Final Fantasy IX Survivor

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Well...i´m sure you are all familiar with the Gulug stone are you not? I need it for...well i´ll tell you later for now i need you to go get it for´s located on the southest part of the island inside some old druid ruins.

Yes something like that...the Gulug stone should be located in a pedestal...somewhere in the druid ruins...but beware powerful fiends lurk there and the place itself is hard to acess you have to do a bit of climbing....and be careful not to run into...oh you´ll find out when you get there.


and why do i get the feeling that this is going to be a death defying climb riddled with traps monsters and tricks?
GARLAND: won´t be a turist tour that´s for go!
To get to the ruins you first have to cross the green fields of the you better depart now.
Marcus: Blank, don't expect that there will be Garlands minions on Green Fields cause there will be guardian fiends while we get to the ruins.
Marcus: Well I am going through Green Fields, see ya' at the ruins.
*Marcus goes with Steiner to Green Fields*

*Blank gets barricated underground withought any source of light or air he as no choice but to go back*

*The survivors start crossing the green fields the sun shines with great intensity...suddenly a small pack of Fangs (wolf type monster you encounter at the Evil Forest) atack the survivors trying to get an early meal*

crap we are surrounded marcus

steiner attacks with chimhazzard killing half of the fangs.

marcus lets take care of this fangs quick before they call backup
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