Final Fantasy IX Survivor

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Amarant:Good work, Eiko! Let's finish the job.

Blank and Marcus were keeping one of the Torama's occupied and seemed to have it beat, so that just left the one to dismantle.

Out of nowhere, the Torama unleashed a huge Electrodude attack, knocking HP of both Amarant and Eiko. This was a tough one. Down but not out, Amarant brushed himself off and stood with his arms outwards. Not giving it another minutes thought, he hurtled toward the beast, staring it directly in its cold eyes.
The Torama unleashed another electrodude attack in his direction; not a problem. Amarant used his arms as a spring-board to vault himself up above the Torama. He came down as quickly as he went up and struck his Tiger Claws down the spine of the fiend, destroying it in the blink of an eye.

Amarant:Blank, Marcus, you guys got that one covered?
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sure do!

blank jump-flips onto a torama and dodges its attacks and as soon as an opening in its back appeared he took it and using his full body weight he stabbed the torama in and out of its body
OOC: We already have more than 1000 posts:O


Impressive...i thought you might not get out of this one...but i guess that´s what make your survivors....i advise you to rest now as an immunity challenge is coming brace yourselfes...
Amarant:So, is there any exp for us then Garland? That was a big battle after all. Eiko, could you give me a hand? I've got a few scratches I need healing...
Eiko nodded and went around, casting Cura on whoever needed it. As for herself, she casted her Regen spell before heading back to camp to rest up. Really, she needed to replenish her magic. The Regen spell just helped to recover her health quicker.

Until the immunity challenge, Eiko laid down in her little tent and took a snooze.
The battle with the Torama's gave a good insight into what the group could expect in the future. Garland was starting to test them more and more each day; and Amarant was beginning to wonder what their next challenge would be. He knew they were ready, whatever Garland threw their way.

Amarant:Phew, I'm shattered. I'm gona head back to camp and get some rest

Rest time is over Survivors as it´s time for an immunity once again!

Immunity challenge:

There´s a lagoon on the center of the island and buried beneath the sand of the lagoon is a treasure chest! You have to find a way to get the chest out of the lagoon! Remember you also have to take under consideration that if you stay underwater for too long you lose air and well...DIE!
On top of it all the sea eidolon Leviathan is guarding the treasure chest and the only way for you guys to get it is to beat Leviathan!

Good luck and as always the best strategy wins!
Marcus: *As Marcus approaches the lagoon he sees a dark shadow under the water, a Leviathan. Marcus pick up the rock and throws where Leviathan waits. Leviathan appears from water*
Now you see me,... *Marcus casts Blind* you don't!
*Marcus throws rock at Leviathan repeatedly. Leviathan was blind so he couldn't attack. Marcus continued to throw rock at Leviathan until it gets pissed off. Leviathan uses Tsunami and almost depletes the lagoon, Marcus can now able to walk on almost-depleted lagoon. Marcus throws a rock a bit farther and Leviathan, that can only rely on its ears, goes where Marcus threw the stone. Marcus walked on almost-depleted lagoon and spots treasure chest handle. Marcus takes out the treasure chest and heads for shore. But then blind status on Leviathan wores off and Leviathan spots Marcus and heads for him.*
O, no!
*Marcus unsheathes the sword, points at Leviathan and closes his eyes waiting for impact. He felt that something got stabbed and when he looked he saw Leviathan stabbed into the mouth. Marcus then just heads for the beach*

okay... here goes

blank casts haste on himself before entering battle and then uses slow on leviathan, then leviathan is alerted and starts looking for blank and taking this opportunity blank unsheathes his sword and prepares for an attack, when leviathan appears he notices a 100 foot wave behind leviathan and looks for cover. he finds cover under a rock and then when the attack subsides leviathan starts trying to bite blank but due to slow blank just slashes at his head which cuts out one of its eyes. with leviathan stunned he prepares for a killer blow but when he tries leviathan opens its jaws to eat blank and blank improvises and somersaults and in the flip his sword slices leviathans head in half and then leviathan emits a death scream and plummets back into the water and blank notices a leviathan scale (removes fire)which he pockets before taking the treasure from the lagoon
Knowing that this would be far from easy, Amarant took a second to compose himself. The best strategy was to get into the thick of the action straight away...
Stopping at the edge of the lagoon, Amarant saw the collossus that was Leviathan under the merky, swampy water. Jumping in without a plan would be suicide, so Amarant took a second to watch the movement patterns of the legendary water beast. It was fast, elegant and mesmorising; with the ability to deal some majoy damage.

Amarant: Hmm, I wonder how quick it's reactions are?

He waited for Leviathan to approach him, and as it drew closer, Amarant hurled a rock directly above it. Before the rock had a chance to begin to fall, the Leviathan had sprung out of the water and oblitterated it. Wow. What agility!
The problem for the creature was it's main strength which Amarant was about to use against it.
He took a long run up and lept over the lagoon, just waiting to get attacked. Just like clockwork, the Leviathan dove out of it's watery home in Amarants direction.
He smirked and got his claws ready. The red haired warrior (Amarant) was prepared. He dug his Tiger Claws under the thick scales of the monster and prepared to become submerged in water.

The Leviathan with Amarant on it's back fell back into the water and began to writhe and wriggle to get him off. Keeping his wits about him, Amarant kept his eye on the chest handle on the laggon floor. He partially relinquished his grasp and held a claw out. This was like threading thread through the eye of a needle and had to be perfect.
Somehow, Amarant managed to get a grasp on the chest and pull it from beneath the soft, silty lagoon bed; all before the Levithan changed direction and headed for the surface.

Amarant:He's about to jump out...This could be tough...

They burst into the glorious sunlight, both glistening with droplets of water. The Leviathan flung Amarant off and spun around, ready to strike; only to be faced with a massive No Mercy attack. It needed Amarants biggest attack to dispatch the monster, and it took it all out of him.

Landing on the lagoon side, he panted, trying to regain his breath, while the Leviathan floated on the water surface; dead and cold.
(OOC: I've been out of this for a while :\ I've had things to do. Am I still in this or have I been voted out? I'm not reading 40+ pages to find out ...)
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OOC: Yay! ^_^ Could someone sum up what I've missed? I don't have the patience to read 40+ pages :P My solution: Vivi had a temporary coma ... lets just hope he didn't have the same fate as Sora :|
ooc: basically, we've just been set an immunity challenge (all explained on previous page) We've introduced a new exp system. You get more exp for better posts regarding battles basically. And that's all you need to know really...I think anyway!
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