FF's Best WTF Moments


Red Mage
Aug 6, 2007
What are the weirdest moments in Final Fantasy games that just made you go WTF?!

I'm not talking about the crazy plot twists, or the betrayals, or any important stuff. Just the weird things that make you laugh or alternately make you want to back away from the controller. Slowly.

Here are some of the moments to get things started:

Cloud in the hot-tub manwich.
Cloud: "...It hurts."
Bubby: "You'll get used to it."
Me: O.O

Tidus humping a random sailor's neck.
Okay, it's one thing to have stolen the guy's binoculars; but Tidus could easily have snatched them away with both feet on the deck. Was there any real need to sodomize the poor man's spine?

Introducing Prince Larsa.
Dammit. In this day and age, I thought the translation errors would've been eradicated. Considering how many anime involve magical girls, I'd think "princess" would be a Japanese word translators would recog-
Oh... Oh... Larsa is a boy.
Auron being dead made me think WTF is goin on here coz he kicks ass all the way throught the game and he shouldn't have even been on that plain,
and in FFVII when your on the boat an Nanaki is stood on two legs that was an uber WTF moment
Heidegger getting run over by a lorry in FFVII - Strange to say the least.

That was Palmer. I only remember that because I despise him. >_<

I think getting Barret to date Cloud is a WTF moment. It was funny though, disturbing that you can actually do that.

Another WTF moment is when Tidus and Yuna randomly started fake laughing.
Hmm the honeybee inn always sticks in my mind - makes me cringe everytime, but alas, must get them bikini briefs!!!!

I'd love to see a remake of FFVII just for the whole wall market experience tho i mean, can you really picture the cloud of advent children in a dress and make up that really DOES make me think what the.......*shudders*
Definitely Tidus and Yuna's fake laughing. It actually made me smile, although I was thinking, "WTF?"

Yuna, Rikku, and Paine taking a bath in the hot springs or whatever...that was so random.
oooh that reminded me of the kiss tidus and yuna had in the lake.....i'm all for romance but that was just wrong...as was yunas crying in the same scene.......
one of the Commands in Final Fantasy VIII Squall can issue when Balamb Garden is being attacked by Galbadia Garden... SAVE THE HOTDOGS!!!! I was like w...t...f..?

Also, in Advent Children, when Denzel randomly screamed out Son of a Bitch!!!. that was freaking hilarious.
Another WTF moment was the whole of Final Fantasy VII: Advent Childeren, i mean WTF? What a giant piece of crap that was.


and moving on.....the thing that makes me go WTF! has to be when you first see the sister ray, I mean you have big but that just takes the cake

PS: remind you of any queens in ff9? ;)
Here are some others for me.

Any experience involving the Qu tribe in FFIX.

Seeing Adel, whose gender is just as fuzzy as Quina's. (And Larsa's, but I've already pounded that dead horse into neigh juice)

The moogle in FFIX who caused Mognet to go defunct. The machine jammed because he liked the feeling of rubbing oil all over himself...

Oh, and I've decided we should also include unintentional WTF?! moments.

Basch's pedophilia.
Reks: I'm seventeen, sir.
Basch (longingly): Young.
Reks: I've got a brother two years younger in Rabanastre.
Basch (moans): So young.
Cloud at the Golden Saucer: Off course!

Cloud: Let's mosey.

In IV when you would go up to a girl and she would throw her clothes off and dance for you

In that one room in IV where all the girls would come and dance around you to chocobo music.

The Chocobo rap in IV.
-Finding Vincent in the coffin in VII.

-The scene where Gau joins your party in VI.

-The bookshelves in the ancient's library in V. "You can't pass...oh, you have Ifrit, come on through!"
The Chocobo rap in IV.

Don't remember a chocobo rap in IV... unless you mean the one in X-2, which was so gross. For some reason rap in Japanese grosses me out, although I can handle rapping in Korean.

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Seeing Adel, whose gender is just as fuzzy as Quina's. (And Larsa's, but I've already pounded that dead horse into neigh juice)

Adel continues to haunt my dreams to this day. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who thinks Adel was supposed to be a man.
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Don't remember a chocobo rap in IV... unless you mean the one in X-2, which was so gross. For some reason rap in Japanese grosses me out, although I can handle rapping in Korean.

Well it wasn't exactly a rap. XD In the town where many of the people are cursed with status aliments, if you go talk to three certain people there they'll start talking gangster to you and then they'll start dancing with the chocobo music playing in the background. It's quite odd... :lol:

Btw when I went to quote you I accidently hit the edit button instead of quote and started typing this reply right in there. So that's why it says "edited by Rydia" :O If I accidently deleted anything you wrote I apologize.

And now that you mentioned X2 I think that a pretty big WTF moment. :P. Right at the opening scene all the way to the end. XD

Oh and if you get the sad ending, the dialogue with brother. But WTF moment.
I think there's a bit in FFV where your character is in a library and seems to be looking for Playboy - that was rather odd to see XD