Final Fantasy IX Survivor

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Realising that the Mustard Bomb attack would be deadly to Steiner, Amarant threw himself in front; knowing his body temp armour would protect him from the effects it causes.
The scalding attack still dealt a fair amount of damage to Amarant, but that was still a lucky escape for them.

Amarant:"If we surround it, it may get confused. Let's go for it!"

There was a glint in Amarants usually cold eyes. The passion of battle brought out the rage inside.
Marcus: *Listening to Amarants idea, Marcus surrounds the Soulcage with Steiner, Blank and Amarant. But Soulcage uses Leaf Swirl all around him and deals damage to Marcus and others*
Lets strike now!
After a nod of agreement, Amarant charged towards Soulcage and unleashed a devastating uppercut, two of them in fact.

Amarant:I think we should try to finish this battle sooner rather than later! I know Aura helps restore our HP and gives us Auto-Life, but I don't think I've got enough MP to cast it again.

Noticing that Soulcage doesn't respond well to speed, Amarant began to run around it; in an attempt to confuse it. He didn't expect the plan to work wonders, but it would help them in the short term future.
Marcus: *As Amarant was running around Soulcage, Soulcage became dizzy*
Amarant, step on my hands, I'll throw you and you can slash Soulcage's head.

SoulCage: "Think again you fools!!!"

Just as Amarant prepared to jump SoulCage hit him with shockwave sending him crashing against Marcus*

SoulCage: "Face your pathetic are not match for plan to weaken you send you aproached as worked your powers are meningless compared to the streght of this tree!!!!!!!"
Marcus: Tree!? Thats it!!!
*Marcus rampages at Soulcage while Soulcage was using Leaf Swirl on him. Marcus cuts down the lower part of Soulcage and pushes him over the edge*
*But it knocks Marcus off with Shockwave*
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OOC: SoulCage is not atatched to the Lifa Tree...remember he comes falling down when Zidane and the rest of the party face him! Let´s pretend you were able to slash his lower part.


SoulCage: impudent shall pay for this!

*SoulCage focus himself on Marcus forgeting about the other survivors he uses Mustard Bomb on him but at the same time lowers his defenses*
(OOC: Ok I'll edit my post)
Marcus: *As Marcus was infected with Mustard Bomb he fealt a heavy heat inside him*
Amarant:Marcus, don't move! Don't do anything!

He knew that if Marcus did anything, he'd be done for; they were in trouble now. The one good thing was the attack that Marcus managed to strike Soulcage with, what a strike! Soulcage was clearly badly damaged by it, and now had a weaker lower section.

Amarant:Marcus, if the worst should happen and you need to move, you still have auto-life that I cast on you earlier. (when I used Aura)

Switching focus from Marcus to Soulcage, Amarant ran closer towards the demon and took aim at it's lower-section. Gathering all the power he could, Amarant unleashed a vicious No Mercy attack; causing the Soulcage to wail in pain.
GARLAND: can this be!? You mortals don´t know when to give up!

*SoulCage was getting weaker by the minute...but still had energy to blast Amarant with a Leaf Swirl sending falling down the roots*

SoulCage: I´m not finished yet!
Marcus: *Marcus throws his mouth horn sword into Soulcage's forehead, then he runs toward Soulcage, jumps, gets his sword and cuts down Soulcage's left leafy thing. Since he was infected with Mustard Bomb he immediately lost consciousness and with in terrible pain dies. But since Amarant casted Aura on him he was immediately revived*

SoulCage:" can this be!? I cannot believe life is coming to an end...but you shall come with me."

*As SoulCage says this...he unleashes one final atack ShockingWave blasting everyone in sight*
While this devastating attack reduced everyone's HP besides Marcus' to zero, it was of little matter. By casting Aura on everyone from the beginning, they always had the upper hand.
Soulcage was destroyed and the group was victorious. They were exhausted; what a battle.

Amarant:I don't know about you guys, but I could do with a rest...
ooc: sorry for not posting in while, i was out and about yesterday. went to go see pirates of the caribbean 3 at worlds end.

steiner: (breathing heavly) wow that was i tough fight. yes lets rest for awhile

*SoulCage is defeated the mist will slowly stop spreading the survivors are tired and beaten but they have no idea of the power combat they have earned, they spot a small green spring behind some roots...the spring emmits a green glow*
steiner see's the green pond unsheath his sword and starts to walk toward the pond.

steiner: guys we sould careful this could be a trap. garland loves to play games games with us. so we shoud approach carefuly.
Marcus: *Marcus looks at spring and says*
Why do I have a feeling that Garland send us not just to stop the mist, but also because of this spring.

*Garlands voice is heard*

"Your reward for beating SoulCage and clearing the mist...each of you will drink a bit of this water...and unlock your hidden potentials..."
Amarant: Garland, why exactly should we trust you? You've tried to kill us on numerous occasions and personally, I think you're just mean XD
If you knew of this spring all along, why did you send us here without telling us then? Something's not making sense.
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