[FFXII] Where would you like to live?

Probably Balfonheim. Seems kinda lively, and I guess with it being right near the sea, you get lots of lovely views!
I think Bhujerba cos it'll be cool to live in the sky, or Balfonhiem Port. Just cos loads of pirates hang out there. That'd be a good job, flying around all the time, looking for treasure. hmm Think loads of people will say the Phon coast cos of the beach, i wasn't a fan of that bit. I like it when it rained in giza though! :neomon:
Bhujerba, maybe because it's in the skies, or Rabanstare because I may meet Vaan and then I can beat the crap out of him. :wacky:
i would like to live somewhere like balfonheim port because it is a good place because of its atmosphere when walking around the area and also it is a good place to relax compared to other towns, also i would like to live a phon coastat the hunters camp as a hunter, cause that would be a good life, just killin time by killing marks
For me, probably Rabanastre. There's lots to do and see there since it's such a lively place. If I could live here, then my second choice would be Eruyt Village. It was such a beautiful place and it felt so safe since it was deep in the wood.. Those darn Viera would kick me out though >_<
I would like to live in the Golmore Jungle, in the Eruyit Village. It's so peaceful there, time goes slow and wars never happen. However I do disagree with the Viera rule that if you leave the village you're a Viera no more.
Bhujerba I think.....It's just nice and high up and I could dangle my feet off the edge.....it would be pretty nifty...

Although I would so have to own my own airship, I hate public transport -_-
Another reason why I want to be in Balfonheim is because of Rikken :wacky:
Bhujerba, because then I could join the resistance. Also it would be pretty cool to live in the sky
Rabanastre for me. it seems like a lively plce, but it also has plenty of plces to explore or sneack around in. it has plenty of places to climb, and the underground area seem interesting.
i'd like to live in giza plains.... in the little village in the middle. it's away from everyone and i could get some peace and quiet, LOL
I'd say I'd probably like to live in Rabanastre. ;) Now this would be the Rabanastre after the ' end ' of the game, ahem, when lovely Ashelia is the queen. I wouldn't want to live there while the Empire was in control and you had all those soldiers, lurking around, watching your every move. I'd probably have myself a nice apartment, in when of those high rise buildings, looking out over the exotic deserts of Dalamasca. So yes, that'd be my choice!
Bhujerba I like the whole city in the sky thing and I love heights and flying and considering it a flying city it will proberly be the airship captital and I'm a flying nut.
for me id have to live in eruyit village, because of all the lovely vieras..... fnarr fnarr... Lol

well either that or the camp in the estersand, the one you have to cross the river to get to for the firast time
Heh heh, I'll take Celsius. Always wanted to live in an airship.