Final Fantasy IX Survivor

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OOC: They will count but we are aproaching the end as there are only 5 players still left. And sorry for not posting yesterday.


I see Eiko as passed away...oh well what a pity she had some potential but deaths are only good for one thing....

*empales Eiko next to Kuja*

For that...also everyone voted for the same person...which is

Sir Fratley aka Savior of the Damned!

You are now banned from Survivor and your fate is sealed this time!

* a white dragon appears and takes Sir Fratley away*

Well we are now down to five competitors...and what a group we have...Steiner, Amarant, Marcus, Blank and Vivi this time a new mission awaits you by far the hardest so question is...can you take it?

Marcus: *Looks at the ocean, turns around and says*
5 of us survived, 3 got killed, 2 gave up and 2 were voted off. Who will be next?
"Sure thing, Amarant. I'll teach you how to use magic," Vivi said, nodding at his red-haired companion. He then turned to Garland, "I'm ready!"

I´m sure you are all familiar with the Mist...for centuries it invaded Gaia...and it´s source was the Linfa Tree...well....on this island there is also a Lifa Tree...see those mountains...

*points at mountais*

Behind those mountais the Mist covers the entire north east parth of the island it´s source is the Lifa Tree...i need you to cross the mountains....pass along the Mist valley and reach the Lifa Tree...from there...i want you to block the order to do it you need to defeat...Soulcage...he is no longer under my influence and most be stopped before the entire island is covered in Mist. Keep in mind that there will be obstacles along the Soulcage will probably send his minions to hunt you down...this time i warn you to be extremely your not dealing with one of my servants. Now depart!

you dont mind killing zidane and kuja though (in ff9)

well i will go i guess good exp and all whos comin?

look out steiner!

*a pack of fangs charge out at them*

looks like company.....wait they are a different colour coat to the others they must be more powerful than the other fangs we had best be careful

*blank unsheathes his sword and cuts at one fang but it somehow survives the blow*

yep they are definately more powerful
steiner unsheathes his sword and uses chimazzard kills the one blank attacked and does great damage to three of them.

steiner: what the hell that didn't kill them. lets take care of the rest. blank you should cast haste on us to make things easier
*blank uses haste on himself then on blank*

okay lets try using our speed against them...

*blank charges into them with his sword held in front and slices through them all which leaves them heavily wounded*

steiner use chimhazzard to finish them off!

*as the survivors arrive almost at the top a pack of Garudas start flying in their direction*

Garudas are Lv 35 they use Aerial Slash (wind atack), Firaga, Stop.

They can be beaten in one round if you use your most powerful atack but they are a pack of 30 so i guess you´re in trouble and they aren´t so easy to beat!

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