FFXIII: Favorite Characters

Sazh is pretty much the best. Not only does pretty much everything he does make me laugh, he's also probably one of the most human of the cast. He goes through a pretty wide range of emotions, and you always get the sense that he's just the normal guy doing what he can. The fact that there's a lot more to him than meets the eye is pretty cool.

Also he gets the best spell in the game that I've seen so far.
Vanille because she has the prettiest hair,outfit,earings,l'cie mark, wepon, and eyes, plus shes super funny and reminds me soooo much of myself
So far, my favorite is Snow. I love his attitude of determination to rescue Serah and make things right with Lightning even if it's hard. Sure I'm not a big fan of his weapons just going in there with firsts, but it does make it somewhat realistic. Overall though, it's his attitude and maturity even though he leads NORA, that stands out for me.
I don't dislike any of the main characters. Their attitutes, motivation, and characters I find gets better and interesting as the game progresses.
That said, at the moment, these are favs from the bunch.

Lightning - reserved but caring. Can get upset at times. When she shows emotion, its from her face and eyes.
Snow - didn't think much at first, but his character does get alot better
Vanille - a bubbly exterior hides her sadness. Certainly the most complex character
Sazh - has the best lines and that pet of his
Lightning: Well what can I say about this lady. She is sexy toatal badass but later on her character does change like the others. Lightning is just so awesome. Look at those legs *omnomnoms* When details emerge about her she changes. Defo my favorite in FF XIII . /GET OUT OF MY HOUSE SNOW :rage:

Oerba Yun Fang: Haha this girl is so badass and I love her attitude. Her character is awesome and well she has a spear so she kicks ass xD Fang too is sexy but apparently she stole some of Lightning`s sex appeal and was supposed to be a man :gasp: Well that aside I love Fang. Usually either Lightning or Fang as my leader or sometimes Vanille xD

Oerba Dia Vanille: Haha this one runs the way she likes although it is quite weird how she runs. I mean Fang does not run like that xD As for Vanille her voice is nice but ya it is annoying at times. Here is another hot girl but this one is downright weird lol. Still what I love about Vanille is that she follows you as if nothing went wrong lol

Sazh Katzroy: This guy is so hilarious. The chocobo in his afro is cute but this guy just makes me laugh after a few lines xD. He has twin guns which is cool oh and he has an afro with a chocobo in it. What more? Yes Sazh is lonely because he wants to find his son Dajh. Chocobos! xD

Serah Farron: Defo one of the cutest and well designed characters in FF XIII. Serah Farron is beautiful but her hero thinks he is a hero all the time but Hmm I guess he is. Serah should have been a playable character tbh or mabe in the sequel. Ya I know she had a hard plot but still she should have been a guest or playable character. Im sure in FF XIII-2 i it does happen She will be playable. Hey just my guess though. Correction: She is the cutest xD

As for the other Characters I like them but not as much as the ones I have mentioned.
When I started playing the game I was dead set on Vanille as my favourite character, she's very cheery, despite the situation they were all put in in the beginning and stuff.

But since I've been through chapter 7 I like the whole Lightning/Snow/Fang/Hope gang, their stories and interactions with each other are amazing!

Again my mind might change when I get further into the game :/
at the start of the game my favourites were def. Snow and Vanille.
Vanille cuz she's basically happy all the time :) and she reminds me of Rikku (ffx) which was my favourite and most used character in the game. I love the way they have a joyful-kinda personality and it usually brings joy to others around them and thats probably one of the best things about them. :))
And Snow cuz: of his brilliant tactics! ‘‘Heroes dont need plans'' I just thought that was awesome, although probably not very smart! I dont mind the fact that he doesnt hold a weapon but I'm a big fan of Hand-to-Hand combat and close range fighting.
I also like tha fact that when Light hit him he didnt get mad and perfectly understood the situation. His (Undying) love for Serah is also a thing I really like about him ( I mean seriously, how many times could he have tried to get it on with Fang( <3 )
Which brings me to my 3rd point!
Now that I have finished the game i have started to LOVE Fang!! She didnt seem very nice at the start but throughout a series of events you get to understand her emotions and how she feels ( I WONT SPOIL, NO WORRIES)
She is also my 1st favourite in basically everything. She's hot, she's got a hell of alot of attack power and she duznt take SH** from anyone! WHAT MORE COULDA WANT!!??

Also: this may seem pretty stupid, but i cant get my signature pic. showing. any help please?
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I like them all, but I would say Vanille was my favorite and then it's between Sazh and Fang. Sazh probably has the best personality of all of them though. The worst personality may have been.......Hope in the beginning or Lightning at the end.
My favourite is Vanille. Without dipping too much into the realms of spoilersville, I like her positive outlook on things, and I like how she deals with things when things get to her, and I genuinely feel her emotional pain when she is suffering, which is the sign of a great character in my opinion. It is important to have that empathy for a character in any kind of media, be it a movie, book or game.

I find her humourous, charming, sweet and infectious. I kinda wish I knew someone in real life like Vanille.
Fang FTW lol. shes strong and beautiful and tends to make me laugh when she talks with others in the party. can't beat her love and willingness to protect vanille. i find it charming and touching. and Lightning is my second Favorite i like her aloof personalty and how she can care but doesn't have to throw in your face
Lighting - She is a very bad ass character. I like that inside she has a caring side and she begins to show that. She looks very pretty when she smiles.

Vanille -I didn't think I was going to like her at first but now she's like one of my favorite characters. I like her bubbly side and I didn't really find her voice to be annoying. I liked that part with Sazh when she draws a line and says he cant cross it. xD It was so cute and funny.

Fang -My cousin calls her the aussie sexyness xD. She's a doesn't take shit from no one character and I liked even more as i played her in the game.
I fell in love with Fang the moment I heard her say, "You're gonna squirm!" She's arguably one of the most badass, no nonsense female characters in a Final Fantasy game. Who can you really compare her to? Yuffie? Quistis? Yuffie was far too immature and although she was reckless, she didn't have the confidence and outspokenness of Fang. Quistis was just a nerd with a huge whip. Hopefully I'm not trampling on anyone's fangirlism here.

I'm getting off topic. The bottom line is so much about Fang is lovable, but how confident and in-your-face she is is what did it for me. Look at the way she rides a Chocobo, for example. Or how she says, "Do I have to do everything?" when you make her a Synergist. There should be a thread dedicated just to Fang quotes. About the only time you see her get intimate and serious is when it comes to Vanille, and that's only because of their close relationship.

Besides that, her accent is pretty hot. :awesome:
Sazh and Snow are my favourites. Sazh is just the everyman trying to get through life and swept in the midst of it all. He's not a trained soldier. He's not a fighter. He's just a guy caught in the act.

Snow is one my favourites because he's a fist fighter. That is instant win in my heart. A man that doesn't need a weapon to wage his wars. Also his attitude is amazing.
He tries to save the world, even his own enemies. Instead of barging through them he'll try reasoning and logic. At one point it actually works with the soldiers when he takes off his coat to say "I'm human too!" Powerful moment there.
My favorite character in the game is Sazh for sure. He seems to be the most normal of all the characters and hes got a chocobo in his afro which is definitely awsome!

My second favorite character is lighting, I like her because she seams like a strong character and she can kick anyones ass
I like- Snow and lightning as they look gd together and they are pure awesomeness! I only played ffxiii in the middle of HMV but they apealled to me the most :)
I love Fang... definitely the hottest FFXIII character :P And her accent... <3 She's badass and has that pure determination look. I also like Snow, however rubbish some of his tactics may be I love him for the fact he never gives up xD
Skill and Usefullness wise I choose Fang, Especially as Vanille and Hope as my support. Fang mostly do the attacking like the bully paradigm very strong against group enemies.

For me the coolest looking character is Lightning I like her personality and looks I even bought the play arts and I'm planning to collect all . The never say die attitude "its not the question of can or cant."
Fang all the way baby!

She is like the quintessential Aussie chick Confident,Beautiful,Tall,Powerful & Menacing.
Ok alll these things are not present in every Aussie chick, but if you take a woman of the street, turn her into Ragnarok and see what it does to them!

And plus she has Bahamut for her Eidolon and that makes me so happy.

I like Snow as the only real guy combatant, sorry to the Sahz fans of the World but shooting people is for cowards ,I dont care how many chocobos he has in his hair. Snow represents a thing in FFXIII, his greatest asset is his defensive accumen. And his melee attack combo is awesome.....who ends there combe with a Double Axe Handle? SNOW does!

And the rest of them are adequet, Vaniile that little Tease...........