FFVII: The Soap Opera

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Sephiroth turned atound sensing the presence of one of Shinra most trusty turks, Reno, President Rufus was with him as well. Sephiroth stared coldly at Reno with his green eyes filled with "J-Cells".

Sephiroth: "Hmm....you wish to stop me....."

Sephiroth kept walking towards Reno while pointing his blade at his opponent. Suddenly, fire began to spread across the town and in a few moments, Nibelheim was a blazing inferno.

The piles of rubble and burned wood fell all around Sephiroth, and countless explosions could be heard from afar.

Sephiroth: "Hmm....I have no business with you. Out of my way or I'll terminate your existance."

Seeing the flames around him and everything blowing up Reno could not help but to wonder what had just happened...

Reno:"Let you pass eh!? Well depends on what you came to do here if it concerns Shinra or the President then it concerns me and therefore i can´t just let you pass so easily!"

Sephiroth made a sudden stop facing Reno among the sudden chaos that was unleashed. Laughing as if he had lost all sense of humanity within him, Sephiroth swung his blade and a fierce wind current was unleashed blowing away ashes and dust all around him. He then prepared his sword and decided to take an offensive fighting stance while still aiming the end of his long blade at Reno.

Sephiroth: "Fine then, if you wish to become an obstacle I shall take you on."

Reno quickly draw his Rod and prepared to defend himself but sensing he could be in for a bashing he decided to ask once again...

Reno:"Whoo man now...take it easy if you could at least tell me what you came to do here and if does not concern either me or Shinra then you know...i could just let you keep on doing whatever you are doing."

As Reno said this one of the houses behind him colapsed and the screams of people being burned could be heard.

Reno:"(Darn it...the people are in trouble.)"

Sephiroth left his offensive stance and stood firmly facing Reno while the flames and smoke consumed the town. The screams of people away crying for help weren't important for Sephiroth, for he was a cold blooded monster and his feelings were eternally frozen deep within his heart.

He stared at the floor while the few drops of blood still fell on the ground from the edge of his blade. He stared and grinned as if he were satisfied with his past actions.

Sephiroth: "My business are my own and I don't follow orders....give me back 'Mother' and I might let you live...."

Sephiroth of course was lying, no one who stood in his way in the past lived to tell the tale besides that man named "Cloud".

Sephiroth: "Your lives, even if among you we have the president of Shinra Corp himself are no important to me....only 'mother' is important."

It was quite obvious, Sephiroth wished to find the whereabouts of Jenova in order to accomplish his goals. After that he would search for the Black Materia and take revenge for his mother, which in fact is, Jenova.

Reno:"Now see theres just a problem with that i can´t let you get Jenovas head and send the world into a crazy battlezone once again! So if you want Jenova then yes you do have to pass by me and the rest of the Turks!"

Reno felt pretty lonely making that statement as there was no other Turk or person, for that matter, to assist him.

Sephiroth closed his fist with anger while he stared with rage at Reno. Not wanting to waste any more valuable time to delay his reunion, Sephiroth retook his offensive stance and aimed far end of his blade to Reno. He was staring from behind the blade of his masamune; a small red glint could be seen in Sephiroth's eyes.

Sephiroth: "So be it..."

Suddenly from among the flames voices were heard chanting a strange hymn.

~~Instuans Interious Ira Vehementi....Instuans Interious Ira Vehementi....Sephiroth!!......Sephiroth!!!~~

Sephiroth: "Prepare to lose everything....now face an eternity of pain and suffering!!"

After this being said, Sephiroth ran quickly towards Reno and jumped high into the air. While in mid air he grinned and came rushing down powerfully dealing a barrage of attacks to Reno, the last of his attacks however was aimed straightly at Reno's right arm.

Sephiroth: HP 5/5

Reno: HP 5/5
Runing out of his burning house(what in Clouds name is goin on here) he see's an old man on the path
"hey you whats hapaning here"
Old man" Sephiroth has set the town ablaze"
"WHAT!!!!! Sephiroth is back"
turns and runs down the burning Streets he see's Sephiroth with reno stod the other side of him, so he Jumps over sephiroth
"reno we have our diferences but you look like you need help. Sephiroth how many times must you Die before you stay dead. and will someone call Cloud on His Cell fone!!!"

Quickly standing up on his two feet again after dodging part of Nanaki's attacks, Sephiroth sent a cold stare at Nanaki while aiming his sword at Reno. Sure they more the merrier but still they weren't enough to stand a chance against him. However, Cloud could be a problem and his friends would actually get in Cloud's way if a battle happened here in Nibelheim again.

Sephiroth: "Hmm.....yet another who wants to die! Fool, I can't die...."

Sephiroth quickly resumes his attacks against Reno while dodging the piles of rubble and the burned house crumbling all around them. Suddenly he swung his sword fiercely and horizantly towards Nanaki while kicking the floor to lift a cloud of dust towards Reno.

Sephiroth: "Aren't you glad to see me? Hmmmm...."
jumps over sephiroth's sword and Kicks himin the head, landing next to reno "has some one caled Cloud yet"

Member of Clouds fan club" i phoned him but he isn't answering"
"why doesn't that surprise me"
*casts fire2 on Sephiroth*

he hears a feint Scream comming from a building, (what!!, is there someone in that building, Damn!)
"reno, there is someone in that building, go help them i'll keep this B*****d busy"
It seemed as if Cid had turned the wrong corner, because to his amazement, he was faced with a towering inferno. Sweltering heat and the feint screams from the residents of Nimbelheim where all he could see and hear. This was basically hell.

Cid:What the crap is going on?! Who did this? Where is everyone? Who's actually listening to me? No one....great..."

Vincent had vanished with his fangirls and nobody else seemed to be around for aid.

Cid:(Damn, looks like I'm gonna have to find Rufus and Reno. Maybe they know what's going on.)

Cid quickly set about finding the pair, assuming they were where he left them. Battling his way through the flames, beads of sweat were dripping from Cid's forehead; the heat was unreal!

In the distance was the sound of clashing metal and people shouting furiously. This didn't sound good at all.
The fire had scorched Cid's brilliant blue pilot's jacket, one of his prized possesions, but in contrast to the carnage caused to people and their homes, suddenly it didn't mean so much to him.

Finally Cid arrived. That man, who was it?

Cid:No..It...it can't be. Sephiroth!

He could see Reno battling away like a hero, trying to prevent any further damage to the villiage. Exhaustion from the heat and batle were taking it's toll on Reno as he slipped and fell to the ash encrusted ground.
Ever the opportunist, Sephiroth raised his giant blade and prepared to strike.
Leaving no time to waste, Cid unseathed his spear and knocked the blade to one side; giving Reno ample time to regain his compsure. Sephiroth seemed furious.

Cid: "You're gonna have to get past me too! (psst Reno, You think it may make more sense to distract him and run so we can get re-inforcements? This guy freaks me out!)

After seeing Cid and Nanaki appear to assist him Reno felt a bit more confident and whispered to Cid..

Reno:"You think that if Cloud was able to take him head on alone then perhaps the three of us can beat him too? It would have really helped if Vincent and the others were here but we can´t just let him pass!"

As Reno said this he jumped into the air with his rod preparing to strike Sephiroth in the left shoulder! But before he landed the hit he used Neo Turks Light atack and sent it directly at Sephiroth chest that way he could only dodge one of the atacks!
As another house colapsed from the fire Reno thinks to himself.

Reno:(I"f i distract him then his defenses will be down and Cid might be able to pierce him with his spear)"

Reno HP:5/5
Sephiroth HP:5/5

hmm oh i dozed off again.....may as well go for a walk..... (cloud looks outside and sees sephiroth) well sephiroth looks like you wish to end.

*cloud raises his buster sword and runs at sephiroth and starts attacking him*

~+~ Sephiroth~+~

Furiously and ruthlessly he launched a barrage of attacks against both Cid and Reno who seemed to be dodging the attacks. Reno, who seemed to have aimed his attacks at Sephiroth's left shoulder was hardly blocked by Sephiroth's Masamune Sword. Yet again another incoming attack against Sephiroth's chest was dodged by Sephiroth while he attempted to counter attack Cid's attacks.

While in the middle of the countless attacks being unleashed, Sephiroth chose to get the upper hand so he made a backstep dodge, avoiding Cid's spear while blocking Reno's staff with the far edge of his blade.

Sephiroth, who seemed unnaffected by the heat around them stared coldly at both Reno and Cid. Suddenly he rushed towards Reno and aimed his sword towards Reno's right shouder but quickly made a change with a swift side step movement to Reno's right side. Quickly he aimed his upward slash towards Reno's left leg to knock him off balance.

Sephiroth: HP 5/5
Reno: HP 5/5

Nice Battle so far Jimmy ^_^ You too Cid.

Swetting from the flames surrounding him Reno nearly had time to respond to Sephiroths strong and fast atack and at the last second Sephiroth moved to the right confusing him...

Reno leapted to the right as well, and lowered his rod to protect his left leg he was able to block Sephiroths masamune, but the impact of his rod with Sephiroths sword sent him falling a few meters away.

Still a bit dazed by the colision Reno got up as fast as he could.

Reno:"(well at least i still have my leg)"

Reno had to think of a way to gain the upperhand fast because he knew he could not dodge Sephiroth forever...

Reno: 5/5
Sephiroth 5/5

OOC: Thanks Julius this battle is fun:)
A trio of bullets flew past Sephiroth, one making the tiniest dent in his shoulder guard and the other two becoming lost in the flames. The source of the bullets was quickly reloaded in a second and a half's time before the gun was raised once more.

Vincent was standing a good twenty-five, twenty-seven feet away from the battle. His clothes was even more torn and ragged than it was a few minutes ago and a hint of smudged lipstick could be seen on his cheek. Even his black hair didn't escape the ferocity of the fangirls. Between those fangirls and Sephiroth, Vincent would rather face ol' Sephy.

Vincent aimed lower this time, firing a trio of shots at Sephiroth's torso. Whether they missed or not, Vincent still took the opportunity to make another quick reload.
Cid could see the accuracy of Vincents shots but to his astonishment could also see how little impact was being made. There was Reno, Vincent, Cid and RedXIII. Then, there was Sephiroth; in a completely different class.
Thank god Cloud had recently turned up, Sephiroth was hardly impressed to see him. It clearly had a mental effect, the silver haired legend wasn't fully focused on everyone else.

Cid:"This is our chance, strike him while he's focusing on Cloud!"

Reno and Cid took a flank each, Cid down the left and Reno down the right. Both with teeth bared, they charged towards Sephiroth, only to be faced with something monsterous.
Out of nowhere, Sephiroth released a Bolt3 attack, cracking into the ground just ahead of them; scorching the ground even more than before.

Cid:Cloud! We need you to help take him down!

The thick black smoke was bellowing into the air, creating an aura of evil. Reno and Cid had been knocked back by the vicious bout of thunder and needed to compose themselves, Sephiroth was a different class of powerful.
Adrenaline was coursing through Cid's veins, he thrived from the excitement of the battle; even if this was slightly more serious.

Cid:(Thank god Vince is here. This would be a good time for his fangirls to take Sephiroth down!)
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cloud raised his sword and sephiroth had to stop casting bolt3 and block cloud and this gave reno and cid an opening
((OOC: Let's not make these battle's too long-winded :D))

Cid managed to raise himself up from the filthy ground and face Sephiroth once more. Panting and clearly damaged, the enigmatic pilot stared Sephiroth directly in his glassy eyes; this man had no soul. How could someone attempt to burn down an entire villiage with such disregard to life?

By this point, Reno had also made it to his feet. Very impressive for someone who Cid once looked at with pity. There was suddenly a new found respect.
For no apparent reason, all was still; even Sephiroth. Granted, Cloud had just knocked him back, but it was unlike the legend to stay stationary for so long.

Cid:(What's he doing now? He's stopped...)

What Cid had noticed, was the deadly Masamune blade being lowered. Had he given up? Surely not..
Sephiroth brushed a strand of his silvery gray aside and looked on blankly; no expression at all. Not phased by this change in stance, the group remained prepared and in battle mode, especially Cloud. Full of energy and enraged by the sheer sight of Sephiroth.

Cid:"I don't know what he's doing, but I don't trust him!"

The silence created more of an atmosphere than there was previously. The cool, welcome breeze blew embers across the battlefield, scattered with wood and ash. The usual peaceful feel of Nimbelheim had been destroyed.
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