FF's Best WTF Moments

I think it was in FF 5 when you found out Farris was a girl . When Butch finds out, I think I remember that right.
Zidane peeing under the stars, also.

LMAO! XD I know that's not what him and Vivi are actually doing, but the way they did that scene was all wrong. "This is an age old ritual between male friends!" <Tinkle Tinkle> I just can't help but laugh when I see that cutscene.

Oh, and I also agree about Anima's overdrive. It's awesome, but what the hell is going on? It looks like some fluffy skeleton.

Yunalesca's third form is pretty weird as well. When I first got beaten by her, I was like, "What the hell just happened?!"
When X-2 came out. I couldn't believe what square was thinking. What the fuck, man?
Gotta be Mukki from FF7 (when you pick the 'group room' at the Honey Bee Inn... god I regret that...) I kept repeating 'wtf' over and over, with the occasional 'oh god no'.

Do movies count? Because there was the big WTF moment in FF7:AC when Cloud is going through the forest and suddenly *poof* everything's gone and Aerith appears! That had me rewinding a few times and cleaning the disk because I thought it was skipping.

FFX: when what'shisface, main char, gets sucked into the blowhole of a giant flying whale.

FFXII: When I accidentally stumbled into Zodiark's lair. That was a mistake. >_<
Crisis Core: First time in Costa de Sol, I was just relaxing and watching the cut scene. And then Genesis copies invade the beach and Zack has to fight them with an umbrella!!

FF VII Advent Children: Did anyone else think that the way Reno scurried up the wall after Yazoo looked really strange?
-Back in Final Fantasy Tactics when you had to fight Belias. He had like...????? hp? wtf is that?

-that battle in Final Fantasy X-2 when you had to fight the magus sisters. the fat one was pretty fucking annoying.

-Jecht's hp
i got a new one here. was playing against Golbez in FFIV DS, and he changed his element so when i used mist dragon on him, it healed him. i was like WTF MAN CHEATING %$&% (more cursing followed, but their are kids on this forum) finally, i died, played again, used libra after every summon, owned him, and now i am back on course.
I just remembered that entire wedding scene in X. :gasp:

That entire scene is just strange. I know why Seymour is actually marrying Yuna, but he's still marrying her, and that fact alone made me think that Pedobear was going to appear any minute.


And also Yuna falling backwards and saying she can fly. :P "Don't worry, I can fly. Trust me." The entire time I was thinking, "Oh, sure you can. Have you taken your medication today?" And then she just fell back and landed on Valefor. :wacky:
i didnt like the laughing bit in X either....

um, th first time Aeris died, or more correctly the first time i saw Aeris die lol, not really wtf but i didnt believe it was happening...
When Bugenhagen (?) appears coz he floats lol, graphics arent good enough to explain how/why...
when vivi gets mowed down by the children in alexandria.
The scene when Tifa tells barret to "Hurry" and its actually Sephiroth in disguise, and then barret cant hear Tifa scream.... was chilling...
VII - Tifa and Scarlet's slap fight... WTF (but awsome)? Honeybee Inn (What exactly happened to Cloud with his "Company"?), and ... Hojo is Sephiroth's dad? eww WTF

VIICC - Zack fighting with a beach umbrella. Zack's enemies eating his hair o_O. The ending, that was an intense cry-fest that took me off guard.

VIII - Adel is a woman?! Ultimecia's akkent.. kurse all seeds! Also the ending FMV got me dizzy in a WTF way. Edea wasn't the real villiain?!

IX - Kuja is a man?! Why would someone want to change their name from Garnet to Dagger? I WTF bad when I cloudn't win against Beatrix, I didn't know they were staged fights and resarted alot before I got lazy of restarting and realized the truth. Ouina...
My gal's changed outlook + appearance in X-2 was a true WTF moment for me... I was like, what the heck happened to the Yuna i loved in FFX? How come she became something like a singer from a Macau or Las Vegas casino? Where did that strong-willed and mature-thinking girl disappear to?!

Admittedly, most of u guys will surely go "WTF" if Yuna were to REALLY become that crazy street-racer in Bayview City eh? :D
Nooj being possessed and the entire Leblanc Syndicate lol in X-2 Finding out about Zach in VII, Quina and Vivi getting "married" in IX, many more just not off the top of my head
Another "WTF?!" moment was getting Gau in VI. You have to throw a piece of meat at him to get him to join you, and then he and Sabin just jump around the screen. 0_o Oh, and calling Sabin Mr. Thou the entire time...

Then there's the Empire's soldiers in Albrook that are watching the dancers. :P

The scene in IX where Freya and the Cleyrans are river dancing is odd, too.