FFVIII : Love It Or Hate It?

Love it or Hate it?

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I love this game. It has a great story, a unique twist on the battle system when it comes to magic. I feel that drawing magic is fresh and different from the usual way of buying or finding it. I also like how you can junction your stats and add what ever status effect you want to regular attacks, as opposed to the usual way of obtaining status attack capabilities.
i liked the game cz of the story...though i didn't understand all of it ^^"
it was just too complicated for me...specially the fact how did squall fall for rinoa like that and when ?

but i just loved laguna's story and he became one of ma most favorite character....squall is too...specially his speeches like "go talk to the wall" LOL :P
2nd Least Favorite Final Fantasy

I hate this game so much, and if I'm not hating it, then I find this game so boring.

Reasons why I hate this game:

1) Storyline is... tolerable. I'm not really fond of it. It was fun at first, but now I'm just going through it without much of a care.

2) The Characters: Squall is a badass, I'll give VIII that. The most in-depth of them all. His gunblade has an excellent appeal to it too.

But it annoys me that the rest of the playable characters are practically high school seniors to me. There are no big age differences. It all looks, and from all the speech bubbles, reads like one big high school drama. It annoys me every time Seifer calls Zell "chicken-wuss." Wtf?

3) Falling asleep and dreaming about other people: To me, this only confuses the plot even more. I wish Laguna, Ward, and Kiros were just part of the main party rather than having to play them during dream sequences.

4) The junction system: The worst ability and magic system of any FF that I've ever played. Junction a GF to use magic. Then junction magic, then junction magic to a stat or defense star. Junction this to junction that to get this to work. Goes on and on and on :ffs: I still hate using auto to fill in everything and then go back in to change something I don't like.

5) Magic: I hate what they did with the magic. Draw, draw, draw. Convert cards to magic. Store all the magic. The magic effects your physical attacks. I don't like how we must aquire magic jsut to make us stronger physically. Makes no sense to me.

6) I also don't like how there are no armor nor accessory slots. It's all in the weapons, and then figure out what parts are needed to upgrade them :mad:

7) It's a three party system, not a four party system: Just like in VII, I disliked the fact we could only control three people at a time.

8) The card game: After looking up guides and many practice attempts, I still suck at it. The game makes no sense to me. I like Tetra Master in IX better, but I still hate playing card games in a video game. This is especially so since cards provide some of the best shit in VIII, which I find very annoying to do.

I know a lot of you guys love this game, say it's your favorite, or one of your top favorites; but not me. I prefer XIII over VIII.

Overall, VIII is my second least favorite Final Fantasy game of all time, right after XII (the absolute worst).
More Hate than Love.

To start off I thought the story was executed terribly. The whole time thing whatever wasnt very interesting. Ultimecia was under developed as a villian.
Squall dresses like an asshle, looks like an asshole, acts like an asshole, and most importantly, he is an asshole.
Quists was a fun character, but it's too bad Rinoa and Selphie werent as much. Laguna had a nice story tho, so props for that. Enough of the characters and story, now for the gameplay. The Junction system sucks. The level system is easily exploitable.
As for the rest of the game, The graphics were great and a huge leap from VII's, that the game got right.
The backrounds and world map werent interesting enough to keep my interest though. Lastly, I found the soundtrack to be inconsistent, although I like it more than I dislike it.

Overall, this game ranks with FFII and FFIII as my least favorites out of the main series.
I enjoy this game loads. Absolutely amazing cutscenes, with great character introductions. The battles are quick enough and the limit breaks are very risky to use, which adds tension to the bosses (as there should be). The characters are great for the most part, although Irvine is a bit pointless really, once the assassination is over...maybe I forgot what else he is involved in.
The music is amazing too, with one or two of them being my past ringtones :)
The graphics are very different to previous installments and the settings are modern.
Also, the dream world made me want to play on and on, until I found out what the hell it was all about.
The junction system was good, but a bit drawn out...although you never needed to keep drawing off the same enemy for hours as soon as you first see a spell that seems rare at that point.
I hate this game. x) To me, it has a very juvenile plot compared to other titles, and the main villian is almost as bad as Zeromus from FFIV. Ultimecia really could have used some more development outside of possessing people. Don't even get me started on the god awful junctioning system and the complete lack of armor in the game ugh. While I commend FFVIII for trying new things and having amazing visuals, they weren't very well exectued.

Probably the biggest gripe I have in this game is Rinoa, she is one of the worst female characters in the series. It's so obvious Square tried way too hard to make her kawaiiiiii ugguuu~ and she caused the part trouble at almost every turn. But the biggest load of crap to me was how suddendly Squall went from "I don't care" to "I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT HER!" it's like there was no transition at all, which is terrible writing imo.

Instead of ranting on and on about the game's flaws, I'll simply wrap up this post by saying I hate this game, even though it does have a *few* things that I like.
I loved it. Though I played for the first time when I was young and I'm pretty sure my love for the ps1 FF's is part nostalgia. The story wasn't as strong as some of the other games but I found it interesting enough to keep me motivated. I enjoyed the world of FF VIII quite a lot too. I found the gardens really interesting for some reason...Like a military Hogwarts :D
I agree with the part about the gardens. If there's one thing FFVIII did right, it was that! I mean, the invasion of Dollet is one of the coolest moments in gaming for me EVER!
Alright guys, can we please keep on topic? Casual chatty posts really aren't appropriate here and I've deleted the last 5 or so posts of them. Thank you ~
I have nothing but love for this game. It was my 2nd game in the series, the first being VII, and it's always going to be my favourite. I can't quite explain it, but the characters are amazing, the story is great (sometimes it can get a little wtf) and just... ahjfkkfd.
It was one of the most fun RPG's to me, the characters and the music the setting it was all so memorable to me. The only draw-back to me was drawing magic, I gotta say, my method got everyone level'd up pretty quick, but when I first start a game , man is it ever a grind lol.

But yeah, when I first got this game, it just blew my mind. I never played it as much as FFVII (which was only me trying to find a way to save Aeris anyways), but it's always stuck with me, and I've always been ridiculed for loving this one. Fan boys always ask, why not FF6? lol. I actually have the original disc for this FF and FFVII :)
I ENJOYED THIS GAME. I like how I can customize my characters, though drawing 100 spells is such a pain in the ass =( But the summoning is really cool during battles and although there's no voice-over, I can really feel the intensity of the story =)
Hate it so far.

I'm on the 2nd disc and I can hardly find the will to continue playing it, it's almost unbearable.

I see everyone complaining about characters... it's not even the characters or the story that bothers me.

1. I hate the Junction system with a passion
2. I hate how every part that involves "A destination to B Destination" always involves some not-so-obvious hidden bulls*** passage/way that takes 20 mins to find. For instance, the hidden door under the gate [Before you try to assassinate Edea], the "Jump on the waterwheel" crap in the sewers, and so much more... it's like that EVERY time you need to get from A to B and it's so irritating it makes you want to break your foot off up in the games ass.
3. I hate that the fighting is monotonous, despite the Junction system being frustratingly tedious. Like one user already said, it's basically GF GF Heal GF GF Repeat. As I was browsing this thread and reading it's posts, I beat the two robot guard and the soldier guarding the prisons exit, because all I had to do was spam summons and wait for them to cast.
4. I hate the idea of stock piling Magic like items... it's just one more tedious thing to micromanage.
5. I'm a die hard FF7 fan and I am appalled that FF8 is even compared to it by some. FF7 is blatantly superior to FF8 in every way possible, but graphics.

Honestly, I just don't see the logic behind anyone who likes FF8 beyond maybe it's story/characters/graphics... because really, that's the only thing it has to offer because the gameplay is god-awful.
I like FFVIII for several reasons:

1. the Junction system, which I was able to abuse to make my characters feel like they're unstoppable.
2. The Summons: I just love the design when it comes to these entities known as GFs. to me, they were greatly detailed
3. TRIPLE TRIAD!!!!!!: it was such a feature that I liked soo much. It made me play the game for longer than what I would normally played for, collecting every card out there, as well as beating the toughest opponents around. Heck, for a time, FFF's RPG had this game in the system, in which i remember winning a tournament (and receiving a rare Shiva card.)

as of this post, I'm playing the game again. been loving the story to it.
This game was really unique to me. I like the wide range of characters, the storyline and the junction/GF abilities. Especially the junction ability. Never have I, at the time of the game seen anything like this. At first, I thought it was really awkward and weird having to go through all the trouble drawing magic just to get my people to be better, it was really worth it in the end. The game was an all around fave for me. Nothing can be really compared to the game and that's what makes the game so great. Squall, Zell. Quistis, Selphie, Irvine, Rinoa I liked them all. The game just would always keep me on the edge of my seat it was a lot of fun to play :monster:
There are multiple reasons why I dislike this game. The characters are basically all 12 year-old girls. Squall, being a grown man- shyly rejects his hot teachers acquisition for romance. Zell jump around like a monkey all the time. Selphie singing fairy tales about her current setting. Irvine being a typical Michael Jackson, only with more feminine and younger features. Seifer was just a douche.
I disliked the battle system and junctioning because I spent 2/3s of game play drawing cards from enemies. Really not fun to do, unlike grinding and leveling up materia in FF7.

I always stuck, but NEVER because of a boss battle. It was because I didn't know where to go and I hated sufficing to walkthroughs.

I know this game has its perks, but I believe it to be the second worst game in the series, Final Fantasy XIII ranking at the top.
I would really love this game if not for the horrible fighting element, and the stupid ass drawing/junction. All this game is is GF spam to win battles as magic spells are basically deemed useless when you have to junction them for your stats and defenses. I just can't get over how terrible this aspect of the game is. I love the story and I love the characters in 8, but everything else? Not so much.
I would really love this game if not for the horrible fighting element, and the stupid ass drawing/junction. All this game is is GF spam to win battles as magic spells are basically deemed useless when you have to junction them for your stats and defenses. I just can't get over how terrible this aspect of the game is. I love the story and I love the characters in 8, but everything else? Not so much.

Probably the only GFs worth spamming, is Doomtrain, Cerberus, and Eden.

The fact that once you junction higher tier magic to STR, you begin steamrolling mobs so fast, you dont even think about GFs.
I think what people forget is that the game doesn't force you to play cards and get ridiculously high magic early, it's a choice that some game players make. Also, there's only 9 spaces for magic to be junctioned to, and you can have up to 32 magics at a time, so it's also people's choice not to use magic all the magic they don't have junctioned. I don't think it's really fair to dislike a game because you chose to play it a way you didn't like...