak :awesome:) They're both happy and joking, but still have their selfless, more sensitive sides.

Hmm, they are kind of right. It is dangerous to act like a fictional character because you will loose your own. But it's alright if guess, in a ''respect '' their character kind of way.
Guess a character from the Final Fantasy series that makes you smile, or cherish their character..and makes you learn experience from their character..

Kind of like how you respect Rikku and Tidus because they show happiness yet still show sensitivity to those around them.. ^___^

Time to open up and ramble about my childhood obsessions. =) Let's get started!

Alright, we'll start with Cecil. Please excuse my laziness, but here's what I wrote in the other thread.

me said:
Cecil. He was the guy I wanted to be when I was younger. He's got it all. He's got strength: he kicked his own dark knight self's behind in a head-to-head battle, not to mention bringing down a giant puppet. He's got courage: he'd leave his beloved Rosa, go to the moon, and risk his life against a man so powerful that he had to be sealed inside a 12-level dungeon on the moon. He's got the looks: Rosa is all over him, Rydia and the kids in town see him as some kind of god, and he can't even keep the elemental fiends away from his manhood!

The most important thing of all about Cecil is that he wasn't some prophesied "great hero" or anything (let's ignore that his father was a great Lunarian). He was a dark knight captain who realized his own faults and mistakes, and then willingly went through a life-threatening trial on a mountain with no survivors, just to rid himself of the dark armor and become a warrior of light.

In every way, Cecil is the kind of hero we all should try to be.

Oh crap, my avatar has Cecil on it! Just realized, heh.

This may sound sad, but I related very much to Cloud when I was fourteen. We had some similar traits. We were both big-headed. We were both quiet, and a little bratty. We both wanted to leave our hopeless little towns and go on adventures to be the big hero. He may have been a spiky-headed outlaw with a big sword, and I may have been just a kid, but most of the cast in FF7 felt like people I had already met. My relationships with these people were similar. I felt Cloud's competition with Barret to be the better man. I felt Cloud's awkward relationship with Tifa, and his big crush on the other, crazier girl. I felt his being picked on and left out of the gang when he was younger. I felt his not being what he truly wanted to be. It just hit a little too close to home, I guess. I'm sure every other boy that age could say the same.
I think a good character to be like would be Garnet from FF9. She really develops throughout the game and is a responsible young lady who knows how to carry herself. She would be a good role model for any girl I would think.
There is only 1 character I can say I can "admire, or lookup to" and thats Zack Fair. The man truly is a hero,
and died fighting with every last breath that he had in him, while an army tried to stop him.
He put Cloud above himself and looked after him,
he could have easily left Cloud at the mansion and just now worried about him. But while he pushes on towards Midgar he hides him and protects him every step of the way.
Had he been a real life person, that would truly be inspiring and be a tale to tell. He was resilient, hard working, determined, and a very caring individual.
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Laguna or Angeal.

Laguna: He had a great personality and became the leader of Esthar! That seemed like a great accomplishment to me.

Angeal: Very honorable person. He put his SOLDIER honor before all else, which I thought was very admirable. He taught me that I should always hold true to my honor and never give up.