FFVII: LTD Debate Thread

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Which explains why Benny Matsuyama has said he WASN'T supervised while writing it, why they have subsequently ignored and contravened statements from the novella in Dirge of Cerberus, Crisis Core, the 10th Anniversary Ultimania, and Crisis Core Ultimanias? Why it got no mention in anyone's timeline, not even Aerith's, and why SE saw fit to make it the only thing not to be mentioned in the 10th Anniversary Ulti, when every other bit that could be included, could. It is novella non grata, and even were it not, it hurts rather than helps a C/A argument.
What does that even prove? Who told you it has to be mentioned in every Square project to make it official? Who says they even have to supervise him to make it official? You're just putting more criteria to it than what's necessary. He was hired by Square to write in full detail on what happened after Aerith died. He did just that and got approve.

Why would you look for more?

And between Aerith and Tifa. And between her and Marlene. And Kadaj. And the children of edge. It's not a romantic connection. The examples Nomura uses to explain this connection are a grandmother and her grandchildren and how his own children will keep him alive in their memories after he passes on.

Why would you look for more?

You wouldn't happen to have a quote to back up that claim now would you?
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I personally don't really care who Cloud ends up with. If it were just FFVII on its own without all the other games that came out after it, then it would really have been up for speculation, because you can choose whether or not you want Cloud to love Tifa or to love Aeris (or neither of them at all). People would probably believe that who Cloud ends up with is really just up to the player, but I guess that's not what Square wanted, was it? I personally think they should have made it clear from the beginning, instead of making fans discuss about this stuff, and make it interesting, and then say it wasn't so, rendering all discussion pointless--as it's pointless to say 1+1 = 2, or that 0.999... = 1 (well, it's true, but there are people that still don't buy this...). There's really nothing much to say about that, and that's rather bland and boring.

But having played FFVII again (well, past the dating sequence at least... and in German, no less), I noticed that if Aeris were ever interested in Cloud, there might have been two reasons. One being that Cloud reminded Aeris of Zack because he inherited some of Zack's personality and maybe memories when he was reconstructed by Hojo, and the other being that she must somehow have realized that Cloud wasn't really himself, and was interested enough to know who the real Cloud was. Whether or not Aeris would have liked the real Cloud might not really be known; she was dead by then.

I'm personally not a fan of Tifa; in fact, I don't like her very much, but it doesn't really matter to me if she ends up with Cloud or not--why people like other people is not really my concern.
What does that even prove?
That several of the points she raised are incorrect, explicitly. Implicitly, it can prove other things.
Who told you it has to be mentioned in every Square project to make it official?
I did not say it had to be. I said it was omitted from two sources where every other source in the compilation was included. This is what is referred to as a telling omission, and dovetails with other points. It is not the crux of my argument.
Who says they even have to supervise him to make it official?
No one, but she said it was supervised, and she was wrong.
You're just putting more criteria to it than what's necessary. He was hired by Square to bridge the gap between what happened after FF7 and Case of Tifa. He did just that and got approve.
Benny Matsuyama wrote Maiden, which takes place entirely within the timeline of FF7, and ends with Aerith's appearance to the crew at the end of the game. Case of Tifa begins mere hours thereafter.
You also seem to think it was written contemporaneously or with some knowledge of CoT, which is not the case. My point, my most important one, is that SE has not considered Maiden important enough to make sure that the compilation does not contradict it. On the contrary, they keep putting information into games and sourcebooks that explicitly contradict the things said in Maiden, not the least of which are the age she met Zack at and when Hojo finally died, and they have said that no, it was not Aerith + Souls, just Aerith that led the lifestream in the 10th aniv. They also have not seen fit to bring up any of the relevant points of the book in any subsequent publication, even where such things would be incredibly apt, such as in the timelines of herself, Zack, Cloud, or Tifa.

And yet, none of this changes my ancillary point- that even if it were part of continuity, it would still not help the case for C/A, and actually hurts it instead.
Why would you look for more?
I'm not looking for more criteria. I note that they've been retconning it all to hell, and generally neglect it, and conclude that what importance it might have had is by now whittled away by being contradicted by games and guidebooks.
Which explains why Benny Matsuyama has said he WASN'T supervised while writing it
Do you have a source to prove this?

why they have subsequently ignored and contravened statements from the novella in Dirge of Cerberus, Crisis Core, the 10th Anniversary Ultimania, and Crisis Core Ultimanias?
How is MOTP being contravened? I haven't seen anything that contradicts the idea that Aeris loves Cloud more than Zack, which is what MOTP states.

High highwind scene is default. Yes, even if you get the Aerith date.

I find that hard to believe, seeing as Aeris is the default date, whereas the high Highwind scene gives me the impression that you must of had to be very nice to Tifa to get it, which if the default is Aeris, I don't see how that works.

Which expresses no intent, and is actuall a bit of a bungle of the original intent of the line, which has no 'her' included, and which dismantling tells us is about meeting fallen comrades in the event that the planet's answer is 'no'.

But even in Japanese, the line is "I think there could/might be a meeting". Also the "her" is included in the Reminscene of FFVII and is confirmed in the 10th anniversary ultimania as meaning that Cloud is talking about Aerith.

Pssst... That's when Amano's designs are from. Then they decided to CHANGE things, and give Aerith's role to Tifa and give Aerith a new role. So if you're trying to argue that Amano's art decides couples (it doesn't. Cloud and Red and Aerith and Sephy got featured as well), remember that it comes from before they completely changed the story and Aerith's character.

Once again, where has SE ever stated that they gave Aerith's role to Tifa? If Square decided that they didn't want to go with Amano's desgins, then why is a picture of Aerith and Cloud sitting together in a flowerfield the cover to the soundtrack?
Whether or not Aeris would have liked the real Cloud might not really be known; she was dead by then.

Well she was still around after she died. Kinda saved the world twice in row from what I remembered.

Benny Matsuyama wrote Maiden, which takes place entirely within the timeline of FF7, and ends with Aerith's appearance to the crew at the end of the game. Case of Tifa begins mere hours thereafter.

Changed it, check it again.

is that SE has not considered Maiden important enough to make sure that the compilation does not contradict it. On the contrary, they keep putting information into games and sourcebooks that explicitly contradict the things said in Maiden, not the least of which are the age she met Zack at and when Hojo finally died, and they have said that no, it was not Aerith + Souls, just Aerith that led the lifestream in the 10th aniv. They also have not seen fit to bring up any of the relevant points of the book in any subsequent publication, even where such things would be incredibly apt, such as in the timelines of herself, Zack, Cloud, or Tifa.

And yet, none of this changes my ancillary point- that even if it were part of continuity, it would still not help the case for C/A, and actually hurts it instead.

You mind giving out links , sources, for these so called contradictions?
But there's no evidence of any kind of interaction between the real Cloud after he was rescued from the Lifestream and Aeris. They might have been in contact, and they might have developed some sort of feelings, but we wouldn't really know what they'd be.

The only time that happens is briefly in AC, and it's not really much.
But there's no evidence of any kind of interaction between the real Cloud after he was rescued from the Lifestream and Aeris.

They kinda did in Advent Children. Even helped Cloud forgive himself.

They might have been in contact, and they might have developed some sort of feelings, but we wouldn't really know what they'd be.

It's kinda the same with Cloud and Tifa though. I mean for Tifa, she doesn't even know if Cloud loves her.

"Do you love me?"--- Tifa's question to Cloud in Case of Tifa
On the other hand, Tifa's is the only date sequence actually interrupted by fireworks, the music of the scene

But Aerith's date has been confirmed to be the offical date.

And between Aerith and Tifa. And between her and Marlene. And Kadaj. And the children of edge. It's not a romantic connection. The examples Nomura uses to explain this connection are a grandmother and her grandchildren and how his own children will keep him alive in their memories after he passes on.

But Nomura has actually confirmed that Aerith lives on through Cloud's consciousness in the Distance film that was on the AC DVD.
The words “memetic legacy” are used a lot in the film…but in Advent Children, rather than focusing on memories we wanted to show that consciousness is what lives on. We took the ending of the game and expanded on that idea. Even if they’re dead, their consciousness is still with us. As for Cloud…he sees Aerith several times throughout the film. It’s not that he sees her because he feels her presence. He sees her because her consciousness…lives on inside him.
~Nomura; Distance Interview

So, without a press conference, we cannot conclude that any pairing in any FF is valid?

I'm not saying that, i'm just saying that I doubt very much Square will ever say who is the "canon" pairing, simply because they would be afraid of alienating fans, whether that be Cloti or Clerith.

How about cradling her head and gently stroking her face? Because that's what he does.
In the original game, he simply picks her up, moves her to the side of the stairs, and runs to fight Sephiroth. It's only in CC and LO that they have changed that scene, which contradicts with what was in the original game. Plus LO has been confirmed to be not canon anyway, if MOTP is supposidly "not canon", then why hasn't SE confirmed that also as being not canon?
They kinda did in Advent Children. Even helped Cloud forgive himself.

I said that. And that's not really very intimate.

It's kinda the same with Cloud and Tifa though. I mean for Tifa, she doesn't even know if Cloud loves her.

"Do you love me?"--- Tifa's question to Cloud in Case of Tifa

It's not about whether or not Cloud loves one or the other, only that we do not know what Aeris' intimate feelings are towards the real Cloud.
Do you have a source to prove this?
His own blog. But before all that, as initial claimant, you have your own burden of proof as well. Now, while I go dig up the statement, you dig up where they said he was writing to their standard.
How is MOTP being contravened? I haven't seen anything that contradicts the idea that Aeris loves Cloud more than Zack, which is what MOTP states.
Actually, MOTP contradicts that on its own when everything Aerith thinks makes Cloud unique is the stuff he cribbed from Zack. But I speak of things like the age she met Zack (MOTP says 17. CC says 15), when Hojo died (MOTP says before Sephy died, and aided his cause, Dirge says he held on to life until after Sephiroth's death), and the way the lifestream was led (MOTP says she was aided by a multitude, 10th aniv says she worked alone).
I find that hard to believe, seeing as Aeris is the default date, whereas the high Highwind scene gives me the impression that you must of had to be very nice to Tifa to get it, which if the default is Aeris, I don't see how that works.
Because the way the scene is selected, you have to neglect Tifa in both battle and Date mechanic. If she is even in your party a little beyond absolute necessity, you're nearly guarunteed to get the date. And I do not speak from theory. I have gotten the High highwind after an Aerith date, and once manually borked around with the values on a save just prior to the scene. It takes very low values to get the low. As you mention Reminiscence, it's worth noting that in it and most shots of gameplay that the sourcebooks use, Tifa is included in the party whenever possible.
And that's without mentioning the 10th aniv prologue interview. Risque and Mature.
But even in Japanese, the line is "I think there could/might be a meeting".
I am aware. I am also aware that it is Tifa who expresses interest in going, not Cloud.
Also the "her" is included in the Reminscene of FFVII and is confirmed in the 10th anniversary ultimania as meaning that Cloud is talking about Aerith.
And? How does this contradict that it's in reference to fallen comrades, of whom Aerith is a prime example? They're reserving themselves to their fate, not jumping for joy.
Is quoting the Devotioner's spin pages supposed to convince me of anything? In fact, what they translated, outside of the quote- and again, her is an interpolation still- makes no reference to Aerith at all.
Once again, where has SE ever stated that they gave Aerith's role to Tifa? If Square decided that they didn't want to go with Amano's desgins, then why is a picture of Aerith and Cloud sitting together in a flowerfield the cover to the soundtrack?
In dismantling, when they talk about the process by which the game was developed. And you misunderstand. I never said they didn't go with Amano's art (though he was NOT the designer, Nomura was), I said they are not official. They do not decide pairings. As for why they use them... They're pretty. They LIKE Amano.

I'll be back later with a response to the other responder.
I said that. And that's not really very intimate.
It is to some.

It's not about whether or not Cloud loves one or the other, only that we do not know what Aeris' intimate feelings are towards the real Cloud.
She said she loved him in Maiden of the Planet, and it really didn't matter whoever he is.

She also had good feelings towards him. At first, she thought he somehow had some similarities to her first love. Even so, his looks, voice and personality weren't similar and he also made her think of him as a mysterious person... But it soon didn't matter. She loved him much more than her first love ---- Maiden of the Planet

Nothing after that contradicts that statement in the story. I'm pretty sure it still stands.
They kinda did in Advent Children. Even helped Cloud forgive himself.

It's kinda the same with Cloud and Tifa though. I mean for Tifa, she doesn't even know if Cloud loves her.

"Do you love me?"--- Tifa's question to Cloud in Case of Tifa
How does Tifa's insecurities as Cloud retreats into his paranoia shell the same as Aerith never knowing Cloud?
But Aerith's date has been confirmed to be the offical date.
But Nomura has actually confirmed that Aerith lives on through Cloud's consciousness in the Distance film that was on the AC DVD. The words “memetic legacy” are used a lot in the film…but in Advent Children, rather than focusing on memories we wanted to show that consciousness is what lives on. We took the ending of the game and expanded on that idea. Even if they’re dead, their consciousness is still with us. As for Cloud…he sees Aerith several times throughout the film. It’s not that he sees her because he feels her presence. He sees her because her consciousness…lives on inside him.
Yes, now watch for about another minute. You'll see that this is clarified using the fillial examples I spoke of.
I'm not saying that, i'm just saying that I doubt very much Square will ever say who is the "canon" pairing, simply because they would be afraid of alienating fans, whether that be Cloti or Clerith.
You think they give two craps about the LTD? It's a hell of a lot smaller than you seem to think it is. The only reason they haven't said who is canon or not is because they don't plan on handing you the answers on a silver platter. They aren't treating the fans with kid gloves.
In the original game, he simply picks her up, moves her to the side of the stairs, and runs to fight Sephiroth. It's only in CC and LO that they have changed that scene, which contradicts with what was in the original game. Plus LO has been confirmed to be not canon anyway, if MOTP is supposidly "not canon", then why hasn't SE confirmed that also as being not canon?
Um, the CC version still stands, however, which is why I referenced it. And in the original, he does more than 'move her to the side of the stairs', he places her in an alcove, props her up, and then goes to deal with Sephiroth, who is, yes, still a threat to her. As for LO, it is canon, but the nibleheim sequences are the reports of the turk who was observing, and thus subject to error, thus making them less authoritative than CC. It is still discussed and included in sourcebooks.
How does Tifa's insecurities as Cloud retreats into his paranoia shell the same as Aerith never knowing Cloud?
Where in the story does it state that Tifa is insecure, and how would you know what the character is feeling at that time?

...and no, I was referring to this post focusing on the both of them.

They might have been in contact, and they might have developed some sort of feelings, but we wouldn't really know what they'd be.
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His own blog. But before all that, as initial claimant, you have your own burden of proof as well. Now, while I go dig up the statement, you dig up where they said he was writing to their standard.
I don't really see the point when Square Enix have pretty much confirmed this by asking him to write for them, and publishing his work which was to their satisfaction in their offical book. :)

Actually, MOTP contradicts that on its own when everything Aerith thinks makes Cloud unique is the stuff he cribbed from Zack.
But that's completly untrue. Aerith knew the "real" Cloud because of her inate ability as a Cetra. Also just because Cloud took some of Zack's traits didn't mean he turned into Zack. He had his own personality, as seen by him being cold and aloof to his team mates when Zack was the complete opposite.

But I speak of things like the age she met Zack (MOTP says 17. CC says 15), when Hojo died (MOTP says before Sephy died, and aided his cause, Dirge says he held on to life until after Sephiroth's death), and the way the lifestream was led (MOTP says she was aided by a multitude, 10th aniv says she worked alone).
Could I have the quotes that say this, i'm sure it never specified that Aerith was 15 when she met Zack. But I haven't read it for a long time, i'll go re-read.
Just wondering, Wwhy do small contradictions automatically render the entire novella as invalid and uncannon? There have been things from the original game and early Ultimania's that have been contradicted in the compilation, such as Zack's death, how Zack and Cloud escape from the Shinra Mansion, the Nibelheim scene with Tifa, the fact that in CoT Avalance go and tell Elmyra about Aerith's death, whereas in the game Cait Sith says that he has and so on. Yet, all of these media are considered canon, even though they consider inconsistencies, so why is it that MOTP is different?

Because the way the scene is selected, you have to neglect Tifa in both battle and Date mechanic. If she is even in your party a little beyond absolute necessity, you're nearly guarunteed to get the date. And I do not speak from theory.
Aeith's date has been confirmed to be the offical one because her and Cloud had a deal for "one date" as payment. This was also confirmed in an Ultimania.

And that's without mentioning the 10th aniv prologue interview. Risque and Mature.
What's that quote? If it's the one i'm thinking of, I think I can rebuttle it :)

I am aware. I am also aware that it is Tifa who expresses interest in going, not Cloud.
And? Cloud dosn't need to specificlly say "I can GO meet her there." This is a quote of Sakei who is very adapt with the Japanese language

Japanese loves to imply~ They do not spell out every single thing. They would not say something like "I want to go meet Aerith there, tifa. I think I can meet her there". That is just bad japanese to them. Thats why they omit stuff, to japanese, they dont need to spell everything out becoz they will definitely understand what the other is implying~ >_< So when Cloud says そこで…会えると思うんだ (I think i can meet her there), he is expressing his interest to go meet her there which is supported by Tifa's うん、会いに行こう (Yes, Let's go meet her). Her "yes" in that sentences is refering to Cloud's expressing the possibilities of meeting Aerith's "there", then accompanied by Tifa suggesting them to go meet her there. そこで…会えると思うだ (I think i can meet her there) the "ん" that Cloud use in this sentence is to imply the significance of the possibilities of meeting her there. It shows that being able to meet her there is important to Cloud
It's undeniable~~

And? How does this contradict that it's in reference to fallen comrades, of whom Aerith is a prime example?
Because Cloud is referring to Aerith specifically. If it was just a general "let's go meet our fallen comrades", why only refer to Aerith? Why does Cloud make it so personal...something just between himself and Aerith?

As for why they use them... They're pretty. They LIKE Amano.
So Amano draws whatever he feels like? Square don't have any input in what he draws for them? And, according to you, even though Clerith is not the pairing, they still used his artwork of Cloud and Aerith because they like him, rather than asking him to draw new artwork of Cloud and Tifa because that is the new couple? I find that hard to belive, I mean, they were paying him, so I think they'd want their artwork to be correct, no?
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But that's completly untrue. Aerith knew the "real" Cloud because of her inate ability as a Cetra.


Aeith's date has been confirmed to be the offical one because her and Cloud had a deal for "one date" as payment. This was also confirmed in an Ultimania.

The "deal" happens regardless of whether you get the date later or not. How does that make it canon?

And? Cloud dosn't need to specificlly say "I can GO meet her there." This is a quote of Sakei who is very adapt with the Japanese language

It's moot. A short time later all he wants to do is start a new life, not go meet anyone. So it is not about any desire to reunite with Aeris.

So Amano draws whatever he feels like? Square don't have any input in what he draws for them?

Look, it's pretty laughable. Amano draws concept art, that's it. The answers to the story are in the story. Or are you going to tell me that YunaxBrother, SqaullxSelphie, or AerithxSephiroth are all pairings?
chance said:
Where in the story does it state that Tifa is insecure, and how would you know what the character is feeling at that time?
What other reason does she have to ask such a question of the man she considers the father of their family unit and who she is sharing a room with?
I don't really see the point when Square Enix have pretty much confirmed this by asking him to write for them, and publishing his work which was to their satisfaction in their offical book. :)
You made the bed. You lie in it.
But that's completly untrue. Aerith knew the "real" Cloud because of her inate ability as a Cetra.
Not according to Maiden she didn't. And if you're referring to the quote I think you're referring to, you're overstating what it says.
Also just because Cloud took some of Zack's traits didn't mean he turned into Zack. He had his own personality, as seen by him being cold and aloof to his team mates when Zack was the complete opposite.
And that's completely irrelevant. According to Maiden, the majority of what Aerith saw as unique in Cloud actually came from Zack. By arguing that very little in Cloud was Zack, yet affirming Maiden, you do realize it means she's focusing that much more on the Zack in him, yes?
Could I have the quotes that say this, i'm sure it never specified that Aerith was 15 when she met Zack. But I haven't read it for a long time, i'll go re-read.
It seems I was remembering that in error, or read a mistranslated version, as I cannot find that specific statement, though it is worth pointing out that in CC, their relationship is anything but a 'light taste', which makes the statement of such in MOTP most odd, and she is shown visibly reacting to the death of Zack in the ending of CC, so she really ought to know he's dead, unless you subscribe to the denial theory, but few C/A supporters do, and even then, it seems a bit subdued.
Just wondering, Wwhy do small contradictions automatically render the entire novella as invalid and uncannon?
Things like Aerith's relationship with Zack, Hojo's death, and the way the lifestream was moved are not small contradictions. Moreover, it's not just the contradictions. It's both them being contradicted so readily and often, along with the non-inclusion of it in the guidebooks where it would be the most relevant. SE has simply given it absolutely zero credit, period, and even BC's jade weapon chapter was considered worthy of the 10th aniv ulti.
There have been things from the original game and early Ultimania's that have been contradicted in the compilation, such as Zack's death, how Zack and Cloud escape from the Shinra Mansion, the Nibelheim scene with Tifa, the fact that in CoT Avalance go and tell Elmyra about Aerith's death, whereas in the game Cait Sith says that he has and so on.
Which renders all the original versions of those scenes invalid, yes. MOTP contains numerous contravened scenes, plus being disregarded, etc... As for CoT, Cloud telling Elmyra about Aerith's death is not an explicit contradiction. If it had said that's how she learned about it, then yes, that's a contradiction, but Cloud forgetting that Reeve had told Elmyra is not a continuity error.
Yet, all of these media are considered canon, even though they consider inconsistencies, so why is it that MOTP is different?
Because it's been rather loudly omitted in a book that contains every single other instance of the compilation, including the also contradicted- yet officially rationalized- Last Order. Until this, we were content with keeping what of the novella was possible, but when it was omitted from an otherwise complete listing of events the compilation, it was generally decided that SE had stricken it from the canon.
Aeith's date has been confirmed to be the offical one because her and Cloud had a deal for "one date" as payment. This was also confirmed in an Ultimania.
A deal Cloud never agreed to, and which is irrelevant. As for 'an' Ultimania, which one? I know in the 10th aniv, They show Tifa's date sequence, and in others, they've described the various dates, but which one affirms Aerith as official.
What's that quote? If it's the one i'm thinking of, I think I can rebuttle it :)
I sorely doubt that. Partly because Rebuttle isn't a word, and Rebuttal is not a verb. However, give it a try. I need a chuckle.
And? Cloud dosn't need to specificlly say "I can GO meet her there." This is a quote of Sakei who is very adapt with the Japanese language
You'll forgive me if after Resha, Naru, Chibica, et. all, I'm hesitant to accept this at face value. Furthermore, this is still all interpolation. Dismantling says it refers to meeting fallen comrades. Sakei's little spin doctor assumptions are simply too weak to overturn what is essentially fiat. And yes, the Japanese are often less than explicit, but you're still reading things into the text. If you wish to do this, fine, but do not be surprised or upset when people read things into the game in return.
Because Cloud is referring to Aerith specifically. If it was just a general "let's go meet our fallen comrades", why only refer to Aerith?
Because he wasn't. He didn't say anything about Aerith in the original text. Prime source has authority over translations.
Why does Cloud make it so personal...something just between himself and Aerith?
Because he doesn't. He just says that despite the answer from the planet, he thinks there will be a meeting in the lifestream. If he was trying to make it personal, if he HAD the intent as you and your weaboo buddy claim, why does he not hop into the lifestream? Why does he LEAVE the crater, and tell Tifa he wants her by his side, then move in and start a family with her?
So Amano draws whatever he feels like? Square don't have any input in what he draws for them?
In a lot of case, yes. But again, you strawman me. He drew concept art. Preproduction stuff. He was not involved in the production process beyond that, and was not there for the later changes to the story. He's also not the actual character designer for FF7. Nomura is.
And, according to you, even though Clerith is not the pairing, they still used his artwork of Cloud and Aerith because they like him, rather than asking him to draw new artwork of Cloud and Tifa because that is the new couple?
Actually, I'm saying his art is irrelevant to the coupling. They used pictures of Yuna and Brother for FF10-2, and Squall and Selphy for FF8. They use his art because he's iconic. He's also quite busy. It was not until much later that he drew characters who existed outside of the very early drafts.
I find that hard to belive, I mean, they were paying him, so I think they'd want their artwork to be correct, no?
I think they'd want their art to be pretty, and represent characters in the game. I think your issue is that you look at his art and see a couple. I look at his art and see the characters from the game. As I've said, Square and SE do not give FF7's love triangle the insane weight you would claim they do. They see it as the sub sub plot, where it should be.

Now then, if we're to continue, I'd like to request, as I often do, that someone on the C/A side present evidence that Cloud had initial romantic intent towards Aerith. Without that intent, there's no reason to see romance in anything he does. If you assume there is romance to show there is romance, then you've really done nothing at all but spin yourself in some circular logic.
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What other reason does she have to ask such a question of the man she considers the father of their family unit and who she is sharing a room with?
1. Where in the story does it state that she considers Cloud the father of their family?
2. Where in the story does it state that they share a room?

"Shall I join you?" There was something she wanted to talk to him about.
"I want to drink alone."
Hearing that, Tifa lost control and said, "Then drink in your room." ---Case of Tifa

3. Occam's Razor: She really wants to know if Cloud loves her or not. We don't complicate that line using character's feelings without anything to back it up.

Like I said, how do you even know what she was feeling at that time? Can you at least answer that?
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1. Where in the story does it state that she considers Cloud the father of their family?
"It was night and the bar was closed. While cleaning up in the galley, Tifa looked up towards the centre table. There sat the manager of Strife Delivery Service, Cloud and his two assistants, Marlene and Denzel. Denzel often suffered because of Geostigma but on the days when he didn't have a fever or any pain, he would hang around with Cloud. Everyday, Cloud would spend half his day out. So once he was home, it was Denzel's precious time to spend with his hero. Yes, Cloud was a hero to Denzel. Riding on his bike, saving Denzel as he fought with terrors of death when the symptoms of Geostigma erupted... It was everything that Denzel had been yearning for. Denzel wanted to know ask Cloud about everything. He would keep asking Tifa questions that she could answer until Cloud returned home. Once, Tifa half jokingly said to Denzel that she was the one cooking their meals everyday. Denzel also said in an grown up manner that he cleaned the house and the bar everyday too.

It was true and he done a very thorough job of cleaning. When he was asked if it was his passed away mother who taught him how to clean, he answered no. The following day, Tifa asked Cloud who Denzel's cleaning teacher was. He had told Cloud about it. Tifa was a little hurt.

I was troubled at why Denzel told Cloud and didn't tell me. One day I tried asking a customer that was about the same age as Denzel about it. His answer was that boys were just like that. So there really weren't any problems. We were just a normal family.

The answer didn't make her understand them more but, the words "normal family" relieved Tifa.

After the bar was closed, the usual three people sat around the table. It wouldn't be a surprise if someone said it was a young father with his two children. If Tifa felt like it, she could go over to that table and be welcomed with smiles."
Tifa (and SE for that matter) considers the quartet as a family. Tifa sees Cloud as the young father of the two children she considers hers.
2. Where in the story does it state that they share a room?
She's in there after dark, with Cloud asleep and Cloud accepts this without so much as a raised eyebrow. If she's not literally sharing the room, she's got complete free reign inside it.
3. Occam's Razor: She really wants to know if Cloud loves her or not. We don't complicate that line using character's feelings without anything to back it up.
That's actually not how you use occam's razor. Even if it were, the razor necessitates a sufficient explanation that fits the data. Knowing why a character asks something is actually quite relevant. What people do is not the whole story. Why is an important factor as well. So, intent from C towards A? Anyone?

As for how I can know, do you REALLY want to go there? Because it totally horks your side far worse than it horks me. Simply put, insecurity given Cloud's recent reticence is the most parsimonious answer that fits the given data, or in other words, that accords with Occam''s razor.

Addendum: This board's post formatting system be damned. A pox upon it, I say.
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Tifa (and SE for that matter) considers the quartet as a family. Tifa sees Cloud as the young father of the two children she considers hers.
I could never understand why you guys keep leaving Barret out of the picture, but point taken. She's still doesn't know wether Cloud loves her or not though.

She's in there after dark, with Cloud asleep and Cloud accepts this without so much as a raised eyebrow. If she's not literally sharing the room, she's got complete free reign inside it.
Did they specify what room it is? Living room?

That's actually not how you use occam's razor. Even if it were, the razor necessitates a sufficient explanation. Knowing why a character asks something is actually quite relevant. What people do is not the whole story. Why is an important factor as well. So, intent from C towards A? Anyone?
No not really, that's another question. Which complicates the situation. You said she was insecure, how do you know what she feels at that time?


tʃən/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [kwes-chuh
n] Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun 1. a sentence in an interrogative form, addressed to someone in order to get information in reply. 2. a problem for discussion or under discussion; a matter for investigation.
She's asking if Cloud loves her. That means she wants to know the answer to it. That's Occam's Razor. Whatever she's feeling is secondary and is up to assumptions unless you can provide something that backs it up. I'm talking about how B is the direct effect from A. Not A's intent, since it's N in the equation.
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Heres my take on it....

Cloud actually is in love with both aerith and tifa, a direct point at human nature and that its possible to love more than one person.

however, his love for them are different.

He loves tifa, as she was the first girl he had a crush on, he has always hid his feelings because "she was popular" and finds it hard to express himself around her, although he does make attempts he cant say it in the plain of day because he fears suffering the same rejections he encountered when he was younger, so he tends to close his mind to the feelings and put on a "tough-guy" persona, something many men have done and still do to this day...

He loves Aerith, as she was the first girl to show interest in him on a personal level, although many mistake this because of him having some of zacks personality characteristics, she shows interest enough to ask him to open up to her (something we never see but we all assume he does), She becomes the love he lost, and a love that he will always keep in mind no matter who else steps into the picture, this is a direct nod to the widowers of the world who know just how hard it is to move on after losing a loved one and to be with someone else without thinking about the love that you lost.

The point I feel the writers were trying to get across is, a man can love a woman even in death, but theres always room a persons heart for someone else, but the person they lost will always have a place in there heart.

So who do I think he ends up with?

sorry folks but I have to go with Tifa in this one, the evidence of AC points to this (the pictures of them together, there personal conversations, etc, just like a couple would be) however Tifa does feel shut out because of cloud still holding feelings for Aerith, and still hasnt found the strength to forgive himself for her death (which he later does) Although he does love Tifa, he doesnt feel he can tell her about any of this as he doesnt feel she would understand (a thought often found in most men that are in uncertain situations) So in his dreams he is together with Aerith but in reality he is with Tifa.

hope that sums it up for you!
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