FFXIII: Favorite Characters

I'd have to say I have three favourites, them being Lightning, Fang and the Vanille.

What I like most about Lightning is that she is indeed a strong, fierce, independent young woman who definitely isn't scared to put up a fight. She does come across as cold and reserved to start with, however she does open up slight more and can be pretty caring and protective of those around her, especially her younger sister. I really do think she is a great character, as it shows that everyone has flaws, even bad ass soldiers.

Fang and Vanille are up there too. Fang because she is extremely badass, strong and quick witted. Her along with Lightning show that women can be pretty can strong too. On the other hand, Vanille is slightly naive and maybe not as strong. But she is a very bright, cheerful character who could probably brighten up any one's day with her bubbly nature.
My favorite character is Lightning(if you couldnt tell by my gamertag as well.) I loved having a female in the lead, and she played the role excellently. She was strong, determined, ferocious, and extremely beautiful as well. Perfect package deal for me
Everyone's almost the same. The females in this game were truly the greats. Very disappointing male characters- mainly Snow. What an awful, awful character.
Mine is Lightning. She is for me the best character in the whole FF series so far.

It's about time Square Enix had a lead character as a strong female, as many of the other female characters in past FF games have been either physically weak or annoying little schoolgirl types.

Fang is another favourite of mine. Again another strong female.
Apparently Fang was first created as a Male character and then changed to Female...GOOD CHOICE!! This makes her relationship with Vanille more "interesting" if you know what I mean...:D
Lightning and Sazh.

I loved Lightning's tough girl personality. And she was also quite caring too. Her roles were all very useful too.

Sazh was hilarious and different from what we are used to in FF games. He was the most entertaining for me.
Going through the game, I have the most respect for Sazh.

He went through a lot, and still remained level-headed and was lighting up the game with his wise cracks and sarcastic comments (lol!). He kept the game entertaining...which we needed with all of the melodramatic undertones...Altho I haven't really played with him in any of my teams because I think he's a bit lackin' as far as battling goes. Lightning I admired because she was the "strong lead female" of the game but I got really damn tired of her incessant pms'n and rants. It got to be a little much for me after awhile. Suck it up, buttercup! :dave:
My favorite character is Fang, i like her attitude, she's cool and she kicks ass in battle.

least favorite, snow.

oh snow........