Final Fantasy IX Survivor

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Marcus: *Everyone stepped on an elevator and start descending. When they arrived there were roots that were leading more inside the Lifa Tree*
I guess we should walk on these roots.
The chunky roots obviously led to something bigger. They had no choice but to follow them. It was a good thing the Stroppers had been defeated, they didn't need to waste their time and energy on those while the demon Soulcage was lurking within the Mist.

Amarant:Everyone ready? This isn't gonna be a pushover...
lets go.....*unsheathes sword*

*blank notices a zombie dragon below but luckily it has not noticed them yet*

watch out!!
Marcus: *As Marcus was searching the area he spots something brown in a hole on the wall. He sticks his hand into a hole a drags a treasure chest covered with dust and spider's web. When he opened it he sees two Phoenix Downs. One was broken and another was whole. Marcus looks down the to the bottom and barely sees Zombie Dragon as it was a long way down*
Well people, your choice, we use this Phoenix Down on Zombie Dragon and clear a path, or use it on Soulcage to end this field trip quickly.

(OOC: In FF9 you can easily beat Soulcage with Phoenix Down or Life spell)
OOC: Not this SoulCage he is immune you would do better to use it on the zombie dragon!;)


*beaten and bruised the survivors aproach the zombie dragon with caution*
Marcus: Ah, what a heck!
*Marcus throws Phoenix Down on Zombie Dragon killing it instantly*

(OOC: You wrote you're gonna post a pic for every boss we fight on survivor, I gave you the link so post it when its time)
OOC: It didn´t work...but i´m assuming all of you know what SoulCage looks like.


*The Zombie Dragon is defeated...the survivors move along into the center of the roots...suddenly a voice could be heard in your minds*

SoulCage: Garlands you have intend to block the mist...ahhhh but it will not be so simple....for i SoulCage will not allow it! Now face my wrath! I will rule this island from now on!

*boss song starts*
Just to help you see what SoulCage is about...remember the SoulCage you´re fighting is much more powerful!

SoulCage is Level 58 his HP is pretty high and he as some deadly atacks:

His atacks are:
Shockwave (powerful energy blast)
Mustard Bomb ( causes heat on a character and makes him go berserk)
Leaf Swirl (atacks using leafs to cut can hit all characters at the same time)
Fire Blades ( Fire Damage to all)
Lv5 Death (kills characters with a number 5 as their last level number)

His immune to: Death, Slow, Confuse, Bio, Silence, Sleep and Blind.

SoulCage is the hardest boss you fought so far so don´t think you can beat him with ease...he will only be defeated by using strategy and good atacks and team effort of course!;)

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ooc:jimmy lv5 death kills all party members with a level that is a multiple of 5 and mustard bomb kills a party member that has mustard bomb if they attack while the effect is on them

blank: steiner use armor break while i try to outmanouver him!
Amarant:If he uses Mustard Bomb, make sure he uses it on me. Don't forget I got temp control armour a while back ;)
I'm not sure about our levels, but I think we're nere to lvl 40?

To kick start things, Amarant used Aura on the party; an ability which would prove to be incredibly helpful. Auto-life and Regen could only help them.
BOSS: Soulcage

We must be careful and prevent him to cast Firaga on himself or he'll gonna use Fire Blades.

(OOC: I don't know about you but when I fought him he casted Fira on himself so he could use Fire Blades, and Jimmy how come it works for me on posting pics)
OOC: I don´t know...but you can seem him at the video. And Damo i will only give you levels after you beat SoulCage.;)


*Soulcage uses Leafswirl on Blank and sends him against on of the roots*
Marcus: *As Marcus was inspecting Soulcage he looks at the roots, he sees that his roots go up the walls. Marcus gets the idea*
Slash his roots, it could be his source of power!

SoulCage: Ahahaha you fool i am not linked with the roots! You have to do more than that to strike me down.

*as SoulCage says this he uses Firaga on Marcus*

SoulCage: Power gone ahhh that´s what you my mustard bomb atack!!!!!!!!!!

*SoulCage unleashes Mustard Bomb on Steiner*
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