Final Fantasy 7 Instead of game remake movie remake

Cloud Strife III

Jun 11, 2010
We all know square enix's FF 7 rumoured remake as a game probably won't happen for the most part. But what if the remake was a movie like advent children? Any thoughts?
Actually, that'd be pretty cool. But at the same time, it'd stink >.< I don't wanna miss all the cool mini-parts of the story.

And then there's the whole date thing. But, MY GOD, Aerith's death scene would be Heart-breaking!
I would rather the game. The games usually have more to give in terms of story and are more entertaining in my opinion. A movie wouldn't be bad, as the action scenes would be awesome to watch, but a game would have more things going for it, in my opinion.
To me, neither a movie or a game is necessary whatsoever. But given the choice, I would rather have a game remake than a movie "remake". Squeezing a Final Fantasy game into a movie of a few hours doesn't do it for me. A lot will have to be cut out - the parts that will not be relevant enough perhaps. Plus I would get a better entertainment factor by playing it as opposed to just watching it.

I don't think there should any be movie remakes of any Final Fantasy games. To bring back the word "pointless" again, I'd rather they pour their time, money and resources on actual new games. Furthermore I'm not excited by the idea of watching something that I have essentially already seen before.
sounds kinda stupid imo.
The main issue id see is that moveis tend to be an hour and a half to 2 hours long typically. FF7 is a huge huge game. To cram that all in theyd have to cut out so much of the storlyine that it just doesnt seem practical really.
Well I mean Think About it. Would Square Enix Have Enough time to Make FF7 like ff13 when it would probably take 5 years rerendering cgi. And making a cgi rendered movie would probably take 1 to 2 years tops.
Well I mean Think About it. Would Square Enix Have Enough time to Make FF7 like ff13 when it would probably take 5 years rerendering cgi. And making a cgi rendered movie would probably take 1 to 2 years tops.

SE said something about a FFVII remake having to take about 10 years to actually make. I have no idea why it would take over double the length of time it took for FFXIII to be made when the foundations are already laid. So in the case of SE, I have no idea what they're on about anymore.

Still, even if a movie will take less time (and it will if what SE says is true in any way), I still don't see the point. I'd rather they use that time, effort and resources on a new game.
Square has enough problems getting the movie making idea out of there head as it is. They need to let go of the dumb movie ideas and games that are like movies and focus on what they do best making games.
You wouldn't be able to make a good movie covering the beginning of the game i.e. escaping Midgar. How are they going to cover the whole game? You would have to cut too much out for it to be a true remake.

It would probably be shite anyway. Advent Children was shite just like Spirits Within. SE can't make good movies.
Your right on that but making a game thats that huge in 3 years of time plus the fact almost every every major platformer company is going to release a new system in a couple of years the chances are very slim, then again the ps2 had a long run of about ten years I think.
Okay kids, Yoshinori Kitase here, and we're gonna make an FFVII movie. Here's how it's gonna go.

First, it's going to be split into a trilogy. A movie for each disk. We can do this, because you've played the game, so you know what happens next.. no shitty cliff hangers or anything. It's totally predictable.

The first dis-- movie, is going to vaguely cover the whole Midgar scene. Maybe 10, 15 mins of Cloud and co running, defeating the Scorpion, learning their Limit Breaks which are shit, falling through the church, meeting Aerith, meeting the Turks, Playground Scene da-da-da-Zack vs Cloud, da-da, meeting Tifa, going to the Reactor, blowing up the Reactor, Aerith gets kidnapped, AVALANCHE dies... everybody fails. We can squeeze all that in 15 mins, right? Good.

Don't forget the Kalm scene. There aren't nearly enough CG scenes of the stupid Nibelheim incident and Sephiroth in the flames, we should do that at least once in every movie. What, it doesn't happen in the third movie? We'll make it happen somewhere. Can't ever have enough flashbacks of fire.

Cosmo Canyon? Sure we can make a pit stop there. Junon? Yeah okay some stuff happens there. Maybe a Jenova battle or two. Wutai? Fuck Wutai, we don't have anything important going on. Who needs to see Yuffie stealing your Materia? If we took that into the movie it would last up to five fucking hours with that chick running around and hiding.

Don Corneo and his boner. Can't forget him. Maybe some President Shinra stabbing and his incompetent son taking over the business. End it with the Forgotten City and Aerith dying, and we have disk o-.. The first movie! Final Fantasy VII: The Beginning

The second movie will be very reminiscent of Twilight's New Moon. We have Cloud whose lost Aerith so he'll be super depressed, we'll have the screen flashing between scenes where nothing's happening but little names of months showing time fly and Cloud is just a pile of shit. The party go up to Northern Crater with Shinra, unleash the WEAPONS... everybody shits themselves.

Oh yah, that Lifetsream event happens, doesn't it? Well, we'll stretch that enough to make it span an hour. Let the audience see Cid and Tifa run around instead of Cloud for one, but it's not nearly as interesting... except for maybe Tifa's bouncing boobies.

Yeah, insert lots of bouncing boobies. That'll make up the second movie. We'll call it Tifa's Mammor--.. Final Fantasy VII: Tifa's Memories

The Third movie, have Cloud confront Sephiroth, maybe some snowboarding through Gaea's Cliffs, return to Cosmo Canyon to see Bugenhagen die, go to the Forgotten City and see some pretty lights and fireworks with the waterfall, and return back to the Northern Crater, get killed by some Tonberries... and defeat Jenova v5 and Sephiroth in 6 different forms. The audience would like to see that, right? Sephiroth transforming multiple times? Far more interesting than going to a smell old Manor and finding out his history and how he went nuts, and Jenova showing up for the fifth time when she just won't die? Srsly, didn't we chop that bitch up already when Aerith died? Massive revenge fest there.

Something along the lines of Final Fantasy VII: The End of the Crisis' Core will suffice for a title.

And that, kiddies... is your movie.
I would much rather a full game remake. However, me being the impatient person I am and lover of graphics, is dying to see certain scenes in amazing CGI. My idea was remake some scenes and release it not as a movie but as a disc where you can go through a choose scenes, like theatre mode. But meh.

I am willing to wait for a full game remake though. Apparently it isn't impossible to be done in less than 10 years if they get the manpower.
honestly, after every installment of the FFVII series so far i'm ready for them to start expanding another game. I'd love to see either a FFIX-2 game or movie of what happens after FFIX ends. I say that either one would have to include the mist coming back, an official wedding between Zidane and Dagger (not like the fake one in the first game), Vivi's death and the effect it had on the rest of the group, maybe even Kuja returning (possibly to help or guide Zidane), and diving more into the past of Amarant. What does everyone think of this idea instead of a remake of FFVII for a newer game system or a new movie??
We all know square enix's FF 7 rumoured remake as a game probably won't happen for the most part. But what if the remake was a movie like advent children? Any thoughts?

Please no, :gonk: No more movie spinoffs in which they can warp the story to cater to the whims of fans :ffs: PS3 or higher game remake, or else I'm finding their office, and what happens next everyone will have to catch on the news :mokken: They already played up things enough in AC that weren't particularly noticeable within the original game, if they make a movie the whole thing will be based around the whole "Cloud-Aeris-Tifa-Zack" love polygon and making Sephiroth look as badass as possible. TBH I'm more interested in the other MULTITUDE of interesting characters that existed within the game--such as all the other PCs who for some reason only got about 5 seconds of screen time in the AC movie :rage:
Its fine the way it is IMO. A game would be better then a film as the film may end up being shit. But still, its fine the way it is.
I don't want any more FF7 spin-offs, extras or anything to be pefectly honest, I think, for the most part these ridiculous and (in some cases awful) additions are why people look down on FF7, andthis is a shame because behind all the hype and crappy spin-offs lies a pretty good game.

Also a remake should be a no-no. They will just leave things out, and try to change the game to bring it up to date, which will prbably ruin some of the great dialogue within it.

So my opinion: No game remake, no film remakes, no extra anything to do with this game would be the way to go...
I don't think ff7 would be a good is good as it is. However I keep thinking won't the movie be too long (including crisis core in as well) Most people won't understand if you just make a movie based on FF7............FF13 was created with new players in mind with SE. However FF7 would make a better game than don't think it will happen or even be up for consideration.

I can't help but think FFX will make a good movie though..................
We all know square enix's FF 7 rumoured remake as a game probably won't happen for the most part. But what if the remake was a movie like advent children? Any thoughts?

I'm all for it, now they couldn't possibly ruin this, and it wouldn't take all that long for them to do. (y)

Hopefully this is the route that will be taken, then they couldn't possibly ruin it by chanmging the battle system or any crap like that.

I mean we knw SE has to milk that shit so why not do it through a movie?
I was thinking maybe an anime series, as every detail could potentially have the attention it deserves, but a remake is still my favourite option if I had to choose.