FFXII Progress

All of my characters are level 28-30 and I'm going to Nalbina Fortress after getting the Sword of Kings.
All my characters are lvl 18-19 and I'm on my way to the Garif after defeating Belias.
I'm at 77hrs and 32minutes -

Main Party -

Basch - 63 - Save the Queen

Vaan - 61 - RuneBlade/Crystal Shield (I think I screwed up on Gilgamesh - So no Gengi shield for me [forgot to steal on phase 4 and 5 of the first fight with him])

Fran - 61 - Perseus Bow

Secondary Party

Balthier - 42 - Antares

Penelo - 42 - Cloud Staff

Ashe - 42 - Rune Blade / Crystal Shield

I'm loving the game, I'm updated on every Side quest - I'm stuck on killing Gilgamesh in the sidequests and about to head to some tower after getting the treaty sword. I have 5 Espers - One from Zertenian Caverns (Sp?), One from Barheim Passage, The waterway or whatever - Chuculan (memory is bad), and 2 from the story like - Belias and the One you beat right before the sword of treaty.

I'm taking my time in the real game, and going hard core through Hard places like Necroholis of Nabulis - and Site 5 in Lhusus Mines. I love side quests!
I am between levels 19-23. I have just defeated Belias and am attempting some of the side quests.

By the way, when you get the Barheim Passage key after completing the "Sick guy in the village" (not sure of the real name) side quest, don't bother trying to get the hidden esper until much higher level. I got slaughtered.

For those that aren't using quickenings, you are making it way too hard on yourselves. They make killing the harder enemies/bosses soooo much easier.
levels around 17. just killed the yuritan yensa hunter/killer tortoise or whatever. on my way to the tomb.

highlight so far: killed the first judge with a single chain of quickenings, he never even got an attack off.

My god.. I just got past that and I am only lvl 14... and I beat the tortoise easily.
lets see started playing 12 last week got bout 20 hours on it so far um lvl 19 -20 got done with tomb of raithwall heading down killed about 9 hunts just finished off wyvern lord and i'm heading down to ozmone plains

had trouble with my Vaan idk why but for some reason during the beginning of the game his MP would not recharge even when i saved it/ether-ed it. finally went back to normal after the first "mission" could have been an accessory but idk anyone there know?
Haha yea you had an accessory on - I had the same thing happen to me, but thankfully I tested all the reasons why it could of been, and it turned out I had one that 0's out your MP.
Yeah, I know what you are talking about. At first it lookgs good cause it adds like +16 Magic Resist, but it drops MP to a permanent 0.
Well heres my 2nd update...

I just finished Cid's lab, Im about to go find him in the Feywood or something, I dunno I forgot... My characters are around lvl 36-38, my magic, technik, and gambit boards are all completed. I have only 3 espers, 12 quickenings. Im 130+ hours of play time, Ive been runnning around trying different things out, finding gliches and other nonsense.

I havent really had any problems with any battles so far, its been kinda easy. Its all very simple when you know what your doing.

Yes I have no life and havent seen the light of day for weeks between playing FF XII, watching all 5 seasons of "Smallville",( AWSOME series by the way) and catching up on all the cool anime that Ive missed the last few months.
130+ hours.. that's insane. Oblivion is the biggest game I've played and I couldn't handle more than 75 hours of that.
Oh man dont get me started on Oblivion.... 250+ hours. Yes Im a virgin, lol. Havent had a date in almost a year... stupid X-box 360... and now the Wii, what is my life coming to?... *cries*

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How on Earth? I beat everything in the game (Everything) in 75 hours, and then beat it all again in like 20 hours.

Edit: And I spent a ton of time messing around too, lol.
Well Im sure i left it on for a few hours just sitting there... Details mean alot to me in a game. I do lots of messing around and nonsense to find the dumbest of things lol.
One time I spent a few hours experimenting with the effects of jumping up stairs in Bruma. If you jump at the right time you can fly up the stairs and like 15 feet into the air.
Lol yeah I figured that one out too. Finding stupid things like that easily amuse me.
Gosh.. this talk is making me want to start playing it again.. but I want to play FFXII more right now.
Yeah me too, I have to use the comp at the library so talking about it makes me want to run home and play. But I know as soon as I get there I wont have the same motivation to play as I did 5 minutes ago lol... I wish I had a computer at home :cry2: .
wow..lol, you guys are funny!

I havnt had very much time to play, and the hours its been on is probably over what I've physically played. My people are only like, level 12 and such...just b/c I'm trying to set things up before I go any further into the game...lol...sad I know....but its my method.
Im trying to draw out the game as long as I can, so I dont miss anything.
I want to try and get everything the first time around. On my second save file Im tryin to beat it as fast as i can. I already have all 6 party members in about 15 hours so far.