FFXIII Rumor Thread

Angel Valentine

Seph says yer dumb
Jul 12, 2006
If you've heard a rumor, or want to talk about current rumor's already in the making, then talk about them here. There's no reason to have 50 'here's another rumor' threads :mad:
I heard Final Fantasy XIII is going to be 6 games. I saw 4 so far.

Final Fantasy XIII
Final Fantasy versus XIII
Final Fantasy agito XIII
Final Fantasy haeresis XIII

This will be called Fabula Nova Crystallis which means 'a new tale of the crystals' in latin.

*pasted from other thread

XIII and versus are supposely for PS3.
Agito is for some mobile thing.
Not sure on Haeresis.

Also note the titles have latin words.

I heard one FFXIII might be a movie.
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The games will be as I qoute:

Fabula Nova Crystallis, which means "the New Tale of the Crystal" in Latin, is nevertheless based on various worlds and different characters, but each game will be "ultimately based on and expand upon a common mythos." According to Square Enix, they all take place in the same universe, but are not directly related to each other.

The compilation appears to revolve around "Crystals that lead the world towards the future." Appearing as normal objects, the Crystals are an integral part of each world as represented in the games, although they will not be the central focus; instead, they will provide a background to other, more specific plots. However, the functionality of the Crystals has led the series' designers to pay special attention in creating the visual look of these worlds.


One myth, countless stories

The New Tale of the Crystal
Like the light that shines through the Crystal,
the universe shines with multi-colored content.​

To celebrate the 13th title in the world-renowned FINAL FANTASY series, Square Enix has undertaken a colossal project involving the development of various content for multiple platforms.

FABULA NOVA CRYSTALLIS, defined in Latin as "the new tale of the crystal," is made up of several different titles based on variations of the FINAL FANTASY XIII universe. However, while each title in the project features different characters, different worlds, and different stories, all are ultimately based on and expand upon a common mythos.

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XIII and Versus are to be set in separate places and have separate characters but share the same mythology, but apparantly Versus is the dark to XIII's light and vice versa. I've heard the battle system is going to still be free moving, like XII, but include aspects of teh turn based ones, like where you have to chain moves etc. Environment is supposed to play a much bigger role too.

I always look forward to the new battle systems though, probably why it's all I know =/, anyone heard anything else about the battles?
Final Fantasy XIII will be a weird group.
You dont need to play all to get the story.
Look at my sig it comes from the Square-Enix site and that explains a how the games will be.
Basically each will carry a common theme but not relate to each other .

Fabula Nova Crystallis = A New tale of the crystal
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I heard Versus will be like KH systems.

I have heard some very interesting tidbits from a past talking with Nomura. He explained that Versus XIII's battle system will be like Kingdom Hearts and, more interestingly, that the swords will play a big role. In the second, elusive, trailer of Versus the mysterious warrior was able to warp to each sword and slaughter each soldier one by one. Nomura, I believe, has stated that players will be able to use the swords, which will be under your control, as warp points to dart around the battlefield. I believe he also said that the warriors eyes will change colour depending on the move he is executing.
i played it in japan .... i'm a reporter for a game show in our country .
the game Rocks.
i'm not sure wich version i played cuzz i was stunned by the graphics and gameplay.
it's not a normal FF game and no it doesnt look like FFXII .
it is indeed played on kingdom hearts system but than again... it's FF for fcks sake....

dude's you can't warop your sword believe i have proof
watch this its the gameplay

the character ur controlling will use a gunblade again but ofcourse u can change from here... i will shut my mouth....

ifu mean this...
this will be an enemy -_-'
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I wonder how fast the gameplay will be. =/. Kinda fast it seems.

Also, I wonder how many characters will be playable. o_O...
I wonder how fast the gameplay will be. =/. Kinda fast it seems.

Also, I wonder how many characters will be playable. o_O...

I am more wondering about parties. I get the feeling that this game isn't really going to have like a proper party. I have nothing to go on just hunches I get when I read some interviews. I seriously hope there will be parties.
Actually from what i have heard so far LeftOfTheMurder is right, XIII will be the "light side" of the story and Versus will be the "Dark Side". Maybe how evil spread and took over the region or something like that i don't know for sure. There's only 3 FFXIII to be released i think, XIII, Versus and one for cellphones

The 2 major teams to have worked on this game are the Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children team and the Kingdom Heart team.

I saw a couple of pictures of XIII and it looks like they kept the ATB Bar, but it'll be mixed with the Kingdom Heart battle system. Sounds weird...

And they brought back Gunblades!
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