[FF8] Would you like to see a remake/spinoff to this game?

I definitely would like to see a remake of this game in any way shape or form.

It is the first video game to ever strike me in a very deep, emotional way.
I actually really loved this game--perhaps I'm biased because it was my first FF--so I think a remake would be unspeakably welcome. Better graphics and maybe a speedier battle system. It's been a while, of course, but I remember battles being a lot of waiting, for the most part.

But yea, I don't think we ever really understood Squall's character like it was meant to be. I remember the first time I played, I got the impression that perhaps he was a little stupid, rather than emo.
^ Squall's stupid? o_O wow, that's might be right tho', but that's not quite true, I think
well, yes, you could be right, maybe the system would be more like FF13's--for its remake, of course? who knows~ :P
^ Squall's stupid? o_O wow, that's might be right tho', but that's not quite true, I think
well, yes, you could be right, maybe the system would be more like FF13's--for its remake, of course? who knows~ :P

It became obvious after a while, but with all the ellipses and everything, originally I just thought he was to slow to think of proper verbal responses or something, you know, kind of like he was constantly confused. Of course it cleared up after a while, but yea. Stupid.
They wouldn't do a spinoff AND a remake, even if they were planning on one or the other. I see no point in a remake, the game was good enough as it was. A spinoff I would play, but I really doubt that's going to happen. Prove me wrong if you like, squenix, I won't complain...but I'm not holding my breath...
I think a re-make would be kind of unnecessary, as the game was good enough on its own and the graphics weren't horrendous.
I, however, being a huge FFVIII fan, would like to see a spin-off. I just have a special place in my heart for VIII. And VII has way too many
I would like a nice spin-off from this or a sequel. They could develop that southern continent more as well as the underground city up north & maybe some more research facilities in the oceans.

I still think the fact that the enemies leveled up along with you is awesome- it removes the need for pointless grinding.
No remakes, no prequels, no sequels. Not for this game. You could always redo graphics to make it better, but for some reason the current graphics appeal to me... Probably because it captures the time when it was made and I wouldn't want to throw that away. Additionally, with the theory that Squall dies at the end of disc 1, I think the game is very complete. Any add-ons would just ruin my current impression of the game, which is quite good and complete.
Depends on the media type

For me, it would really depend on the type of media the sequel and/or movie and/or would be released on.

personally i would love to see a remake of FF8 on the ps3.(or maybe just a graphical update)

SquareEnix already re-released FF8 on the PSXnetwork and i am currently playing it on my psp go. my PS1 mini took a shit on me about 2 years ago and i cant get my ff8 game to save on to a ps2 memory card*cries tears of sorrow*

back to topic i think they should also make a sequel to ff8 for the ps3(although it probably wont happen due to the almighty $)
yes...i hope they make one...haha!

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I'd love to see either.

A remake for the PS3 would make it all the more likely of me buying one. XD

And a sequel would pretty much guarantee it.

But I'd really like it if Squall and Rinoa weren't in/only appeared in cameos so we could get to know the other characters. Quisty should be the MC.
I'd love to see a remake of the game with added and revamped content, but I'd hate to see a spin off. They always seem to strike me as being more about milking profit than remaining loyal to the fans of the original game, which defeats the point of a spin off in the first place.
I'd absolutly love a re-make or a sequel, but I'd be terrified that they'd ruin it.
Fnding the right voice actors would be a challenge though, as everyone would have their own opinions on what the characters should sound like.
I think the most likely route is remastering.

There have been rumours for a while that Square are going down this route after the success of the GoW collection, and the MGS one. The assumption is that it'll be X, X-2 and/or XII. Personally, I think those games still look pretty great anyway, so I'd much prefer remastered versions of VII and VIII at least.

Sadly, I think it will be X, X-2 and/or XII though.
I think the story itself is complete, a sequel or a prequel would ruin it but I`d love to see these characters around once more, maybe on a movie based on one of those few, good fanfictions on the net. At least, there wouldn`t be need of justifying the plot
I think the remake itself will be good, with the better graphic, maybe there'll be a real conversation between Squall and Laguna :sup:

if it's happen tho'... who knows =__=
VIII is at least deserving of some sort of side-plot game, a la DoC.

Regardless, if they remade it I'd be the first in line. Most people who hate Squall in FFVIII hate the Squall of Disc 1. I can't say I blame them. But Disc 2 is where the real story begins, and he is a star.

Go Go FFVIII remake!