FFVII Rumors


The Last Dragon
Nov 26, 2006
Suburban hell.
So whats the funniest rumour youve ever heard concerning FF7??

Of course non of these are true but its always fun ot have a laugh about them lol

The weiredest rumour i ever heard was that you can supposedly get Sephiroth or Young CLoud to join your party Permantley - you had to do all sorts of things - which of course - included the fact you needed to ressurecte

*rolls eyes* so fake but the number of people that belive them are funny so post your strangest rumours here :D
Zack as a PC. Nuff said.

Also, who the hell would assume a character, dispite his relation to Cloud, only shown in very few scenes, would be a playable character. As sad it is to say, no matter how much I wish it, I'm not sure whether Square will take my request in the PS3 remake. And that rumour about Sephy as a PC is a half-truth. He's not a PERMANENT PC, only in Cloud's Past.

I actually believed that Aeris was revivable. (I'm also sure that Square'll put in the remake a) A way to revive her or b) not kill her off altogether, but it might interfere with the plot...

Realistically, I agree. It's fun to see people take rumours seriously.
Oh yes i heard that rumour too lol. i heard that when Cloud gets to level 99 his hair has a 1/99 chance of turning jet black -_- and a revivable aeris in a remake would be great!! i mean if they make it optinal then advent children is still plausible :D and all the stuff she does in the lifestream im sure she could do by talking to the planet so i can see how itll work out...... but i digress. Lol anyone heard the rumour that Rufus will join your group?? apprently iff you get 100% approval rating during the march thingy hell be SO impressed hell join your team. Yeah w/e lol thats almost as believable as the "get mr dolphin to join your party" rumour.
If you feed Mr. Dolphin the beast that attacked it's heart, he will join your team as "Mr. Dolphin", being a billion times stronger than Sephiroth. Here's how I view the final battle...

Sephiroth: Now that I have defeated you, my failed clone, I shall destroy the worl...awww lookit the cute wittle dolphin...are you precio...AUGGGHHH WHAT THE HELL IS IT DOING TO MY SPINE??? AUGHH, THE PAIN!!!Hmmmm....we can make up our own rumours here, can we? If so.....

If you collect 99 Masamune Blades, Cloud automatically gains the MASAMUNE for a weapon.
If you name Tifa "Stripper", she'll dance topless in EVERY scene!
If you name a chocobo "Tweety", Red XIII will chase it continously. (Parody of "Sylvester and Tweety")

But, logically, if you name Cloud "Zack", that'll put out some awkward conversations with Aeris.
The ones MasterX just posted are my new favorites....-__-'

I love rumors. I love to laugh at them when I hear how ridiculous they are.
Im betting that everyones heard the oh-so-famous-and-proven-wrong-yet-still-popular rumour that if you treat Tifa horribly and Aeris nicely and have tifa in the party before - That - scene (you know what im talking about) TIfa will push aeris out of the way and get herself killed (tried it myself and it failed lol)
Yeah, I believed that, too, and guess what? I "succeeded". (And by succeeded, I mean "had nothing change story-wise".)

If people like my rumours, that's just what I'll do. Aeris Gainsborough
never said that we couldn't. By definition, a rumour is a statement or story that is unconfirmed. With that out of the way, welcome to...

MasterX's Corner of Rumours

1) If you master and USE every materia 100 times, you will get the USELESS materia, (key item) which can be used to end the story a different way...

In the middle of the Safer-Sephiroth battle, Cloud will say, "Why are we doing this?" and the GAME OVER screen will appear, except saying, "YOU WIN!"

2) If you name Cloud "RANDOM!!!", then you see him riding a unicycle instead of a motorcycle\ during the Shinra escape scenario.

3) If you name Aeris "Tifa" and Tifa "Aeris", Tifa will die instead. (A lot less logical than the "nice to Aeris, mean to Tifa" theory, but a lot funner.)

4) If you name Cloud "XWeapon", Ruby and Emerald will automatically become playable characters upon meeting him.

5) If you name Cloud "Aeris", Sephiroth will say, "Wait a minute... I already killed you." and will leave, thus winning the game.

6) If you name Cloud "JENOVA", in the beginning of the game, you'll see him and Sephiroth taking over the world, moving from city to city, slaughtering child after child and will eventually meet at the Mt. Nibel reactor (the JENOVA room) and will compliment each other and the screen will fade out with both of them laughing. The "THE END" screen will be replaced with, "WAY TO GO, JACKASS! WHAT DO YOU DO NOW???

More to come as I think 'em up. Enjoy.
This was fucking hilarious...

To revive Aeris, you have to get the flying chocobo. To get the sandy chocobo, you have to get your Gold Chocobo to mate with each kind of chocobo (including ANOTHER Gold) and at some point you will get the silver chocobo. Mate a silver chocobo with another Gold (incest is NOT the best) and then raise the newly born bronze chocobo to Z rank (obtained by reviving Aeris).

But didn't you just do all that TO revive her? :w00t:
MasterX, I think I just fucking keeled over at the hilarity of your posts *DIES*
Well, unfortunately, you DO have to exploit incest continously in order to gain that lovable Gold Chocobo... (Yeah, dispite the level in inbreeding, how does it manage to end up amazing?)

Anyways, I'm glad to hear that my corner is continously gaining fans. I sincerely hope that these next line of rumours laughs LadyAerith back to life. Now, without further adu, it's time for...

MasterX's Corner of Rumours

(Todays edition will focus on 'Methods on Reviving Aeris')
(for the extrodinarily gullible))

1) If you believe hard enough, then Aeris won't die.
2) If you kill Aeris before Sephiroth does, then you can use the White Materia to later resurrect her in 3rd disc.
3) If you use a Pheonix Down on Aeris, she'll come back to life instantly.
3 1/2) If you use LIFE, LIFE2 or PHEONIX on Aeris, then she'll come back to life instantly.
4) If you be mean to Aeris, then she'll say before she gets stabbed, "It's not you, it me."
5) If you name Aeris "JENOVA", then Sephiroth will say, "No! I won't kill Mumsy!" and goes into a fetal position and sucks his thumb.
6) If you name your Gold Chocobo "Zack", then he will rush to Ancient City, sing the Wark Song (the same one which is sang to you when you get Choco/Mog Materia) and she will wake up from her long "nap".
7) If you play "Aeris's theme" on Tifa's piano, then you will get the Grey Materia, which is tradable to the GP Prize Woman for the Whitest Materia, which along with a human sacrifice, MUST be placed on Aeris's bed in Midgar. Replay "Aeris's Theme" on Tifa's piano and whoever you put in Aeris's bed will automatically become Aeris.

WARNING: Some of the rumours may have contained means of satanic worshipping and other unknown forces that may have been offensive to some people and should not have been read by anyone.
The weiredest rumour i ever heard was that you can supposedly get Sephiroth or Young CLoud to join your party Permantley
You can...with a little help from a cheat device that is ^_^

Head over to FFOnline, rumors abound over there I tell thee! top one must be the elusive 'CHEESE WEAPON' and 'Knights of The Python' in which you can somehow upgrade the KoTR materia into a new summon involving the Montey Python crew in a comedy version of the original spell.
The stupidest rumor is the Aeris revival rumor and that she can someway be revived. Besides the fact that it would completely go against the whole story of FF7, it would truly serve no purpose.

She cannot

I repeat


And she NEVER will be.

So get over it, crazy people. *sigh*
They were actually going to place a secret into the game where you could revive Aeris, but it was cancelled, although segments of this can be found throughout that game.

1.) Aeris' 'ghost'
2.) The sick guy in the pipe in sector 6 (I think it was 6, haven't played in a while)
I liked the whole rumor about a FF7-2. I thought it might be a good idea but then I saw how FF10-2 flopped, and I decided I didn't want them to ruin my favorite game.
here's a Rumor: u can revive zack if u answered Tifa & Aeris Questions correctly, then tife will say that she saw a man half machine and half human then u'll have Zack in your Party.
another one: win the Masumne and give it to the old man in Fort Condor then he'll give u the tiny bronco.
"Get a green chocobo, it'll shit out gil for you."

I read something like that on another FF forum, they were also taking the piss out of the rumours.

Well I have actually not heard a decent rumour.. which people actually thought to be true.
there's a rumor that u can have a grey chocobo that can dive in the water and find another weapon (not emerald) u can fight.
othre Rumors:
[FONT=verdana,arial] 1. Watching the 'Loveless' Play
Yes, there is a rumor that says you can watch the 'Loveless' play. Remember the empty chest in the Corel Prison? Apparently there should be a Ticket inside there. Find it, return to the Gold Saucer and visit the theatre. With the ticket, you can then watch the 'Loveless' play.

[/FONT][FONT=verdana,arial] 2. 1/35 Soldier Ornaments
It is alleged if you collect twelve 1/35 soldiers and buy the house at Costa Del Sol, you can display these soldiers on a window sill as house ornaments.

[/FONT][FONT=verdana,arial] 3. 1/35 Soldier Bonus
If you obtain twelve 1/35 soldiers and play the strategy game at Fort Condor, you will receive an extra soldier unit to use.

[/FONT][FONT=verdana,arial] 4. Lara Croft rumor
Someone says that Tomb Raider starlet Lara Croft is obtainable in Final Fantasy VII. He believes in breeding two gold chocobos and improving them to S Class. Once doing so, beat Joe twelve times and he will be replaced by a new rider. Beat the rider three times, and you will receive the item with no name. With Tifa in your party, leave the Gold Saucer and Tifa will talk about the mysterious item. Show her the item, and the screen will go blank. When vision returns, Tifa will transform into Lara Croft.

[/FONT][FONT=verdana,arial] 5. Tifa getting Killed
Alot of people say Tifa can be killed by Sephiroth instead of Aeris. Be mean to Tifa, and when Aeris is about to die, Tifa will appear and push Aeris out of Sephiroth's way. Tifa will be hit instead. This is fake since Tifa plays major roles after Aeris death. Using a hex editor, you can see that there are no major roles with Aeris after her death.

[/FONT][FONT=verdana,arial]6. Hentai Ending
Beat Sephiroth fifteen times in different files, and you can watch a hentai sequence between Cloud and Tifa after the credits. Considering the damage Squaresoft will receive over such an ending, I must seriously doubt this rumour.

[/FONT][FONT=verdana,arial]7. Killing Priscilla
To kill Priscilla, you must not save her after killing the flying boss. When doing rescue breathing Priscilla, breathe as little as possible. As soon as you press square, release immediatelly so she will barely get air. After several breath attempts attempts, Priscilla will die. This would alter the course of the game dramatically. As to what extent the alteration makes is unknown.

[/FONT][FONT=verdana,arial]8.Cloud+Tifa trick
As you know you answer questions through the game, so every question asked that has to deal with your feeling towards Tifa answer approriately ex-when Aeris asked if you are Tifa's boyfreind, answer yes. Keep doing this, and if you do it right when you are on the 2nd cd at the Gold Saucer Tifa will come in your room--- if this happens your doing good. 2nd step--When you go to the event area and you are in the play kiss Tifa. 3rd step--when you are in the ropeway car you can move so you first bend 5 times, look out the window 12 times, then look at your knees 21 times. This has to be done before the first cinema. If you done the above correctly and answered all the questions right, it should go to a lustful screen with cloud and tifa going at it, or doing it.

[/FONT][FONT=verdana,arial]9. Cheese Weapon and Meteor Items
Cheese Weapon: Win: Cheese Ring Steal: Cheese armlet (If you can equip it during battle, which you really can't, it will absorb all damage taken from the cheese weapon as HP) Morph: Cheese Source (raises stats of all characters to 255) Meteor: Steal: Comet Materia, Space Junk, Moon Rock

[/FONT][FONT=verdana,arial]10. Cow Breeding?
Give the cheese ring to the guy in Kalm and...Interesting Insert: If you go into the pub at Kalm, you will find the polygon render of Nobuo Uematsu (the ff7 music composer.) He is incredibly drunk and will tell you that he is sick of the prelude and is going to take it out for ff8. Anyway, once you equip the cow lure materia, you can fight cows instead of Chocobos. You can breed them too! Then a new option on Choco Billy's menu is "Milk." When you milk them, they will produce cheese. You have to milk a "Smelly Cow" to get Limburger, milk a "Holy Cow" to get swiss, and milk a "Patriotic Cow" to get american. I heard there's a blue cow that will give you bleu cheese, and an italian cow which will give you Parmesan and Mozzarella cheese. If you go to wall market, you'll find the honeybee inn has been vacated. You can buy the building for 1,000,000 Gil. Then you can open a deli. You can serve sandwiches with your cheese, and in the International version of ff7, you can get the Salmon Materia and have Salmon Cheese, which sells for 10,000 Gil on a sandwich.

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I heard a rumour once before that if you named Cloud something, or named Aeris 'Aerith' you would started the game at level 99 and with ultimate weapons. XD
Ways to save aerith:
1) using game shark - no use
2) using a patch in pc version - hm...
3) give the man in kalm the earth harp(sp?), desert rose, and guide (from morphing the boat like creature), in THAT order. Then if the last thing you received from the man is the sub-acuatic materia (equip to CID) , you can enter the Forgotten capital (the shrine where...) Cloud will faint, Cid calming him and the other character (posibly yuffie) says that there is something in the water. Cid jumps and gains the "revive aerith materia". Go to aeriths church, and link Bahamut zero and the "revive aerith materia". its done! ...

I remembered others now:
3.1)get tifa's weapons and limits, get her to level 100, she will die instead of aerith
3.2) In the 4 CD, you will get the posibility to reviuve aerith.
4) get 35 1/35 soldier ornaments. Get trhe masamune. go to fort condor, talk to the people in there, you will recieve a sephiroth clone (might be Zack's or Aerith's)
5) Name everyone "Sephiroth", you will be able to equip cloud the masamune.
6) dating tifa/Yuffie/Barret: treat bad every other character, and dont get yuffie until last moment posible.
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