FF7 Game for another character

Okay, I know I'm totally spamming here, but Fin, that seriously that made me spit my water out all of my monitor. I certainly wasn't expecting that! oneonetwelvechairone xD xD :lol:
They're currently working on Crisis Core for the PSP which is pretty much a game devoted to Zack. That one will definantly be interesting to see. I can't wait for it! :D

I do like the idea of this remake, because in the original FFVII game, it can be very easy for the gamer to become confused over the Cloud/Zack and Sephiroth relationship. This way we can find out more about Zack and...well, I guess we'll jstu have to wait and see now. :D
For that I wouldn't mind one or two stories.

The first, I would like one of Seto. We never know how old he was when he died, so for all we know there could be a very cool unexplained story that has ties with the rest of the FF7 world.

And secondly, it would be interesting to see a story about the battle with Jenova the first time around. You know, the fight the Cetra had with her when she first arrived on the planet. It was said that a small group of Cetra rose up and defeated her, it could be story about them. With whole new characters and enemies like the Cetra that had been contaminated by Jenova and been made into versions of Sephiroth or Kadajj or whatnot.
That would be a really good game.
I think they've whored out VII enough. Personally, I just wish that they left VII as it was and not have any sequels or prequels. The sequels kind of ruined the whole "Did humanity survive or not" ending.
Rydia, I see your point but I've just finished DofC tonight and I loved seeing my old haunts again. The truth is if you take FFVII as a literary modern day story then I agree.

If you miss the world and the characters that you spent so many hours with then I disagree.

VII is the best RPG i have ever played (and I love all the other FF games too). If square enix wants to take me there for another visit, I'm in.

To answer the thread though, I'd like a Tifa game, you know, bar tending... choosing lingerie.... OK I'll shut up now.
They have already made one for Vincent so would you like to see another FF7 character have their own game. if so who would you like to see?
A Sephiroth one would be kool maybe.

Nope...not at all. In fact, I totally disagree with SE making the whole stupid DoC with Vincent. They need to leave the games alone. I don't think any of the charecters on their own would warrant a whole new game.
Nope...not at all. In fact, I totally disagree with SE making the whole stupid DoC with Vincent. They need to leave the games alone. I don't think any of the charecters on their own would warrant a whole new game.

Yeah well fething well good for you
I think they've whored out VII enough. Personally, I just wish that they left VII as it was and not have any sequels or prequels. The sequels kind of ruined the whole "Did humanity survive or not" ending.

You're right.
At the end of FFVII, I thought that the white materia had rid the world of men...but that (great) speculation was wiped away like dust. <_<
You're right.
At the end of FFVII, I thought that the white materia had rid the world of men...but that (great) speculation was wiped away like dust. <_<

I remember when that was a highly debated topic. I think it was more heated than the Clerith and Cloti debate.

There was the idea that only Red XIII lived at the end and the other that everyone did survive.

The truth was, was that we weren't supposed to know and like the love triangle, it was left open to interpretation.
I know. I have to admit...AC had beautiful graphics, but I think they chose the wrong subject. =x
It pretty much shut down a lot of interesting speculatory debates.
ok, getting prepared for bashing. Dirge of Cerberus SUCKED. i hope they dont make anymore spin-offs if they will be as bad as that. however, if they actually make em good,i have no problem wiht it
Making games with individual characters are cool, but Square - Enix still needs to concentrate on making new games
i would like to see a turks ff :)
you could play as any of the turks i would choose reno ^_^
that should have ended the thread right there.

agree 100%.

I agree completely. They need to stop milking FFVII. I personally thought that stopping at Advent Children was enough. That's not to say I don't like the Comp. games because they do look good. But with a lot of things if you keep trying to mess with something good eventually you're going to ruin it. They need to stop where they are with it.
I do definately think they should have just left FFVII the way it is, Cos DoC was really not that great.

But if I really had to choose, probably Aeris or Sephiroth.
I know. I have to admit...AC had beautiful graphics, but I think they chose the wrong subject. =x
It pretty much shut down a lot of interesting speculatory debates.

advent children is undoubtably a beautifully made game but the fact that they pushed all the charictors in at the end i think ruined it apart from the sephiroth of course.
if there were to be a new ff7 spin off i recon it should be sephiroths story cause yes it does mention that he was top of his class in soldier but it doesnt go into great detail on him learning his abuilities i recon it would make an awsome game but then again iv always been a fan of games where you play as the villan ^_^
a) DoC SUCKS, end of
b) One with Cait Sith would be good!!
c) One that took place during the original but has other peoples stories thrown in (eg, what the turks did at such a point, or Cait Sith before you met him etc.) just as long as it was properly done!!!
d) NOT a Tifa one, possibly Barret