Final Fantasy 7


Self Proclaimed Ruler of Earth
Jun 30, 2006
This Rpg takes place 20 years after the game. Rufus Shinra is dead and his son has taken over Shinra. With the new President, though, peace has ended. He has started useing Mako energy. He has brought back SOLDIER. Avalanche has started again, under a different leader. The new leader, Kirlen, is trying to recruit new members and take down Shinra.

Character Profile-
Place of Origin:Sector seven slums
Personality:Kirlen is very serious. He does not take foolishness lightly.
Appearence:Kirlen has long black hair, green eyes, and a scar along his face. He wears a black cloak.
History: He was a child when Shinra started. He usually stayed at the Seventh Heaven bar, until Avalanche left to fight Shinra and Sephiroth. At that point, he went out to train himself, hoping he could join Avalanche. After a while, he stopped at a mountain, where he found Sephiroths sword, the Masamune. He trained himself to wield it.
One day, he went back to the slums. Avalanche was gone. Barret, his idol, had left. The bar, however remained open. He became the owner.
Kirlen soon found out that Shinra was using the Mako energy as a power source. He decided to re make Avalanche.
Can I join? If yes, here is my profile.

Name:Clyde Legenda
Place of origin:Wutai
Weapon: Double daggers (Ninja-style)
Personality: Light-hearted and likes to joke about. He fights for the right cause.
Appearance: Black hair with flecks of grey, grey eyes and wears a navy-green nija outfit.
History: He grew up in Wutai and was really close to Yuffie. She was like his older sister until she left to fight Sephiroth. He hates Shinra because they had killed his parents for refusing to use Mako. Godo (Yuffie's father) raised him. He trained in Wutai and learnt Ninjutsu, when he turned 20 he travelled the world to learn more about combat. When he turned 26 he had come to Midgar. He had found out about the new President of Shinra and AVALANCHE. He met up with Kirlen and asked to join.
The Legend said:
Can I join? If yes, here is my profile.

Name:Clyde Legenda
Place of origin:Wutai
Weapon: Double daggers (Ninja-style)
Personality: Light-hearted and likes to joke about. He fights for the right cause.
Appearance: Black hair with flecks of grey, grey eyes and wears a navy-green nija outfit.
History: He grew up in Wutai and was really close to Yuffie. She was like his older sister until she left to fight Sephiroth. He hates Shinra because they had killed his parents for refusing to use Mako. Godo (Yuffie's father) raised him. He trained in Wutai and learnt Ninjutsu, when he turned 20 he travelled the world to learn more about combat. When he turned 26 he had come to Midgar. He had found out about the new President of Shinra and AVALANCHE. He met up with Kirlen and asked to join.
u r from FFhybrid right?
sure you can join. I think There should be at least 3 people before starting.
I'm from The Final Fantasy and FF Extreme Dude.
And thanks for letting me join vincent.
Character Profile:



Place of Origin: Rocket Town

Weapon: Dueling gloves

Personality:Enigma, is a charasmatic character, who lives life to the full and enjoyes every second of it. He enjoyes a joke and a laugh, but knows when not to cross the line. Occasionally his energy can land him on the wrong side of people, but more often than not, people see him as being very likeable.

Appearance: Brown spikey hair, sea-blue eyes and a small yet noticeable scar on his left cheek. A fitted black top and torn jeans, with a leather wrist band on his right wrist.

History: Enigma grew up in Rocket Town, getting to know virtually all of the residents along the way. Being such a small town, there was never much to do, so to pass the time, Enigma honed his fighting skills around the town against various monsters. As a child, his father and mother were killed in an accident oversea's. Although Enigma was never fully aware of the details, as he grew older, he realised there were certain details that he was unaware of. When Enigma reached the age of 20, he moved to Midgar. Upon arrival, he remembered his father had worked for Shinra, and had helped construct the rocket, but shortly after was fired. He never knew why, and never got to ask his parents why either. Conveniently, his parents dieda matter of days after the rocket was launched...

Hopefully I can join! Got potential to be a good RP I think :)
Ok cool. 3 people. But I cant think of a way to start so one of you can start it off.
heh don`t start yet I`mma join too




Weapon: Heaven`s Blade,Grandalf

Personality:silent Yukiis a silent guy who doesn`t speak much and keeps very much to himself so he doesn`t have alot of friends and has been looked at as an outcast
Appearance: Blue hair,Brown gloves,Flight vest,Flight Goggles,Baggy blue pants

History: A silent young man who hasn`t lived what you`d call a decent life. Both his parents were killed due to an accident sometime ago (guess which one) so he lived with his grandparents who were killed when he was 17 by shinra. Then he went on a journey and was trained by a powerful swordsman who gave him the Heaven`s Blade then when he heard about the new AVALANCHE forming he decided that that was his chance to get revenge so he decided he would go and join thus starting his journey
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All right I'll start it here.

Clyde had finally made it to Midgar, he felt tired from a long journey and decided to find an inn. While he was walking through the slums of sector 7 he had spotted a newspaper on the floor. He gasped when he read the headline, "New President Shinra!". "Shinra!" Clyde growled as he gripped the newspaper.

A few metres away he heard two elderly men talking about Shinra. "Can you believe that Rufus' son has taken over?" One of the men asked.

"No, there has been peace for 20 years. You remember that resistance group um... AVALANCHE?"

"Yeah, some kid called Kirlen is taking over Barret's group. He also runs seventh heaven."

Clyde immediately knew he was destined to join AVALANCHE. "Excuse me, could you point me in the direction of seventh heaven?" Clyde asked the elderly men, he belived you should show respect tp the elderly. The old man pointed to a small run down building. "Thanks!" Clyde said as he ran towards the building and entered.

"We're not opened!" A voice called as Clyde walked through the door.

"I wanna join AVALANCHE." Clyde said with determination. After a few minutes silence a man around Clyde's age stood up behind the counter, he had long black hair, green eyes and a scar on his face.
((dude..the cloak is covering his face. He doesnt take the hood off.))
Kirlen saw the person. "A new recruit huh? Follow me." He took Clyde to a room in the back. The room had some people in it. "These are other recruits."
Enigma was already waiting in the back room when Kirlen introduced Clyde, leaning against the wall, tapping his foot.

"Nice to meet you Clyde, I'm Enigma. Good to see more people joining AVALANCHE!"

Enigma ran his hand through his hair and gave a nod to Kirlen, looks like AVALANCHE had began to recruit some potential talent. Turning away from Kirlen and Clyde, he sat on a nearby desk and adjusted his gloves.

'It may be a small operation, but this looks like a good little group we've got here' Enigma thought to himself. He looked up at Kirlen and wondered what the first move was, there may have even been more people to introduce.
"Come on let's go smash some Shinra up!" Clyde laughed. "Just kidding... So you knew Barret huh."

"Yeah." Kirlen said with a stern and serious voice, "He was a great influence in my life."

"Yeah, well I knew Yuffie we're practically brother and sister!" Clyde boasted. "And her father trained me in Ninjutsu, I left Wutai a few years ago to learn more about combat. So what about you Enigma, tell us about your past."

"Me? Well I grew up in Rocket town. It got boring at times so I trained." Enigma said.

" At least your friendly unlike somebody!" Clyde said as he folded his arms and looked at Kirlen, "Are there any other recruits, and are any of them cute girls?"

"Sit down and be patient, you'll know soon enough!" Kirlen snapped at Clyde.

"Sorry!" Clyde said as he and Enigma tried not to laugh.
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((You have no clue how to role play, do you? You can't talk for other peoples characters, or say what they did without thier permission.))
wow man you can`t control the entire conversation you got to wait for the person you`re talking to respond not do it for them.I guess I`ll start my part then.

After walking a long way Yuki saw the bar in the distance finally...he said as he sheathed his sword then walked through the doors of the 7th heaven bar a voice boomed What are you doing here?I want to join AVALANCHE said Yuki in a strong tone.
((I'll just pretend the legend didn't post))

Kirlen looked at Yuki. "If your here for Avalanche, sit down." He walked over to a table. "We are going to attack Avalanche in groups. Group A will consist of me and Yuki, and Group B will be Clyde and Enigma. Any questions?"

((Sorry I forgot to finish))
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Yuki sat there and thought about this for a moment then asked o where are all the other members? Asked Yuki curiously and did you happen to know a man named Cloud?
Kirlen looked at Yuki. "Cloud?! Never mention that man around me as long as you live." He walked towards the people. "Now some of you may die. I already have a couple teams at Shinra, but I have had no word from them. Group B's mission is to find these teams, who are currently presumed dead((Which they are)). Group A will be given the mission of assasinating President Shinra."