FFV harder than FFVI

It all depends. I think FFV's final boss (Neo Ex-Death) battle was harder than FFVI's (Kefka's 4 forms), but overall, not much difference. I got stuck one one incredibly hard boss in each of the games, but the rest of the game was a breeze it seemed. Otherwise, not much difference.
FFV was hard becuase when I first played it, I didn't know what jobs to take where.

In FFVI there were no jobs so it was easier to know what to take.
to me, i would have to say that FFV is harder then VI. first of all, some of the monsters i have fought lately (just past the moogle forrest after exdeath burned the forrest) have been tough (espically since i mostly ran for a majority of the game except fighting boss battles). the second reason is the job system. you usually get very low amounts of ability points after wach battle.
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I would say V is harder. VI has it's moments, but the second half of the game seems really easy. I like VI better as a game though.
Yes, I think FF5 is harder. By a long way. I don't know if it's just because I liked FF6 better and cared more about being good at it, but I played them at the same time (I played the Anthology editions) so I just think FF5 was harder. There was a fire boss pretty early on the game (some time before the fire crystal, I think) that just destroyed me over and over again. The Liquid Flame. That thing killed me.
I was stuck on the Liquid Flame for ages. Then i discovered the usefulness of a Mystic Knight with Blizzara Blade.

Speaking of which, i retract my previous statement. Reflecting on things, none of the bosses of VI gave me the trouble that the bosses of V did. The only boss i had trouble with on VI was Ultros (the first time you fight him T_T). The following bosses of V gave me so much trouble i wanted to throw the game under a bus:

Liquid Flame
The 6 bombs (damn their reraise spell)
The 4 'crystals'
The two bosses at the top of fork tower (the one that cast return every time he was hit was a bastard)
The guardian of the wind temple (the one with 3 images of himself)
And of course, Neo ExDeath

So yes, V was much harder than VI.
I'd agree. 5 was harder than 6.

After FF2 the games seemed to get progressively easier imo.
I agree V is harder. I often got stucked in that game when some bosses were really too hard even in the early part like Byblos. It always urged me to gain more levels. I even thought of advancing when I reached the Castle of Kuzar in the second world. But the following bosses were still giving me a hard time. You really need to use a good combination of jobs in that game.
FFVI was much harder for me than FFV was. FFV was actually really easy once you mastered out all the different classes there are, and once you really learned how to use them. FFVI took me forever, and I died so many times against Kefka, FFV I beat it my first try against the boss.
FF6's difficulty came from the sheer amount of stuff you had to do, like visiting the auction house 30 times to get one esper, or spending hours betting at the coliseum. And of course, there were hundreds of rages and lores to obtain. By the time you finished all that, you'd pretty much forgotten where the story was.

As much as I loved FF6, I have to say that FF5 was a much higher quality of game. What it lacked in FF6's story, it made up for in gameplay. I certainly enjoyed mastering my classes in FF5 more than I enjoyed spending 3 hours looking for the Anguiform rage in FF6.

I died a lot in FF5, even with over leveling. I never spent time leveling in 6, and I never perished once.
I haven't yet completed FFV. I'm in Exdeath's castle (does it all turn into some kind of living thing with lava inside?) but I'm currently finishing off all the old classics while I wait for new Wii games to come out.
I found FFVI, and Kefka and the Statues quite hard, but I was underleveled.
FFV was amazingly hard...I just recently beat both FF 5 and FF 6 as I to am beating the old classics again....and damn FF 5 was way harder..took me two days to beat FF 6 and the bosses were relatively easy...Infact, I never died to any of the bosses on 6. FF 5 on the other hand took me atleast a week because I had to figure out good job combinations and level up due to how difficult both the bosses and monsters were on that game...I actually had a 47 minute battle with Exdeath as I was badly underleveled and if I didn't have shell/protect on everyone they would ALWAYS be killed in 1 hit...it was literally the hardest final boss i've ever faced and to add to it 2 of my party members were dead when the battle ended...and you know what that means ;[
I found and still find VI alot more harder in V simply cause i am stuck on the boss battle that you get Sabin in, i still havent been able to beat that to this very day.. someone help me!
I'll say FFVI is harder, for the sole reason that you level up all your favourite characters but then the party splits and you have to use a weak one.
I haven't finished FFV yet, on my last game I got stuck in Exdeath's castle when it comes to life. I started a new save before I bought FFXII so I'll finish it when that's done.