Final Fantasy is NOT Star Wars

Aztec Triogal

Feb 8, 2007
Williamsport, PA
This is the last warning the world is going to get. If anyone on here says that Final Fantasy has any relation to Star Wars other than Biggs and Wedge, I'm going to throw each and every one of you into a wood chipper... twice. Yes, the introduction to Final Fantasy XII did feature a dogfight in futuristic ships. Star Wars does not have the market on dogfighting, swordfighting, or the future. Ok? Star Wars is about a bunch of guys in robes using telekenetic powers and lightsabers to fight a whole other buch of guys in black robes using different telekenetic powers and red lightsabers. They fight constantly and sometimes the guys in the robes trade in those robes for a black robe. It's very interesting. It's intriguing. It's cool. And it's repetitive. But it is not Final Fantasy.

They don't appear to be the same superficially and they're definitely not the same if you dig deeper. Every once in a while people compare the two but they're not the same. They're not related. Biggs and Wedge pay homage to a great movie series, just like "May Link Rest in Peace" pays homage to the Zelda franchise. There have also been references to Resident Evil, Unreal Tournament, and other popular RPGs. And yes, easily one of the largest references they make is to Star Wars. But that does not mean, in any way whatsoever, that they are copying or modeling their games after Star Wars concepts.

I agree, Final Fantasy is not the same as Star Wars. FFXII got dangerously close to being similar, but besides that and the large fanbase of the series, there is no relation whatsoever.
I'm somewhat glad that the two are intermingled.
Two of the greatest inventions on the face of the earth.
I hope that when they remake Star Wars Episodes IV-VI, they have comemmorative references to my very favorite character, Red XIII. And I hope they replace Luke Skywalker with a big black guy named Barret.
Actually one of the SW references are suppose to be with Nanaki. Because Nanaki is an anagram of Anakin. And Red XIII is suppose to be a reference to the Red Squadron and Red Five that is Luke.
Wtfffffff. No mames way! O___o
Do you just know all of this from paying such close attention, or did you read up on it??
Lol True dat. And no Rhea, FF Compendium is the place to be for all in-series and out-series cross over. If you're an FF fan and you haven't been to the Compendium, you need to get there.
Lol True dat. And no Rhea, FF Compendium is the place to be for all in-series and out-series cross over. If you're an FF fan and you haven't been to the Compendium, you need to get there.
Hey your right the compendium is most likely the best site there is for info for the FF series gotta love that place
Although FF isnt star wars XII is close.

did anyone else make this connection?

Ashe=Princess Leia

Just the way she acts and speaks when you first meet her and her rescue on the
Dreadnaught Leviathon
just reminds me so much of SW:IV :lol:
Although FF isnt star wars XII is close.

did anyone else make this connection?

Ashe=Princess Leia

Just the way she acts and speaks when you first meet her and her rescue on the
Dreadnaught Leviathon
just reminds me so much of SW:IV :lol:
It's more connected to Star Wars than just that... The flashback sequence itself made me fell Star Wars nostalgia... for one, the Kingdom looked like Naboo from the 'new' trilogy, second, there were two people in small 'fighter' airships, with codenames (Cactuar, Tonberry), similar to 'Red Leader' and 'Gold Leader'. I know FF isn't Star Wars, but FFXII was so darn close, I could taste it at the very beginning.
Ugh, coruse you beginning scenea. Everyone thinks your satr wars because of you! They roce dochobos. Not ... that crap they rode on in endtor. with the fuzzy bears.
Aztec, have you been on a Seventh Heaven binge? LOL

I also seem to remember a shina guy in VII being named after an Imperial officer, I think it was Piet or Needa but I might be wrong.

P.S. Nanaki as an anagram of Anakin, that's amazing, I never got that at all!
A young boy dreams of leavin his desert home behind, but with the evil empire around the young boy finds a long lost knight thought dead, befriends a pirate who owns his own ship and is hunted by bounty hunters, saves a princess who has ties with rebels and goes to a sky city and is betrayed by the head of it.

Yeh nothin to do with Star Wars.
lol When you put it like that... but they're still not the same. I don't think they drew from Star Wars to make the game... but that is a very convincing spin. Short of a slug mob boss, I'd say you might be right. lol Like I said, I still don't think they're related. Also, this is for all Final Fantasy games not just FFXII. Also, I wonder who is cooler: Maquis Ondore or Lando Calrissian?
Like i said the story is similar but i think thats it, odd character traits too, but sayin Vaan is Luke would be like sayin Cloud is Squall, sure the two share similar character traits but they're not exactly the same. Even the story tho obviously similar still has its own elements aside from Star Wars. Still, FF XII is so much better than Star Wars (not that i dislike Star Wars, but it is FF XII).

As for other FF's, no, appart from the obvious name references, thats it.
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Can i just point out that there are bound to be similarities between the 2 as they are both "fantasies" which involve alot of travel, its just that ones geekier than the other with wrinkly headed people. But basically FF and star wars are no more alike than king kong and indiana jones, they both have a jungle in. :D
Right on, brother!

Amen to this topic! i dont think its right. there should be some kind of law
for those who somehow see a resemblence to Star Wars and Final Fantasy
Should have to wear a pin every day of their lives that say: Banned from Final Fantasy:Date the ban will be lifted-"youll be dead by then" lolz!