If SE is good at one thing it's killing you by over dosage of romantic scenes and sentimental stuff. Not that romance and sentiment is a bad thing but jeezus, i mean, there's only so much Rinoa I can take!
honestly if they made a FFVIII movie it would proply be about how well their doing after the incident or about Squall and riona's child growin up most likely it would a very sentemental movie with great battle scenes

That would be just a poor excuse to make the movie. No one wants to see that and the fact that we all know if a movie of FFVIII was to happen, SE would just add more bullshit towards the story. I don't see why everyone liked FFVII: AC because it was just full of crap and was only really made because FFVII fans wanted more and look what we get? It is best to not ask for more because you are more than likely to be disappointed.
That would be just a poor excuse to make the movie. No one wants to see that and the fact that we all know if a movie of FFVIII was to happen, SE would just add more bullshit towards the story. I don't see why everyone liked FFVII: AC because it was just full of crap and was only really made because FFVII fans wanted more and look what we get? It is best to not ask for more because you are more than likely to be disappointed.

People always want more, I mean, imo, it would have been better not to make a FFVII AC, I really didn't like it. Just one long FMV with a bunch of fight sequences and random flashbacks...

I've never liked Sephiroth, I don't see why he is so popular, probably because he was the first silver haired bishi of his time, everything after that started to breed little sephiroths, only with different names and plot placement in other games unrelated to FF. His emo apparently appeals to people, as does Cloud's, Vincent's fan basis I can understand somewhat, he's pretty cool, but to a certain extent I only go so far.
is there anyone that have recorded when they played the game. so the game itself became a movie? im looking for it. and if no one have done that i think i will try..

I did that on my old VHS, I still have it somewhere! Was so much fun to make, made my own video cover and everything lol.

As for an actual movie, Im mixed on it. Yeah Id love to see a movie featuring Squall and Co all vamped up, yet I still think it should be left alone cause its perfect IMO the way it is.
Idk how well that'd go over. I couldn't see why FF7 was so popular, in fact i couldn't even stand playing the game. I'd like to see an FF8 movie but I doubt that'd happen :(