Final Fantasy in decline?

read it again I said The characters were somewhat forgettable, OUTSIDE OF THE LOVE TRIANGLE (ie Cloud/Tifa/Aerith) I mean how many people really remember or acknowledge any other characters besides those 3

Logic fails on your part because if you look closer.. its the KINGDOM HEARTS incarnation of Cloud

I haven't played Kingdom Hearts, a picture of cloud is a picture of cloud regardless where it is from.

And I did read that bit, it still doesn't take from the fact you said it was bland.
FF7 Cloud wasnt the best... if they had made him the way they did in KHs it may have made FF7 more bareable... he was a decent character in a horribly bland typo ridden game... like I said about Sephirothe, it was sad he was stuck in such a dreadfully bad game...
FF7 Cloud wasnt the best... if they had made him the way they did in KHs it may have made FF7 more bareable... he was a decent character in a horribly bland typo ridden game... like I said about Sephirothe, it was sad he was stuck in such a dreadfully bad game...

I can't say if KH Cloud would be better as I haven't played it.
But I do agree, FF7 was a bit bland, I've played much better RPG's.
I think the main reason FFVII is seen as "the best" is because a playable character dies, an important playable character who is in the "love triangle", which everyone who is in love with the game is obsessed with.

I do not orgasm at the mention of the name, neither do any of my friends who have played it, there are far better RPGs which we have played, there are far better FF games, but yes FFVII is pretty bland.

I'm sure I'll get someone saying otherwise and declaring "You're just being emo and trying to be original" and I'll let you think that, I don't really care, I think the game could have been alot better, it's not rubbish, but it's not an RPG legend so to speak.
I think the first disk of VII was very good. I don't think the second disk is as good as the first but not terrible.

VII is my third favorite FF game but I don't think it's one of the best RPGs of all time. Oddly enough, I think Chrono Trigger is the best RPG but maybe I'm just being nostalgic. To me VII a good RPG though.

One thing that kind of bothers me about the game is that the only characters that you really need for the story are Cloud, Aeris, and to some extent Barret. The others could basically be removed and not have much effect on the storyline.

Haven't played XII yet so can't comment on that. Gonna replay VI first.
Well, in my opinion...the characters were developed enough, but not as much as in the previous FF titles, such as VII or VIII. I'm almost done with the game, and so far, I feel like I don't really know the characters' background that well.

As for the storyline, it was certainly believable and different, yeah. Unique, in fact. But personally in my opinion, I don't really like stories that have to deal with politics or the such. Don't get me wrong...the story is good. It's fresh and I know a lot of people like that.

Graphics were well done and they managed to pull it off. I enjoy this game a lot, even with the new battle system.

Overall, I'd rate this game as 8/10.
the best has dicided that this is the best game and all his should agree with no matter what!

bow down before the since he is the best and the only one who deserves worship
I'm just as captivated as ever with this installment of the far as wishing for the work day to end so I can waste away countless hours of playing...
I'm just as captivated as ever with this installment of the far as wishing for the work day to end so I can waste away countless hours of playing...

captivated. good choice of words. 12 has grabbed me and has yet to let go.

i haven't quite figured out why so many people hate the story. then again, most of those are the same people that loved 10, which i hated. yup. i said it. i disliked 10 so much. i forced myself to finish it, then traded it in to get 12. ;)
captivated. good choice of words. 12 has grabbed me and has yet to let go.

i haven't quite figured out why so many people hate the story. then again, most of those are the same people that loved 10, which i hated. yup. i said it. i disliked 10 so much. i forced myself to finish it, then traded it in to get 12. ;)

I enjoyed X. I prefer focus on character develpment.
I don't dislike XII's story so much, but I do find myself confused a lot about what exactly is happening-especially regarding the arcadian issues....They don't spoonfeed you enough for "my" liking. X did a better job at that. It's a game and I don't really care for having a movie sequence bust out and when it is over I'm like "Okay, now what the heck just happened"....It's happened a few times already and I've stopped and gone back to rewatch...I'm still not completely sure I've grasped it all, but I'm hoping as more is developed I'll get there...

Maybe I'm just slow. :O..:huh:..:P
I agree with wolvatron. X sucked
^Gotta love the non-validity of a post without grounds to back up one's opinion.

FFXII is a great game. No the FF series is not in decline, it's just adapting to current times. It would be boring as hell if we had the 5 games that have come out since FFVII, all resemble FFVII. Many people state that the characters suck and we need more "Cloud and Squall" characters. Bullshit. That gets old quick. NEW.

That's one thing I love about the summons in this game. We finally get a break from the same old Shiva, Ifrit, Bahamut mumbo-jumbo that we can predict before every game since FFIII. Seriously. We all know Ifrit and Shiva are at about the same stats with Shiva being a bit better, and Bahamut is usually one of the final summons you obtain...etc. FFXII threw a wrench into the blender and I really love the system they set up. Battle System, summon system, characters, story. Ah, story. It's a much more maturity-leveled story that probably strikes more to reality than any other game in the series. Sure it's suppose to be Fantasy, and it is. It just is aimed at a higher mature-wise, and sophisiticated level of gamers who need to use their noggins to unravel the real mystery, problems, and connections in this game.

To all who come to the end of this game and love it, I'm with you. If you don't, no problem. You gave it a chance and you are forming your opinions. And of course, what would the world be like if we all agreed right? Boring.

Debate on my fellow forum-mates!
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^Gotta love the non-validity of a post without grounds to back up one's opinion.

he shouldn't have to back up his opinion any more than i have to. i didn't give any reasons why i didn't like 10, and i don't feel like i have to. *shrugs*

but i agree with you on everything you said. i loved 12 from beginning to end. storyline was FAR more mature with real political issues in a world at war. i loved it.

as a side note, i'm located in mansfield, pa. ;) you're almost a stone throw away.
he shouldn't have to back up his opinion any more than i have to. i didn't give any reasons why i didn't like 10, and i don't feel like i have to. *shrugs*

but i agree with you on everything you said. i loved 12 from beginning to end. storyline was FAR more mature with real political issues in a world at war. i loved it.

as a side note, i'm located in mansfield, pa. ;) you're almost a stone throw away.
Only 40 minutes away fro me, eh? Not bad. Also, I just wanted to see what his reasons were for disliking the game, that's why I would have wanted to see his backups. No offense meant to either of you.
I enjoyed X. I prefer focus on character develpment.
I don't dislike XII's story so much, but I do find myself confused a lot about what exactly is happening-especially regarding the arcadian issues....They don't spoonfeed you enough for "my" liking. X did a better job at that. It's a game and I don't really care for having a movie sequence bust out and when it is over I'm like "Okay, now what the heck just happened"....It's happened a few times already and I've stopped and gone back to rewatch...I'm still not completely sure I've grasped it all, but I'm hoping as more is developed I'll get there...

Maybe I'm just slow. :O..:huh:..:P

Lol, my thoughts exactly. I don't think you're slow...a few friends of mine, (myself included) have been extremely confused about what's happening. The way the characters speak...erm, some sounds like Old English to me. I don't know, it just didn't appeal to me. But I still enjoy the game though.
they should make a new series u no? yes i believe that FF is in decline but not as much as some games. FF is still a classic
they should make a new series u no? yes i believe that FF is in decline but not as much as some games. FF is still a classic

Wait. What? They should make a new Explain this, I'm lost.
FF is not in decline. X sucked the big one because it was a j-drama made videogame. XI was online, and thusly, not as well received. XII was amazingly beautiful and actually made you THINK. So. No. Not in decline.

I honestly think people who didn't like XII just don't get it. Just like with people who don't like the Silent Hill games. Seriousness. :O
Only 40 minutes away fro me, eh? Not bad. Also, I just wanted to see what his reasons were for disliking the game, that's why I would have wanted to see his backups. No offense meant to either of you.

well, since i'm in a far better mood today than i was yesterday (my apologies, btw), i disliked 10 because i got WAY too bored with the tidus/yuna scenes. i also found the villian to be, uhm... too girly and not menacing.

tidus' voice bugged the crap out of me and i didn't think the voice acting was really that good. the story was... not interesting to me. i hated blitzball, hated the sphere grid, didn't like how the summons worked, and since i only played it once, i can't remember much else about it.

i will give it some positives, though! graphics were well done, and some of the cinematics were very cool. i thought the thunder plains was a GREAT idea, and the part where you crash the wedding was super cool. unfortunately, for me, the cool parts did not outweigh the boring/uninteresting parts.

but this thread is really about FF in general, so to help keep it on topic, i do not think that FF is declining. that's silly. 1 was great, 2, 3, and 4 i didn't play, 5 was great, 6 was great, 7 was great, 8 was ok, 9 was great, 10 was, well, ya know, 11 i didn't play, and 12 was great. so, where's the decline again?
I honestly think people who didn't like XII just don't get it. Just like with people who don't like the Silent Hill games. Seriousness. :O

Truth be told, that's what I think. People say the story sucks because there is no love story in it - there are more important things in a Final Fantasy world then a love story. FFXII centered around something more important than that.
Also that there isn't much character interaction. They worked together as a team, and had more pressing issues to deal with rather then all becoming best friends. :/

As for SH..I don't like scary games.
Truth be told, that's what I think. People say the story sucks because there is no love story in it - there are more important things in a Final Fantasy world then a love story. FFXII centered around something more important than that.
Also that there isn't much character interaction. They worked together as a team, and had more pressing issues to deal with rather then all becoming best friends. :/

As for SH..I don't like scary games.

But then again, in XII, they did form bonds. Strong ones, important ones. Balthier was like a big brother to Vaan, Penelo and Vaan were already buddies...Larsa had a *thing* for Penelo (atleast in my opinion), blah blah blah, I could go on but you know this already. ;O

SH isn't just about being scared though. It's a lot deeper than that. If you play it with a clear mind and try to keep calm, you won't be as frightened, and you'll digest the underlying themes and symbols of the game much easier. ;O