FF's Best WTF Moments

The best WTF scene had to be these scenes in FF7:

Cloud cross-dressing, especially whenever one of the guys is hitting on him.

And, Mukki, one of the gay body-builders in the Honeybee Manor that molests him in the hottub. XD I was in stitches.

In terms of storyline 'WTF?!' moments, I'd have to say that I freaked out when I thought Rufus died. And, in FF8, I was rather genuinely surprised to find out that Headmaster Cid was married to Sorceress Edea.
Final Fantasy IV in general, WTF were they smoking cos I wanna go!

"Why the fuck is there a giant mechanical killer Whale coming out of the fucking sea!?" - My Brother 2 months ago on his very first playthrough.
In FFX, finding out Mika was an unsent. Turned out everyone in that court room was corrupt as hell. And especially when Seymour transformed...yuck.
FFX When I didn't know anything about the Dark Aeons.
I went to the Macalania Temple and here I was destroyed by Shiva in three turns. I thought that if I went to pray at the temple I would get her, no such luck :monster:
In FFVIII when Laguna & Co. jumped off that damn cliff in Eshtar....WTF!! They were supposed to die from that height. But hey....probably Raine threw a phoneix down on them when they were broken in pieces from that fall....anyway :monster:
In VII DoC At the beggining Reeve comes in and starts talking to Vincent. Then suddenly a deepground soldier comes in and shoots Reeve. Unexpectidly his head falls off.
I was like "WTF? Where's the blood. Stupid Vincent, do something!"
Vincent then shot the soldier. Then he looked down and saw Cait Sith coming out of Reeve's neck.
"Ah that was close. You're a nice lad aren't you Vincent?" he said. I was just sitting there saying WTF.
Doctor Odine from FFVIII is a big pile of WTF moments because of the way he speaks, his outfit(a big WTF), his theories and plans. A big WTF for Odine! :blink:
Final Fantasy IV in general, WTF were they smoking cos I wanna go!

"Why the fuck is there a giant mechanical killer Whale coming out of the fucking sea!?" - My Brother 2 months ago on his very first playthrough.

lmao :monster:

Playing FFIII atm, and women keep wanting to dance for me wtf is that all about....
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lmao :monster:

Playing FFIII atm, and women keep wanting to dance for me wtf is that all about....
They want your babies obviously....

another thing in IV is the dancer in Mysidia that drugs you and when you wake up transformed as a Pig it turns out she was a dirrty old lady who then runs into the night through the trees.....
lol, i must play IV....

Oh and another one about III finding out Luneth was a he, I thought he was a girl xD oops
In FFIX when Eiko was saying how she'd steal Zidane from Dagger and one of Zidane's "sister's" called Zidane; Eiko's Man. -_____-;; Wtf?
In FFVIII when Laguna is watching Julia play the piano, and he goes to try and talk to her, but gets cramp in his leg and starts limping around like complete loon. In fact, Laguna's one big WTF, which is why I love him;)
seifer killing odin.
and then gilgamesh doing excalipoor
When I got Barret as a date to Cloud in the Gold Saucer.
When I thought Eiko was commiting suicide when jumping off an airship.
When Basch shows up almost nude when he joins the party.
Finding out I could use moogle characters in FFVI. (Just got that game recently for GBA, btw...)
i think one for me that hasnt been menioned is the opening scene in ff8.
it looks like squall and seifer are trying to kill eachother. and then i find out they were training. the mortality rate for that training must be through the smegging roof.

big wtf for me is aeris dieing first run through. lets say i wasnt best pleased as she was by far my best character.

the whole wall market scene is jus classic.

a big wtf was when you see a random eye open at north crater. then a bunch of huge killer monsters jus pop out of the earth.............WTF!!!!

lets jus say when that happened i had to stop for a moment.
From FF Tactics: Worker 8 gets Jiggy, then destructive

Mustadio: Give it a command, Ramza!
Ramza: Okay... Dance!
Mustadio: What kind of command is that?
Mustadio: It's... dancing.

Worker 8: Awaiting further orders!
Mustadio: Is it strong?
Worker 8: Yes, I am very strong.
Ramza: Okay... Dispose of Mustadio!
Mustadio: Ramza! What are you...
Worker 8 fires, Mustadio lies motionless on the ground, Ramza panics
Ramza: AAAAH! Where's the Phoenix Down?!

Oh yeah... wtf to the max.
lmao, those FFT moments were golden, prof.

My "wtf" moment was probably Cloud crossdressing. Oh, and the first time I laid eyes on Seymour. That hair and his stomach... yeah, big WTF there. :P