final fantasy abomination


Chocobo Breeder
Jan 6, 2011
what final fantasy features seamed to ruin final fantasy at its core... is it a loop in story, imposible feet ect. so what ticks you off?

for me its the acrion rpg... FF IS MENT TO BE TURN BASED!
(excuse my spelling)

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Sometimes the story and conversations ramble on for too long. Sometimes they are interesting, but other times, you just have to sit there and yawn.

Also, at its core there are a lot of Final Fantasy games which use the same story elements. It gets old.
I dont like it when menu control is set and all you do is watch, eg: FFXII.

Gambits were annoying and down right pointless IMO, you take basic control away and then give the player the option to select a target and then have the character run towards the monster instead having to be moved in to a striking position.

things like evasion and hit% have always been out the players control on FF save for FFVIII where you could increase the stats via junction, but even these could be handled by the player.

NO story has really given me the urge to go to sleep, just gameplay mechanics and things like that.
I dont like it when menu control is set and all you do is watch, eg: FFXII.

Gambits were annoying and down right pointless IMO, you take basic control away and then give the player the option to select a target and then have the character run towards the monster instead having to be moved in to a striking position.

things like evasion and hit% have always been out the players control on FF save for FFVIII where you could increase the stats via junction, but even these could be handled by the player.

NO story has really given me the urge to go to sleep, just gameplay mechanics and things like that.

Gambits save yer ass when yer fighting Omega MkXII. seen the youtube vids?

Lol as for the topic, it would have to be when you're forced to train characters you don't feel like training due to the storyline branching off or a character's main story paths begins.
In my opinion FF7:CC was a FF abomination, the music wasnt the orchestrated pieces like other FF games, the random attack reels that pop up instead of limit breaks.
The way sephiroth just acts like hes the high and mighty king even from the begginning before he flips out after nibelheim.
And also the way they destroyed turn based RPGing.

Extreme times like that M>II are best done by the player.

I understand there handiness but i always tried to do it manually, when ever I could.
i got my ass handed too many times but it was more rewarding to do it manually. blah blah blah.
Extreme times like that M>II are best done by the player.

I understand there handiness but i always tried to do it manually, when ever I could.
i got my ass handed too many times but it was more rewarding to do it manually. blah blah blah.

Yer ass got handed to you? What was the enemy doing with yer ass to begin with? :lol

Yeah i didn't like Gambits too much myself, but damn they were handy when you were up against tough opponents...although i only ever used Gambits for auto healing >.>
In terms of "ruining" what is deemed to be the core of Final Fantasy, I think I can safely say that FFXIII in itself does an immense job with that. A degree of exploration, though not essentially an open world at all? I think linearity began its prevalence with FFX, then came back with vengeance in FFXIII. Linearity isn't usually always bad, but when it comes to JRPGs like this, it really does hurt a lot of the experience when you see just what kind of a game FFXIII is. A world that you hardly interact with at all - one which is just like running through beautiful wallpaper scenary. Admittedly, I am a big fan of the world map. I think that's a feature I've always loved in any good JRPG, mainly and perhaps because I've always been used to it. While its removal isn't necessarily an "abomination", it did begin to erode away at a core feature of FF that I've always liked. FFXIII and its linearity however, was a great departure from the other games, particularly with all its point of no returns. It's a characteristic also shared by the mediocre Crisis Core as well.

Now, with battle system elements like Gambits and the more action-orientated battle system now, I'll just come out with my own take on them. Yes, the "core" of FF is generally turn-based fighting with heroes on one side lined up against baddies on the other. With the changing climate of the videogames industry and the general decline of the JRPG genre in recent years, there's always been that need to "evolve" the games, so to speak. Of course, how that is done is another topic, but changing it from its old battle system to what you get in modern games is pretty much a necessity, with mixed results. I don't personally find this an "abomination" - I'm generally optimistic with how they handle the battle system, and in essence, this evolution does make things a lot more interesting. Unless of course if it just becomes a total hack-and-slash fest in lieu of something you'd expect to see in a JRPG rather than an action game, then perhaps then I would quickly lose my interest.

In an additional note (and this is something not exclusively characteristic of FF games), there's an issue I have with some of the characters nowadays as well as elements of storyline. There are some character archetypes that I really hate having experienced them so many times beforehand. Unfortunately these are the archetypes that are already staples of these kinds of narratives and are usually always present in them. With people like Snow however, he's a exaggeration of that kind of archetype, which is a reason why I've never liked the character. With storylines, you do have occasional problems with how some of them are written, how they flow and generally how satisfactory they are. For a good narrative criticism, why the hell is Vaan the "lead" character in FFXII when he's...a useless spectator at best following the more important Ashe and Basch around?
I think the features implemented into Final Fantasy 13 has ruined the FF series more than I thought FF7:CC did.

The liner maps...the music...the characters...the soap opera movies. There is so little gameplay to FF13, its mostly movies. I don't like it when a game does that unless its Genji (the only game that can pull it off lol).

Another would be Vaan. I like him in all (though he's a bit annoying sometimes) but him being the "lead" character is insane. I don't think he is, but the little "being him" in towns ticks me off. Another, isn't really the Gambits themselves, but the "useless" gambits that appeared.

There was a lot I didn't like....BUT! Gambits were very needed in the game, especially if you didn't want to lose every thirty seconds or grind to level 90 to be Omega or something xD
I'll be completely honest and say that I don't think anything has ruined FF for me. I don't treat them all as one big series. I treat them all as individual games offering their own unique features. I do have games that I don't like as much as others, but that's expected.

I think if none of the games had Final Fantasy in the title, I think they would all be exceptional. But when you tack a series name to the games, people get this pre-conceived notion of how the game SHOULD be, and not how it's MEANT to be.
This is an FF element that SE will probably never get rid of and I don't understand why people (even old) like them.....I don't understand whether its the japanese culture or if its people. But I feel the only one seriously annoyed by this.....I don't like the kiddish parts of FF...wheres the maturity gone?

FF's consisting of kiddish scenes and characters almost ruin the whole plot of the less prioritizing the main objective of the game. Examples such as the FFX laughing scene,every scene Vanilles in,Rikku acting childish.......It doesn't happen a lot of times,but when it does I don't like it.......and try and forget it ever happened. :mokken:
This is an FF element that SE will probably never get rid of and I don't understand why people (even old) like them.....I don't understand whether its the japanese culture or if its people. But I feel the only one seriously annoyed by this.....I don't like the kiddish parts of FF...wheres the maturity gone?

FF's consisting of kiddish scenes and characters almost ruin the whole plot of the less prioritizing the main objective of the game. Examples such as the FFX laughing scene,every scene Vanilles in,Rikku acting childish.......It doesn't happen a lot of times,but when it does I don't like it.......and try and forget it ever happened. :mokken:

hmm. i like alittle childness because their are alto of people like that out tn the world... and i like the comic value of them.
This is an FF element that SE will probably never get rid of and I don't understand why people (even old) like them.....I don't understand whether its the japanese culture or if its people. But I feel the only one seriously annoyed by this.....I don't like the kiddish parts of FF...wheres the maturity gone?

FF's consisting of kiddish scenes and characters almost ruin the whole plot of the less prioritizing the main objective of the game. Examples such as the FFX laughing scene,every scene Vanilles in,Rikku acting childish.......It doesn't happen a lot of times,but when it does I don't like it.......and try and forget it ever happened. :mokken:

Totally agree!! :whistle2:

I don't know, but I hate kids in Final Fantasy games, because MOST of them are SO immature and annoying (Hope from FFXIII is an exception).

A good example is in FFIV. I absolutely HATE every scene that Palom and Porom are in FFIV. Some find them cute, but for me they just ruin the atmosphere of the game. It's like everyone tries to be mature, but they joke around.
hmm. i like alittle childness because their are alto of people like that out tn the world... and i like the comic value of them.

Your 18 right?.

Every 18-year old I know, acts nothing like Vanille,Rikku,Penelo,Selphie etc and I'm hoping you don't either......Another thing is that FF age rating has risen over the years up to 16 now....We all know 16 year olds act nothing like them! :mokken:

FFX was a 7+ so fair enough they may of had a reason to have cheery characters and childish scenes (Laughing one in Luca)......But in 16+ game I feel its just unacceptable and weird to have characters and scenes that are too kiddie.

They need to leave these bits for Kingdom Hearts!
Sometimes the story and conversations ramble on for too long. Sometimes they are interesting, but other times, you just have to sit there and yawn.

Too long??? You're serious? I felt they are sometimes too short and abridged, especially the older ones. Try Golden Sun and watch THEIR dialouges :P

I don't know if there's something... Maybe the fact that the bosses sometimes are really weak compared to other enemies. Or sometimes they are frickin' hard but after 10 minutes grinding their equal.
I think bosses should be quite strong and long but beatable.

Sometimes I would like to have the story more realistic but only in a few cases. And the thing in number 6... I would like to have more destruction, fear and destroyed towns in WoR. really, sometimes, you had even green grass from WoB. Someone thay say died, but you can't really see it, Kefka's shooting his lighting but you see it only once, you practically go where you want, not worrying about him. I would also like to see more of the clown's background.

Other than that... Maybe a thing like in FF7. I don't really like to choose f.e. which girl will be on a date, I like to have full story shown :P
for me it is the sudden 'westernising' (pretend thats a word) of the newer FF games. Instead of keeping the FF games how they were with minor tweaks...they went and created that abomination that is FFXIII which had nothing in common with any of the older FF games besides pretty characters, it isn't worthy of an FF title.

Stop trying to copy the western RPGs SE, stick to what you know and do best, turnbased FF RPGs :)
Gameplay mechanics have always been a playground for FF creators, so even when the gameplay mechanics irritate the hell out of me, it doesn't ruin the game as an FF. I may not like it as a result, but new and interesting/terrible mechanics are a staple in the FF series.

The thing that really brings me down is the plots that are clearly designed for 10-13 year old kids. These games approach the topics of death, war, ruin, but only in an abstract and kid-friendly way. I'd love to see a FF that is genuinely serious and mature. Four had hints of that, but couldn't keep it up all game. Six had hints of it as well, but like Rutlawski said, you don't actually see much of it happening, and they don't really delve deeply into the aftereffects. FF needs to grow up (like all of the people play it have) and give us a gritty, realistic plot that isn't afraid to be brutal when it makes sense.
This will probably get me attacked, especially being new as well, but here goes. EVERYTHING they did to FFXIII, from the dumb character names(Snow, Lightning), to the horrible cliche characters(The "hero" who wants to do whats right/save his love, Badass Loner, innocent wimp but tries hard, etc.) to the gameplay which is pretty much walking in a straight line waiting for something to happen, to the level up system. Ok, so you can choose to level up however you want, but unless you max out each number the next lvl is locked? Yea, so just like the gameplay its more,"Do what we want you to do" and less about exploring which is what ALL good RPGS allow you to do
Overly-feminine young pretty female damsel-in-distress white mage love interest characters :hmph: Holy crap SE, get the f**k over it. If there isn't one in FFXIII or FFIII then fine, I haven't played those yet, but please, make a damn male white mage for a change :rage: Or at least use old people for some of the characters again! I mean seriously, Tellah, Cyan, Strago...all dudes 50 and over and they kicked some serious ass :mokken: Auron does not qualify for "old," sorry, there is such a thing as "middle-aged" -__-
General mel.o.drama, and-I hate to say it-the 'prettyfying' of everything. Typical of JRPG's (Im talking about the most recent incarnations). Bad English translations/overacting. Mostly why my faves to this day are of the SNES era. Pretty is fun but when all your males look the same and like women, something's not right. (Although they do hit the right notes with some, a la Zack, etc :)) Even so I still love new FF's