FFXII: Love It or Hate It?

Even though I can be pretty harsh about it, I.............................. Liked it.

: The only things I actually loved about the game was the story, the battle system and the loads of sidequests.

: Character interaction... boring and cold.
The storyline was interesting enough, but it had a severe lack of character development. I really would've liked some love incorporated into it somewhere. I was pretty disappointed. >_<

Loved the Hunts, though. And the loot-selling system was more realistic than monsters just happening to drop cash. Battle system was alright, but my favorite battle system thus far has been Final Fantasy X-2. I found the dressphere system oddly efficient. Rather than having to develop and balance out several characters, I could just focus on three and give them different jobs. It looked better, too, because the girls would roam around the battle screen rather than returning to the same place every time they attacked.

Back to twelve, though. The License Board infuriated me. It was like an extremely lazy version of the Sphere Grid. The Gambit System was a pretty good idea, it went along well with the combat style. The espers were absolutely useless unless you met all the requirements for their final attacks, which weren't really that great anyway. And I couldn't stand Quickenings. Hardly ever used them.

Still, it wasn't a bad game overall. The only real problem I had with it is that there's no significant love story, and a crappy character development system. Oh, and the music bored me to tears.

This just wouldn't be one of those FF's that I'd play again and again and still enjoy.
im kinda in the middle i love it cause i like th cutscenes and i hate it cause i cant beat it lol...
I liked it, but I didn't love it. I thought Vaan was too much of a neutral character, and why should a princess look so whorish? Also nearly all the characters in the normal graphics, their eye color or shape was practically the same... All brownish looking.

The graphics really looked nice though, kudos to that, especially the view at the top of Mount Bur-Omisace when you look out to the sky.
i loved it, it was also my first RPG i played :(
but because of it, i've started ffX, VII, and III.
(Fran's voice rocks too, does anyone agree?)
I can't say I love it so much that I could marry the game :lol:
But I can't hate it either...
Guess I vote for LOVE
FF XII is good, certainly made up for the trash SE has otherwise been putting out.

The story is interesting and quite relevant in the world today. War, invasions for benefit, politics..., script is well written, the graphics and settings are beautiful, voice acting a huge improvement over X, characters are interesting, the battle system is great (This was the way to go if there is to be no World Map), and the number of side quests and bonuses are overwhelming.

What I don't like is the License Board. A idea generally but its too repetitive and boring. Its too easy to fill making every character the same. It could have done with combining it with another system to make it more interesting.

Another thing I don't like is how, fighting wise, all characters are more or less the same. Sure you can chose what they equip (which is awesome) but they have no unique ability's to them selfs. The only thing that really sets them apart except for what you give them via License Board is the states, and even they aren't different enough to make a real notable difference.

Also, the Espers and Quickenings are rather rubbish for what they are. I'm not one to use summons often anyway but this game really turned me off using them at all tbh.

It's things like this that can make it quite tiering to continue playing it through, making it seem that the only real aspect keeping you going is the scenery and hearing your favorite character speak in the next cut-scenes.

Plus I have minor annoyences with some little things such as how the party is organised etc. It just seems that despite how great this game is, there is still aspects of it that seemed rushed.

Overall however, I think FF XII is everything XI should have been for us, makes up for certain aspects that let X down and could possibly make us forget X-2 ever exsisted.

Roll on FF XIII!
I love this game, as a game. Alright, I tend to play Final Fantasy for the story but, while the story was pretty much absent in this game, this is one of my favourite Final Fantasys.

I love the gameplay! The battle system was refreshing and highly enjoyable. I thought that Gambits was a good idea, and the battles felt more action packed. I have to say, it's the funnest FF in terms of gameplay, at least for me.

I also thought that being able to control any of the main characters on the world map was a good addition. It meant I didn't have to put up with Vaan all the time! :lol: It also allowed me to level up the characters more evenly, although I left Vaan at a low level. =]

While there wasn't really a story with the characters, the plot wasn't all that bad. I felt is was more about Ivalice, not Ashe or Vaan or Bashe. Everyone had their own life in the story, affected by the overall story. I admit I would have preferred it if they'd focussed on the characters played, but since they were aiming to tell Ivalice's story, they pulled it off well. I suppose it reminded us that the heros were just normal people who decided to make a stand and succeeded.
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ugh i hated the battle system... i thought it stunk... im more of a fan of turn base battle XD
Then why don't you turn Gambits Off so you have to imput all turns manualy. Its just like the traditional turn based battling were all familiar with :P

To make it extra harder, go to the Configuration screen and select ATB to Active and game play won't 'freeze' during command input, everything really does go real time :P
I don't get why people still complain even after having turned gambits off. You can always cancel a move that you cast, by manually selecting another move, just so you know not to fuck up.
Hmm i have to go for "Love It"

I haven't even finished the game yet, i got too The Salikawood then bought the Piggyback guide so started again. And so far, i "like" it. I am really not enjoying Vaan in the slightest..the only decent character IMO is Balthier. Penelo is non-existant. SE just havent put anough into the characters, they have put more effort into the Judges and NPC characters lol.

Other than that, the battle system was great, different but i certainly like it! Not too keen on Gambits, and the fact that no-one has a specific "Ultimate Weapon," Everyone is the same..more or less.

Not done too much of the side-quests yet, i'm totally up to date with Hunting. But i don't rate it, the other main side-quests from other FF's were far better, but its not too bad.

Story seems to slack a little, i wouldnt class this game any where near as good as 7,8,9 and 10 but it's still a great game and i can't wait too see what happens in the end :D!
"I love it" or actually is just like it.

Story is good, I like political scheming and this is the first FF-game for a long time where you don´t have to save whole world. Characters and NPC are good too and this game has lot FF-feel.

There are lot of sidequests, filling sky pirates den is fun and beastiry is cool too what I have wanted to have in FF-games for a long time.

Only things I want to be improved is: character development ( there is some but still not good as other FF-games) and more playable characters, I would have wanted a bangaa to join my team.
i love it. i'm playing it right now. i t is true about characters. i don't feel much close to them as i felt when i was playing other ff games. But the story is great here to, so if the story is ok, the game is ok, and i am ok.
Overall, I loved this game. Of course, there were a few aspects which turned me off. Nevertheless, the positive outweighs negative.

What I loved most was the beautiful scenes, soundtrack and the gambit system; a game that truly shines on the PS2.

The license board was both a strong point and a weak point, in my opinion. You got the freedom to choose what you want out of your characters, but it seems bring about a loss of individuality in the process which the sequel emphasizes more-so.

Bahamut being turned into an airship and not playable really turned me off, but I suppose was necessary for the plot.