Final Fantasy IX Survivor

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ooh looks like they are having trouble

hmm i know! *speedily kills all fangs and gets back to ruins in a fraction of a second and the fangs die*

oh yes i am good
OOC: No you are not haste does not allow you to go running around in a fraction of seconds like a maniac from a place to another. So you´re either on the green fields with the rest of the survivors or you´re stuck underground!
yes and i escaped them onto the ruins but sure i will slow down A BIT instead it took me......20 seconds
OOC: You´re still not on the green plains...and you can´t get there in 20 seconds either you did not want to go through the green plains that´s fine...but you can´t go running back now.


*The fangs start running around the survivors and prepare to launch their atack*
OOC: Sir Fratley aka Savior of the Damned is still participating...since he explained to me why he was not posting;)


*some fangs try and bite the survivors while others try to slash them with their claws*
(OOC: Sorry guys for not posting, I was out with friends)

Marcus: *Marcus slices four more fangs*
We should keep moving.

*seeing they were no match for the survivors the remaining fangs retreat, the survivors continue their walk along the fields*
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