Final Fantasy in decline?


Dec 30, 2006
Hey all. Just wanted to put my two cents in. Not a huge gamer but Ive been playing Final Fantasy all the way back to the first. Whats the consensus about FFXII? I have finished it yet but doesn't the story and character development seem extremely weak or at least underdeveloped? Whyd they drop the ball on this one?
LOL every company is allowed to make one Money Maker and that wat this game was it was last FF released before PS3 which means they wanted to not try so hard and make some money before they had to buckle down and work on somethin that will take our breath away FFXIII were they wont be only sweetin and bleedin but they'll be crappin blood from all the hard work!!! Its forgivable becuase this game had some plus like the free roam and that way future customers wont be surprised in FFXIII release and less critisizm will focus on way u play but more on story and CG and using PS3 to its full potential which i believe they will come close to doin!!!!
It is your opinion, so it does not reflect fact. People will think differently about the game, some will say it's perfect, some won't. But any opinion is welcome so I respect that.

Money Maker? This was a decent FF game, mainly because of the changes that were brought to it, which was a decent move. Yet again, some may not like the change, but FF needed something new, different - FFXII brought that. Whether or not you like the changes, they've been made.

As for the comment on the story and characters..I cannot really comment as such, haven't got the game yet >.<

Zeon, I really didn't understand a lot of what you said because of the lack of full stops. Why assume FFXIII will be perfect as it is coming out on the PS3?

Just because it looks "cool" in a trailer graphically, doesn't mean it will instantly surpass any predecessing game.

A lot of people still hail FFVI/VII as being the best FF titles - and they're pre-PS2 titles!
i thought 12 was amazing. i thought the story was amazing. i thought the battle system was amazing. so many people argue about the story/character development, but i believe that the story was full and VERY well done. it was mature, had a lot of things going on, it dealt with difficult situations, etc. i thought it was great, some don't.
At first I didn't like FF XII as much as much as i liked X and X-2 but it certainly grew on me and I'm completely addicted. However, I am also extremely excited for the next FF games to come out on PS3. The graphics and gameplay graphics are already phenomenal so i can't imagine what happens when they incorporate the capabilities of PS3... its going to be FANTASTIC.
Actually though I love and am addicted (THOROUGHLY!) to this game, I absolutely see what neotemplar is saying. The story is OK, but yes I thought the characters were weak. I cared about characters in other FF games. In this one they seem pretty cardboard; even when they win boss fights they just stand there, posing.
i think 12 is a breath of fresh air when it comes to FF I was waiting too long for another one, so i think it was a cool game
As far as characters,I did feel a little like I was on the outside looking in,whereas others,like Tactics and VIII,I really felt something for the characters.Don't get me wrong,I love this game.And I thing the story is deep and political,with some intrigue........I dunno,I just love it still,can't say anything bad about it,been waiting too long.
I can't love final fantasy games like fanatics do.
Like waiting "so long for another FF"

I play other games other than FF ;)

So I'm not over the moon when another comes out, but I think that SE are milking VII too much as I stated in my thread, and will probably milk other FF's when VII loses its pizazz.

Now I can bet someone will say "FFVII Will never lose it's pizazz" maybe not for die hard fans, but for fans like me, and other people who aren't as crazy about the game and into thinking about whether cloud loves tifa or Aerith, they will agree with me on this.
I know that I myself had doubts about whether this would be a good game (going by my opinion on past installments). However, I would have to say that FFXII ranks in just behind Final Fantasy Tactics for a close second place overall. The story is engrossing, the characters are believable, the gameplay is great and the extras are time sucking (but in a good way). There were a few things I didn't like about the game, but as a whole package, extremely well done. Hopefully the Tactics games coming out will be as good (the remake, the new one and the sequel to FFXII).
I can't love final fantasy games like fanatics do.
Like waiting "so long for another FF"

I play other games other than FF ;)

So I'm not over the moon when another comes out, but I think that SE are milking VII too much as I stated in my thread, and will probably milk other FF's when VII loses its pizazz.

Now I can bet someone will say "FFVII Will never lose it's pizazz" maybe not for die hard fans, but for fans like me, and other people who aren't as crazy about the game and into thinking about whether cloud loves tifa or Aerith, they will agree with me on this.
FVII will never lose its pizazz :)
LOL every company is allowed to make one Money Maker and that wat this game was it was last FF released before PS3 which means they wanted to not try so hard and make some money before they had to buckle down and work on somethin that will take our breath away FFXIII were they wont be only sweetin and bleedin but they'll be crappin blood from all the hard work!!! Its forgivable becuase this game had some plus like the free roam and that way future customers wont be surprised in FFXIII release and less critisizm will focus on way u play but more on story and CG and using PS3 to its full potential which i believe they will come close to doin!!!!

You shouldn't say stuff when you don't know the facts. They wanted not to try hard? Why do you think there was so many delays? It was a HUGE project. A tremendous one. Just imagine translating all the text in the game. You should read this....although it's not finished. (Only has 4 interviews)
Maybe you'll learn a little more about FFXII, and the intentions behind it.
tactics was fine and ff 12 is good aswell but according to me ff12 is better its only a opinion
My opinion is mixed... but all in all this game is one thing for sure. HALF-ASSED.

Let's start with the battle system. In the beginning it sucked so bad i wanted to throw this game out the window. It does improve and shine bright. It is the same turn system just with movement really. Gives you some focus.. more real life battle. The gambits were pretty damn cool.

Graphics the only thing not half assed.. they were great.

Next the story. It sucked. The story had no real suspense. There were absolutely no shockers (the end is a VERY SLIGHT exception). I find it was way to straight forward.

Characters sucked. No real problems with them.. it was centered around Ashe's decision for so long that u get confused who the main character is. And the whole "we won yay now stand there and look neat" was really a let down.

Side Quests were kick ass. Plenty of them, easy to figure out but hard enough to make them fun. (With the exception of that damn spear they should have never even included it)

Over all... 7 out of 10. However if u compare it to the past.. with how they wowed us with every aspect of the game... i would have to say a mere 3 or 4 out of 10.
Why? ^^

It is because the game was HALF ASSED. For many reasons.. flying the airship!?!? I miss that, thought they would have noticed after 10 every one was disappointed in that. the gambits.. what about using CURA when the party's HP was at an average of less than 70%? They missed so many helpful things. Buying equipment u see the main attribute, not the hp raising, str add ons or anything but the main point of the piece and it's elemental attribute. The "quickenings" annoying as hell, most weren't the greatest, the main characters SUCKED, the combo of them were all the same looking, and they were just down right worthless in the real bosses because they had shields vs magic. The last boss was OWNED by me at lvl 68 or so, with no special items no rare things. My accessories were even the one that gave 2x exp. I had no real issues with him.. the last boss should have owned me in that state, then the enemies that were rare and harder than the last boss should have laughed i died but... well u know how goes it. The espers.. useless? Annoying? Pointless? What else is there to say? Yes let's summon an esper, this way if the character with the epser dies you're screwed. The esper's final leaving attack is annoying as well, u should be the one to make them enter and leave. Half assed is the only expression i can think of for this game.
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FF1 - Good solid game, a nice start off and was difficult in its NES state, relatively simple in its PS remake. 8/10

FF2 - Weird as hell... and with a good couple hours of repeatingly smacking the crap out of your own men, and selecting/unselecting the enemies with your attack/magic leaves you nearly omnipotent for the majority of the game. 4/10

FF3 - Havent played, but sounds interesting with the job system.

FF4 - Engrossing story, easily identifiable characters and the first to have individual characters that have some sort of personality. 8/10

FF5 - Excellent game, with a decent story and great job system. Not spectacular in its SNES-ishness and its back track in graphics compared to FF4 6/10

FF6 - Easily the best game, enthralling story, individual characters with their own quirks and personalities, and the game doesnt completely focus on one single character, though the story connects one overall but each can have their own spot in the limelight at one point or another. 9/10

FF7 - One word... BLAND!... The characters were somewhat forgettable, outside of the love triangle and the main badguy. The storyline didnt mesh very well and the script got lost in the ether like Cloud in one of his psychotic episodes. 3/10

FF8 - Its like they said, lets take 7 and make it even more bland and uninteresting, and you get FF8. Going into detail would waste my time as much as I did while playing this game. The majority of the time spent was using that boring as hell draw system in place. 1/10

FF9 - A nice re-hashing of previous games. It had a nostalgic feel to it that refreshing. The character design was interesting, the story kept your attention and made you feel for the characters. Though not a blazingly awesome game, it was a great departure from 7 & 8. 7/10

FF10 - Finally a truely cinematic feeling game, though it was limited and completely linear, it still had a wonderful movie quality about it. Though I personally didnt like the main characters that well aside from Auron. Tidus was abit needy and childish, and Yuna played the shy quiet girl alittle too well. 7/10

FF10-2 - or as I like to call it, Yuna Croft : Sphere Raider... >.> It has an interesting dress sphere system that I found to be the best thing about the game. It was undeniably a bad spin off and the start of a bad trend in sequel of sequels. 4/10

FF11 - MMORPG, cant say since didnt play it... but MMOs are nice though could have just splintered it off instead of upsetting the chain of sequels.

FF12 - By far the second best game in the lineup so far, some may not like the battle system but I agree it gets better as the game progresses. The characters could have been worked on or at least the voice actors could have done alittle better of a job. The storyline was top notch. 7/10


FFTactics - Awesome strategy game, one of the best Ive played, it have a wonderful story, interesting characters and overall the best of the splinter games from the series. 9/10


In closing the games arent losing anything as time goes along, each game has its own unique feel and Square just seems to be doing that with the PS2 games and I think FF13 will have its own notch on the FF creative tree when its released.. And one last note, people only hold FF7 in high regard because 1) Its the first they played. or 2) Are ignorant/in denial of its flaws because Sephirothe is one of the better villains, too bad he had to be stuck in such a dreadful final fantasy game... >.>
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FF7 - One word... BLAND!... The characters were somewhat forgettable, outside of the love triangle and the main badguy. The storyline didnt mesh very well and the script got lost in the ether like Cloud in one of his psychotic episodes.
But you have a Cloud signature and avatar, yet you say it is bland.

Logic Fails again
But you have a Cloud signature and avatar, yet you say it is bland.

Logic Fails again

read it again I said The characters were somewhat forgettable, OUTSIDE OF THE LOVE TRIANGLE (ie Cloud/Tifa/Aerith) I mean how many people really remember or acknowledge any other characters besides those 3

And I meant the GAME was bland... and uninteresting

Finally.....Logic fails on your part because if you look closer.. its the KINGDOM HEARTS incarnation of Cloud
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