ff7 : flawed gameplay


Chocobo Breeder
Sep 15, 2007
underground O:
ff7 had an amazing storyline, music, well-developed characters, and was very fun. but did any1 find it annoying how the hp/dmg was limited to 9999? because it made most limit breaks very useless in the end especially vincent's and yuffies. it also made the bahamut summons no different from each other because they nearly did 9999 always.
Didn't really bother me, Yuffies level 3 limit breaks are better (if i recollect correctly) because they hit multiple times, and if she's doing 9999 damage anyway just make her use her level 3 limits.

The 9999 limit stops your characters being craptastically powerful, like in FFX.
I liked the damage and hp limits too. FF7 is one of the only FFs that makes it realistically possible to achieve 9999 HP and Atk power. Even if you do reach max stats in this game, there are still good challenges like Emerald and Ruby weapon.

I'd say that the battles in this game are about 6.5/10 in terms of challenge during your first play. Then again, this game was the first non SNES gen FF game. Of course the status factor isn't technical and advanced like FFX is.
Well, tell that to the folks at Square. They figured that being able to deal nearly 10,000 hp in damage was enough for any player. Dealing with such limitations can be a challenge, which is something that most players actually enjoy.
Yeah, I agree if the attacks only hit once. That's what quite annoying but if an attack hits more that once(Omnislash for example) then it's really quite usefull.
None of the storyline bosses had enough hp to make a higher damage limit necessary, IMO.
Nah it was great, why do you need to do more than 9999 damage? Wouldnt it make the game a hell of alot easier.
i liked the fact that the attacks were limited, even thought my cloud was dealing 9999 with his deathblow if it had exceeded that the final fights would have been easy just like Braska's final aeon in 10 if you had the celestial weapons he is easy
It was perfectly ok, you making more damage would mean that the enemies would have more HP so it makes no difference.
I think it was an adequate amount of HP and attack as there were no monsters/bosses that required you to any stronger, obviously ruby & emerald weapons where very challenging, but that was the whole point

No one wants it to be too easy!! :D
i like it

they had to put a cap somewhere, 999 and 9999 sounds good to me.
besides, if you raise the number for cloud and party, you have to raise it for everyone, and the last thing anybody wants is a tonberryking being able to dish out 999,999,999,999,999,999,999 damage with everybody's grudge because we spent a few hours lving near by O_O
besides, if you don't like lv and damage caps, look for a ps2 game called disgaea ^_^ great game, but time consuming >_>
besides, if you don't like lv and damage caps, look for a ps2 game called disgaea
great game, but time consuming >_>

Definitely, never played the game myself though, my cousin did. The first time i went to see him he was lvl 78, the next time 654, I was like WTF?! he said it went up to 999 or more can't remember now, that's when I said that I'd never play that game ...

Lvl 99 is just right and max damage 9,999 and 99,999 is also just right IMO.
wow, and i thought hitting lvl99 required patience.........i'm quite happy it being capped at that ....
everybody's grudge does damage equal to the number of enimies the person it hits killed times 5.
i'm not intirely sure if it's times 10 or time 5 or what, but i know it's based off how much stuff one person kills.

as for the lv cap on disgaea, it doesn't exsist by technacallity, but you can reach lv 9999 no joke, lv 9999. there is no max stat for anything, no max amount of damage, the trick to that game is you can reset a person in your party to lv1 but they'll start with stat boosts determined by the level of the person, the rank, and the number of times you reset the lv of that person. you can end up with a lv 9999 fire mage that has 100m life and can punch things for 500k+ damage. in fact, the hardest boss is lv6000 >_>' prinny baal >_>' and that doesn't count random baddies whom can end up much higher lv.
^ Yeah it was like that, tnx for the reminder, now I hate it even more..

OT: I've never bothered to try to understand the Grudge thing, so I really can't say how it works.
I never really minded. The game is too easy as it is, if they broke the damage limit it would have been ridiculous.
Indeed, this game needs to be much harder if this however unlikely remake ever appears.