Final Fantasy best villain

Dec 10, 2009
I am making this thread because the thread I started for everyones favorite Final Fantasy villians seems to have been attracting people that do not read properly (no offense please) and fail to note that it is for Final Fantasy 7. I do not know if this thread has already been created, and I admit I did not look either.

So who is your favorite villian?
I'll allow this thread to be seperate, on one condition:

The people who post in it from here on out take care to explain WHY so-and-so is their favorite villain, as opposed to just listing them. Posts without sufficient explanation will be deleted, no questions asked. This serves as everyone's warning. :wacky:

I'll start. Kefka always wins this for me. There's an element of nostalgia in my choice...but he was batshit insane. He did all kinds of terrible things to people and enjoyed doing a FF Joker of sorts.

Also, his laugh gets me every time. :wacky:
Well my favorite villain is Sephiroth. He is my favotite villain because he was in SOLDIER and the strongest alive, Sephiroth is initially revered for his strength and hailed as a hero, until he learns and misinterprets his origins. Believing himself as the last of the Ancients, Sephiroth enacts a vendetta against mankind, with the ultimate goal of becoming a god and controlling the planet.

Another reason why I like Sephiroth is what he did to cloud's hometown. Sephiroth went mad and Insane after finding out how he was created and eventually he studied the Jenova Project and then went insane and burned the town into flames and killing just about everyone in Nibelium then retrieving Jenova.
Sephiroth: cold calculating genocidal maniac. Sephrioth is one of the coolest looking bad guys, I especially like how he is quite simplistic in his design. No fancy jewels or special equipment, just black and white. Amazing.

His character is almost constant throughout FF7 building him up to this omnipotent villian. His his evil taunts, illusions, murder, plans and 3 stage appearance is why he is my favourite. Kuja is also worthy of mention.
Sephiroth is just too overrated in my opinion- he only has his fans because of how powerful he is, but in terms of an overall evil character, Kefka receives my vote.

Kefka is simply psychotic- a mad, psychopathic son of a Chocobo. I like the fact that he isn't naturally insane, and how he manages to do such terrible things without an ounce of remorse or hesitation- such as the poisoning of the water.

All these villains plot to take over or destroy the world. Only Kefka has managed it with great effect. I like him because he got the job done- none of this "talk but no action" argument- Kefka did it.

Also, his voice acting in Dissidia made me like him even more. If Kefka was to face Joker- Kefka will just nuke him to oblivion with his God powers.
Defiantly Kuja for alot of reasons but il post a few

First: He utterly destoyed a planet removing any trace of it
Second: He is the only main villain the party could not beat
Third: He way he looks is just awesome
Like Kuja the best, he is quite unique and well poetic he could be very romantic if he tried..

He may seem like a typical cold/ heartless well, jerk. But inside he is just a character with pain, sorrow, jealously, confusion and anger inside him which is actually leading him to create chaos and misery to the other people around him. Sephiroth, is just too dry and emotionless and could actually feel something towards Kuja and maybe relate to his pain. So many people, humans out there are scared of death and dieing like Kuja was and even though he strangely came from another planet and has a monkey- tail he just seems to be very well, human..

Plus he has awesome purple styled hair and have a small crush on him..
I'll go for Edea. While she isn't actually the main villain of FF8, she is more interesting than Ultimecia imo. The point that made me really like her was the whole Sorceress' Assassination scenario.
Also, she can make a whole city of people like her, even when she threatens to kill them. She's so lovely ;)
Of course, you could say that it's Ultimecia that I like, in the end, but I like to think of Edea when possessed is a separate villain from Ultimecia on her own:tooweird:
even though there are those that hate on this game but X-Death from FF5.

Main reason even though its korny HES A TREE.
I mean the first time I played this I was like wait the main villian is a tree. Then there is how sneaky and smart this guy was i mean hiding as a splinter c'mon thats a little bad ass
and lets us not forget his epic battle with Galu. He was burning a little girl ALIVE before Galuf stopped him

Oh runner up is Gilgamesh for his music.
Kefka. He was insane enough to cause that entire incident with the espers and leo, then when he took over the world he helped it slowly die off until he realized he couldn't make them suffer much more... then he threw the final battle because he basically became a nihilist and just doesn't care anymore. in a nutshell, he was crazy for the hell of it and fucked up the world and just didn't care.
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Wow.....this forum is waaaay more strict seeming than other forums I've been on o_O. But if you insist on an epic paragraph, then I'll do my best. Sephiroth is my favorite because:
1. I never played the one with Kefka.
2. Sephiroth is hot and I love his sleek look.
3. He is extremely powerful.
4. He seems to be a tortured soul to me since he freaks out after finding out his "origins"
5. His battle music is insanely awesome especialy in Advent. One-Winged Angel gets me pumped xD
6. Did I mention he's hot?
Well there are quite a few who make the list of the best villain in all the FF series. But if I had to choose one it would be.....Kefka. I mean not only was he a crazy, crazy man he is one of the few who actually did what they set out to accomplish. Rule or destroy the world. And not only that all of his dialogue was hilarious.
Dave said:
lets us not forget his epic battle with Galuf. He was burning a little girl ALIVE before Galuf stopped him

Yeah might change answer to Exdeath or Exodus depending on what version of FF V.
Even though really adore Kuja's character. Exdeath maybe seen as a comedy for being well a tree, but he is one cold and sadistic bloody haunting tree and he is basically nightmare fuel and his main theme song doesn't help in adding chills down your spine.

Ex- Death worked behind the scenes controlling people and he made sure that he was brought back to life and that there was no stopping him, not to mention like said above he basically tortures Bartz, Galuf, Fairs, and Reina with painful electric shocks one after another, and paralyzing them at the same time so they can not move..

Exdeath also has the power of the whole entire land, and can cause disastrous chaos without even trying [ spoiler- he even uses that power to destroy Bartz's hometown ] Not to mention, if you ever tried to mess with him he would know and he would send you away into a horrible and unknown hellish place with his X- Zone movement. And like above, Ex- Death tortures a harmless six year girl by burning her till what is meant to be her death. Sephiroth killed a innocent flower girl, but it was quick and probably so shocking Aerith may of not focus on the pain but instead the shock of her death.
But Ex- Death made sure that Carlie was screaming in pain for a few long minutes before her awesome grandfather came in to save her life.. ^^

Ex- Death is basically a emotionless sicko, with no comic relief to cover his actions.
Its all about my man, Kefka. FF6 was my first final fantasy game, and when i saw Kefka, i fell for his insane charm right away. The dude is one bad ass mother fucker. Every time I heard his little theme song, I get chills of excitement all over me. Kefka is insane, but in a classy way. I suppose the reason he is so cool, is because his character was energetic and comedic. Kefka is my favorite FF villain of all time. None of this Sephiroth shit, he cant touch Kefka.
None of this Sephiroth shit, he cant touch Kefka.
I've never played FF6 so really don't see why Kefka is so badass. But my pick would be Sephiroth. Ppl might hate Sephiroth cause he's overrated but when i played FF7 ps1 version he really gave me the vision of the perfect villian. How he walk when he was reading those books his sinister laugh yes sephy has laughed before. Sephiroths mind was pretty corrupted to you can't have a perfect villian without that. And is undying will to destroy the earth.
Ex-Death and Kefka were one of the best and strongest villains throughout the FF series. Sephiroth was extremely easy, a little harder in KH, but that's not a FF title.

My pick would be Kefka and or Ex-Death...and then the ending boss of IV, because he was so freakin' awesome to fight. :)
I've never played FF6 so really don't see why Kefka is so badass. But my pick would be Sephiroth. Ppl might hate Sephiroth cause he's overrated but when i played FF7 ps1 version he really gave me the vision of the perfect villian. How he walk when he was reading those books his sinister laugh yes sephy has laughed before. Sephiroths mind was pretty corrupted to you can't have a perfect villian without that. And is undying will to destroy the earth.

You really have to play and end FF VI to understand Kefka, then your understand why he is so great as a villian. Sephy's mind only went corrupted for the fact that he was lie to about his existence or rather kept in the dark about it...basically those books sparked the fuse.

My choice was hard but I have to go with Garland aka Chaos. He was a great villain that caused all sorts of trouble for eveybody in that world...If you look at it, like Kefka he did had the world in his hands, after his defeat as Garland the crystals revived him sent 2,000 yrs in time, where he had everything in chaos. The four fiends were his underlings and due to them owning each crystals...the world was in bad shape to begin with...hands down he should be looked at more...there no doubt he is beyond evil just by looking at the bastard, however the insanity King will be Kefka for he is runners up :-)
You really have to play and end FF VI to understand Kefka, then your understand why he is so great as a villian. Sephy's mind only went corrupted for the fact that he was lie to about his existence or rather kept in the dark about it...basically those books sparked the fuse.

My choice was hard but I have to go with Garland aka Chaos. He was a great villain that caused all sorts of trouble for eveybody in that world...If you look at it, like Kefka he did had the world in his hands, after his defeat as Garland the crystals revived him sent 2,000 yrs in time, where he had everything in chaos. The four fiends were his underlings and due to them owning each crystals...the world was in bad shape to begin with...hands down he should be looked at more...there no doubt he is beyond evil just by looking at the bastard, however the insanity King will be Kefka for he is runners up :-)

Yes, exactly. Although Kefka...kinda (Magitek infusions didn't help...) went insane for the same reasons. Only Sephy milked it away from Kefka and pushed it to a...different level.

Garland keeps coming back and back; he's a never ending evil doer, so he doesn't count :(

No, but really, its really freakin' cool that Garland can never die, that's awesome. ^^
Yes, exactly. Although Kefka...kinda (Magitek infusions didn't help...) went insane for the same reasons. Only Sephy milked it away from Kefka and pushed it to a...different level.

Garland keeps coming back and back; he's a never ending evil doer, so he doesn't count

No, but really, its really freakin' cool that Garland can never die, that's awesome. ^^

Well exactly, Garland aka Chaos does meet bitter defeat once you (the player) regain the crystals from the four fiends and return to his castle and travel in time to face me once more. he can't keep coming back alive because you now own the crystals....those were his source of immortality but yea he was awesome
Kefka for me also. He redesigned the world as though it were a mere plaything, and his laughter while
turning the Espers into magicite
was ice cold, among everything else he did. His presence as a villain throughout the whole game made an impact too--in FF there's usually a trend of discovering that villains work for bigger villains and so forth, but Kefka's the real deal the whole time, so you have more time to develop a fear/hatred etc. of him. IMO he is the perfect incarnation of madness, and he does it in style. Sephiroth may have gone mad, but he didn't seem to enjoy it as much, and Kuja didn't really seem mad to me at all. He certainly had selfish whims, but I think he knew what he was doing the whole time.
from IV was a great villain too in that he was pure evil, but
you didn't really know about him until the end
, so it's kind of hard to put him in the same category.