FFXII: Love It or Hate It?

I like the game! :) Ok, it is my fisrt one and i can´t compare with the other Final Fantasy games but i like the story and the characters. Sure some stuff might be improved but i think it is a good game.
Okay, I actually thought FFXII wasn't too bad (Just beat it yesterday). It certainly isn't the worst Final Fantasy in the whole series. However, I was very disappointed with the character development. The focus of each characters' story just wasn't well balanced at all. It made it hard for me to make a connection with any of the characters. I also thought Vaan wasn't cut out to be the main protagonist. It was more Ashe's story in my opinion.
Final Fantasy XII is a really nice game (In my opinion). I actually like the battle system (even though it is hardly critisized(Spelled it wrong?)). Something I do hate in this game is the license system. The other gamers may like it, but what the... I don´t need points to know how to wear a hat!! (Yes. Taken from VGCats). Except from the license system and Vaan (which is a extremely dull main character in my opinion), the game is a really sweet game.
Played the game, thought it was gay. JK

Okay, now for my write-up

I think the gameplay was solid, I liked the fact that it felt so fast and fluid, the fact that random encounters were gone is cool too. My real beef with this game is the fact that every character plays the exact same way. No matter how you slice and dice it Penelo is just as effective a warrior as Basch. I like to have characters that play differently so I can utilise them in different strategies. *Jacki Chan Uncle voice*One more thing, in the next game, levels need to become relevant again, progressing less than 10 levels barely made a difference.

The story was predictable and boring too. Technically it was nice, the facial expressions and the body language of the characters tells you all you need to know. Like previous posters have already said, this story was ridiculously predictable, I wasn't once surprised. The characters reasoning for the journey is explained, but reasoning alone does not make me feel for these characters. Now that I think about it, the only person I felt for was Larsa Solidor. Now that guy's a little badass, cool voice and you can tell that Vayne's workings are putting a huge weight on his mind.

The graphics were great, I commend Square-enix for this, the characters look greatly detailed. The FMV's were cool, can't complain.

All in all, I give the game 3 out of 4 stars.
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EDIT: I took this quote from page 11 thinking it was the last page, Doh! :)

i thought the story was stupid and cliched

Cliched... I hate to say it but all the games in the series have elements of being cliched, and of them all I felt like XII was one of the least to do so.

In fact this game was brave enough to break away from some of the series more formulaic plot devices. For example, having an evil Cid, a lack of a romance between party members, brand new Summons and by putting the games perspective through a character who plays a bit more of a supporting role to the storyline.

I found the story quite interesting, but I can see how some people may be put off by the depth of the back story and history leading up to games start as it's quite a lot to take in and requires a fair bit of reading up on, but I like that sort of thing!
I think they did really well to capture a more realistic view of politics in this game; it was all very seedy and behind-closed-doors. Plus there was complexities and moral dilemma's within either side of the War and it wasn't always as simple as goodies vs baddies.
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It is one of my most favorites FFs (if not the most), so yes, I LOVE it!
I have enjoyed a lot exploring the wide and big world of FFXII.
I really felt like I am traviling around the world and it was fun.
I found a new place even after 120 hours of gameplay.

I liked the battle system (even though there are better battle systems in other FFs) and the plot. The gambit system was a very good idea, especially for lazy people like me.
I love it and how its got a lot more freedom with the battles and exploration. Though I do like the traditional battle system from the older games, I just like how it feels pretty seamless when you play through it without having to wait a few seconds before a battle starts up while the intro of the battle music plays :-)
I haven't given this game the time it deserves really. I haven't really been further in than a few hours into the game. I do intend to give a fair shake, but for now, I'm going to have to declare that I voted hate it. It just hasn't interested me thus far.
I love it. It`s fairly addicting once you progress farther than Rabanastre. I've a few complaints with the leveling mechanics (or should I say how slowly you seem to level), the storyline, and the lack of personal identification with the characters, but all and all this game really is fantastic. ^_^
I was pretty neutral in it. I love the new Battle System, but the characters and the story were not all that great. I do believe that it would've been better if Vaan wasn't the main character, he just seemed annoying and arragant. Maybe if they changed his backround story along with his progression through the game alot more people would love the game. Plus, FFXII is the first game that I can't remember liking any of the music.
I'm currently playing FFXII and I'm kind of forcing myself to finish the game. So far I'm just not getting into the story or liking the characters. I do like Balthier though and believe it or not (unlike a lot of fans) I kinda like Vaan. A lot of people seem to hate him and I really don't see why. Maybe as the story goes on he'll become more annoying? lol. But besides that no other character grabs my attention.

I do like the battle system, gambits, and I'm okay with the Licenses. So those are pluses. The graphics are beautiful so far. The voice acting is very good. And the cutscene voice acting isn't as awkard like they were in FFX. The lips match with what they are saying I noticed.

I'll continue to give it a try, but if I really have to force myself to play a game I highly doubt I'm going to love it. More than likely I'm going to be neutral with it.
I like it. It's not my favourite Final Fantasy, but I really enjoyed playing it. I thought that the story was interesting, and I thought that each of the characters added their own little bit of charm to the game- yes, even Vaan lol
i got very close to the end and quit playing back when it came out. i dont know why i quit at that time but i was not a big fan of this game. the fighting became to easy with the gambits doing everything, 1h sword and shield for all usally. The MAIN thing that stands out to me back when i played it was that i absolutely hated Ashe's voice, she is 19 and sounds like a mid aged women, was not a hot 19 years olds voice like she looked.

Vaan was to girly lookin for me to like playing, as for all the sidequests, i didnt even bother with most of them because there was so many i was overwelmed by them and questioned there usefull ness in the game, the land where all the fighting and lvling took place were overly big to fit monsters with alot of silly treasures scattered in every corner so it took forever to leave a certain area. i hated how everyone could use any weapon, i liked haveing chars with certain ones like all the other FF. All the weapon types were dumb anyway and were never used, why use anything but a 1 hander with a shield, its all i did and i smashed everything. was thinking about giving it another shot but the endless running and easy mindless fighting is changing my mind

I am currently playing ff9 on my psp a game i never finished back when it came out but i am loving it ,great game ff12 is the only one i havent liked. Even x2 was good i hated it at first so i quit lol, but after a year or 2 i gave it another shot and i loved it
Love It.

I understand many people hate this game. The sad thing is many people hate for many of the same reasons. The first been the alterations to the battle system. Then the others been with the actual gameplay been to linear. Thats a fair comment, yes the battle play may of not of been random battles. However in my opinion i hate random battles anyway. The gambits were majorly flawed to the sence. I actually left my console on and went out so I could lvl up using certain boss fights and actions of gambits. The story however I thought was really interesting and towards the end became intense. I thought gabranth was a very good character design. It is also noted that nobuo and the hironobu had left now. So therefore the design was not going to be like other final fantasys. Fran a thought played a good role in the sence she was mysterious but intelligent. Overall i liked the game because of the hunts and dungions. I remember taking ages to clime the ridderana tower at the end of the game.
I didnt care for the game
!) I beat it in a week and I worked 12 hour days at the time. I'm also one of those item horders and I max out all stats normally befor I get one third of the game done.

2) Story line was crap. The characters didnt emotionally pull you in and the story was just...not there. I litterally felt like I had wasted money on this game and it makes me fear buying verses agaito and whatever else may come for fear of the same being handed to me.
I normally liked most of the story lines even in Dirge of Cerberus,wich by the way was such a horrid game, but its story was ok this one did not even have that.

3) Zero replay value. Havent touched it since I beat it. Not worth the effort when I could be playing a decent game with a story.
i love ff12 it in my top 3 ff games cause of the face that combat system let you set you party to do a certain set of spell and attack to kill what boss or mob your killing to making sure you keep alive by healing you when you at a certain % of life you at