Final Fantasy IX Survivor

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hmm this will be difficult....

if only vivi were here

i guess we need to trick them...

steiner lure them to the ground so i can kill them easily

*the confused Garuda uses Aerial Slash on two other Garudas blowing them off, at the same time one the Garudas casts Stop on Marcus while two others use a firaga mixed atack on Marcus trying to take him out*

*Steiner safes Marcus but a Garuda catches him from behind and uses Stop on him paralysing him*

As Steiner and Marcus stood rooted to the spot, the remaining Garuda began to power up an almighty Firaga attack; Marcus and Steiner seemed defenceless..
Out of no where, a blood red fireball struck Garuda; causing it to screech in pain. It wasn't the Firaga attack gone wrong, it was Flare.

Amarant:Looks like I made it just in time! Guys, I don't think anyone has the ability to get rid of that stop spell, so you'll just have to wait for it to go...

The winged beast wasn't done for yet. It had been badly damaged and was strugling to fly, but still it posessed the ability to hurt them all. It attempted to fly off of the ground and Amarant knew this is when the Garuda is at it's most deadly. Before it had a chance, Amarant used his claws to grind along the floor and hurled a cloud of dirt into the face of the beast.

Amarant:This is gonna be the best time to finish it off!
actually amarant i do!

*uses haste on steiner and marcus*

i see you forgot about little old me and my haste spell :)
Amarant:Indeed I did

*Hangs head in shame*

Brushing the long red locks of hair out of his face, Amarant got into his battle stace.

Amarant:Let's do this...
Amarant:Unless I'm completely wrong, that should be the last one right?

The group sat down on the ground, exhausted from the Garuda trio. They were no pushovers by any means...
They had only a little time to rest, as they had to continue on their biggest quest yet.

The mission to defeat Soulcage would test each of them to their limit's, but they all looked ready.

*as the survivors reach the top of the mountain they look at the other side...and are stunned with what they see...Mist covered the entire valley and far away a giant tree could be seen the Lifa Tree...but to get there the Survivors still had to cross the Mist valley...a place of solitude and sorrow...*

*as the Survivors start to descend the mist covers´s so thick that you can hardly see the person behind or in front of you*
Marcus: *Marcus puts his hands on sheathed sword*
If I am right, in this thick mist we should confront zombie enemies.

*As you cross the valley moans can be by one the survivors are grabbed by the mist zombies! There must be more than 50 zombies all trying to grab you*

Zombies are Lv.30 each they aren´t quite powerful but are of a great number and most certainly are a big enough threat because of their number.
Amarant: Blank, they're pretty slow as it is so if you cast haste on us, we'll run rings around them! Heads up!

Blank ducked quickly as Amarant swiped over the top of him, decapitating 2 zombies in the process. They weren't strong by any means, but there were so many of them!

Amarant:Wait a minute...I've got an idea...

Amarant uses the ability Revive on a few zombies, killing them instantly.

Amarant:I've only got a limited amount of MP guys, so I can't get them all...
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