FFXII Progress

I'm currently in The Great Crystal/Kabonii Jlaam Avaa and my 3 main char are around 60 ... Trying to rush this game and I've been playing around 30 hours or 4 human days... (even though I hate the leveling up part in rpg's...) and now I'm stuck... a switch saying about the master's chosen, will I lay open. Doesn't that mean that they will open only for the Dynast King, I equipped the Dawn Shard and the sword of king. Did I forget something?

Edit: I finally finished it! 34 somethin hours, 8 hours of sleep and 6 cans of redbull. So tired....
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As for me, i've just beaten Cid and im on my way to Feywood or something. Vaan is around lvl.37 with everyone else around lvl.30. Only have 2 Espers and completed about 10 hunts. Right now im working around to getting all the 3 Quickenings for every character. (Vaan and Balthier have 3 while the rest has 2). Also trying to level up and do more side quests... I've rushed so far for the story.
a suggestion: get your 4 main char 3 quickies and save your points for other stuff. You'lle end up needing them like I did during a battle....-_-
yeah just beat Cid and also made my way to the feywood forest Vaan is at level 39 and everyone else is at lv 35-36. Walk into the feywood forest and got destroyed by 6 tomatoe dudes. what lv should i be at in this part of the game i think im just gonna lv up like crazy in the golmore jungle.
yeah just beat Cid and also made my way to the feywood forest Vaan is at level 39 and everyone else is at lv 35-36. Walk into the feywood forest and got destroyed by 6 tomatoe dudes. what lv should i be at in this part of the game i think im just gonna lv up like crazy in the golmore jungle.

At that point of the game I was at 36 with all characters, all augments on lic board, and the best equipment I could buy at the port city. I had no problems. So you should be close just need better equipment or more augments. I am at lvl 40 now with the same equipment.
To be honest with you, all marks you should be able to take when you are equal lvl to them or 2 lower. If you try to lvl up to far in the game you will take the fun out of it. Yes you will have close to 6k health and 900 MP with three quickenings for each person in your party. Your Evasion/Strength/Magic Atk will all be maxed.. so if you want to make the game super easy.. well power lvl if you must.

I have noticed though, if you powerlvl and you don't have the weapons or armor at the time you won't be able to go into Harder places, since you will need alot higher Magic Evasion as well as Defense.

So here's an example: Say you are going into Nabreus Deadlands for the first time, and you lvled up to 60, but you are wearing the same armor you had when you were lvl 20.. Wellllll be prepared for a whooping. You won't be able to hit hard (unless you stole a weapon, perhaps you were lame enough to steal 3 death bringers from Barheim) then you go into there with only Cura when Curaja is needed .. Just trying to paint a mental picture for you. Lvling up to high will leave you bitter in the game, and make it feel to easy for the main story line. Wait till you've beaten it to go to lvl 90+, I would advise it. A Challenge is a Challenge.
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