FFF Idol 2007


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    Votes: 11 61.1%
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    Votes: 13 72.2%

  • Total voters
Looks like FFF Idol is going to be a huge success ^______^
No, there's not a writing contest yet, I didn't even think of that!! ^__^
I just think it could be fun to see some good stories written:)

The subject would be of the judges choosing.
Well help come up with some subject ideas. I can edit the poll later on and have a vote for writing and art subjects! ^__^
Well help come up with some subject ideas. I can edit the poll later on and have a vote for writing and art subjects! ^__^

Okay, how about this? We all download a free multiplayer strategy game called Scorched 3d. We all go a big Final Fantasy Forum battle--winner take all.(Whatever ''all'' is.) I can even make the server we'd play on. (Still won't vote though. Voting is for Jack Sprat ocean pearls.:cool:)
Oh Yeah!! Can You Feel It!!??

A strategy game?
......how exactly would we do this...I'm all ears. :cool:
I like strategy gaming.

Oh--I am extremely glad you asked buddy. Look at this video of Scorched 3D. You might need DivX player. FYI, the game takes a little practice. If this all comes into fruition, my dream of a FFF-wide Scorched 3D war will be realized! I'll be so damn famous! I might even be a mod.....wow. I was never this excited about one of Nephany's stupid threads until now! --Ze link--
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Suteki Da Ne!!!!!

Probably one of the best, but hardest songs to imagine singing...
Why not open it to all people, not just people who are prolific in the arts? I'm sure people have talents otehr than singing and drawing or writing and whatnot...we can all submit videos of our stuff and showcase it, an people will vote for an overall winner...and maybe a top singer, drawer (or whatever), funniest maybe. I know what my talents gonna be. :rolleyes:
Fields! That's a great idea. That way no one will be left out.
It'll be a truly FFF competition.
Funniest? Now, I'd like to see that. :lol:
I agree Fields, that's a great idea!
Or course...I opened this thread out of pure excitement, so the ideas I had were spur of the moment. XD

This time it won't be entirely up to the mods to organize the contest; it's all about what the members want to be in the competition! You come up with competition ideas, and we'll make a voting poll!

We have a lot to do though. We have to nominate judges for each category; or have people volunteer/followed by a voting poll...

And one more thing...we have to choose someone to submit all of the work to. Once the competitions begin, we won't have the competitor's names next to any of their submissions; in order to prevent biased votes.
So we need one honest, closed-mouthed person who can keep track of submissions and arrange the voting threads!

Oh and Hell Razer, I don't see why your brother wouldn't be able to enter the contests...does he know about all the comments he gets on his art??
the best music is going to ff7 and 9

the best music is going to ff7 and 9

nobuosumatsu did all most all the finalfantasy music so it kind of hard to say what the best
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........if only my vid camera would work :'(
I have alot of funny vids
So far the leading choices are:

Melodies of Life
Eyes on Me
Pure Heart
and Kiss me Goodbye

I like the way its going so far ^__^
I would especially love to see kiss my goodbye in the contest. ^___^

Keep Voting!
i would totally love to hear someone sing Aria Di Mezzio Carattere - i love that song ^_^

Melodies of life and Suteki da Ne would also be good ones to listen to

But most of all i'd love to hear Kiss me goodbye :P i love that song ^_^
Poll closes on Tuesday, June 5th.

We'll begin collecting submissions shortly after poll results are complete. I'll sticky a forum anouncement with contest details shortly...