Final Fantasy Kingdoms

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Chocobo God

Try and catch me...
Dec 30, 2006
ok so 4 kingdoms are sucked into one world. in them live four final fantasy cities. the people you can be are characters from 7,8,10, and finalfantasy 12. when you choose the character you want to be you start out your story. the stories must intertwine some for this story to work. All the kingdoms vie for power and land. The ff7 charactrers live in the gold castle, ff8 in the marble castle, ff10 in the stone castle, and ff12 in the silver castle. to sign up pm me or post on here which character you want to be than get varification from me.
I don't care if you get of track a little but just don't post useless junk.

Ok the story starts out when cloud sits on his new gold throne after a long training session with barret. His men were strong but something trou8bled him...
hmmm sure. do a bio and stuff. but 4 ppl who are original ppl u dont have 2 do a boi because every1 pretty much knows who u r.
What kind of storyline you looking at? Some kind of "bad guy" manipulating everything from behind the scenes sorta thing?

Name: Vline Siguara
Age: 23

It's the one on the left. Observant people will notice that these are saix's weapons. I like their look. Don't worry, "mine"'s different. It is formed of water and is thrown at an enemy, and another is formed from nowhere into his hand. With this he can also use a variety of water spells.

Appearance: Wears a white sleeveless hoody and red trousers (i'm english). Wears a lot of metal around his face area: earings, a screw goes straight underneath his eyebrow, a nose piercing, a spiky dog collar and lots of chains. Short white blond hair and startling blue eyes.

Personality: Manipulative. In a word. This guy will call a favour from nowhere, and failing that moves straight to the blackmail: he knows precisely how to kick someone in their mental genitalia.

Bio: Vline is somewhat of a mystery to all four castles. He originally came from the Golden Castle, where he pored over spell books all the time, until one day when he spontaneously vanished. He now works in the stone castle as a kind of "messanger" for Tidus. It is thought that he plans to do something greater with his life. Much greater.

If you think he's a bit too cliche, then I don't care. I'll change him.
its fine the mental gentitalia thing kinda got me scared tho:O lol
ok so we'll start the story now. on your first post u start up your stroy for your self and then u just build on your story. the characters u choose should interact with each other some.
I'm assuming that we start here...:huh:

Vline strolled leisurly through the castle. He had nothing better to do. He did have stuff to do - but nothing better. He knew he should get back to work. He just couldn't be arsed. He worked for Tidus, one of the lords of the stone castle. Boring, menial stuff. Suddenly, the inevitable happened...

"Vline!! Get up here!! Need a little help!!"
The voice of his "boss" called down the stairs. Vline sighed. He couldn't disobey a direct instruction.
"What do you want - sir?"
Vline made sure that he rolled the "sir" round his mouth, to show Tidus that, regardless of his power, Vline thought him unworthy of the title.
"Letty's hurt after last weeks blitz. Go see he's alright,"
"And you can't do it yourself because..."
Vline had better stuff to do, and was really fucked off that this little lord should attempt to boss him around.
"Because you're a lazy gobshite sir? Because you'd rather get your slave to do everything for you? Because walking down the steps is so much effort that you may break down and cry? Because you secretly hate Letty and don't want to face him? Because," His voice dropped to a deathly whisper. "You wish to find a knife in dearest Yuna's stomach?"
Tidus reached for the Caladblog, nestling in it's sheath.
"You're threatening me."
"Observant aren't you? Sir"
Tidus drew the sword with that high scraping sound and held it in one hand, the other shivering with rage while pointing at Vline.
With that, he ran at his quarry his sword raised and ready to strike. Vline merely stood there, and as the Caladblog was about to strike, water shaped the staff thing that parried the blow. Vline struck Tidus in the neck, knocking him to the floor. He held the staff over the body, and clearly and slowly spoke.
"I could kill you. I would like to kill ou. Unfortunately, your guards may fight me, potentially threatening my life. This is not my goal. Dying a slave is not my death. So, I may be forced to take you hostage and cause all sorts of painful insisions and cuts upon that weedy little body you have. I am too kind, as I see that the pain infllicted upon your pathetic little carcass would be unnecessary. I suggest you apologise to me for your violence, go heave yourself over to Letty and forget this ever happened,"
A corner of his mouth twitched in satisfaction, as he looked down upon his unarmed master.
"I hope I'm perfectly understood," He whispered. He threw the staff to the left of Tidus's head, as another formed in his hands. "I have an excellent aim."
lol i thought u would ok so heres clouds story:
Cloud walked up ande down his throne room, thinking and thinking of why the whole portal into the same time thing happened. he had met all of the other kings so far. Tidus was a little whimp and cloud was suprised that one of his servants with any known talent hadnt taken him prisoner yet.
Vaan was a mere kid so the person who usually ruled the silver castle was basch, a tough man that cloud had just met. He liked his style, but he was all about business, he wasnt at all laid back like he thought a king whould be.
And then there was Squall, cloud had met him about two weeks ago but already he knew he like how Squall worked. he was tough and incredibly stong, but also laid back. thats what he liked about a king. Even though he had met and talked to all of them several times, they felt strange like they were from a different world....
If anyone had been looking out to sea from the Devil's eye port, they would have seen a strange thing indeed. They would have seen a young man gliding along the surface of the sea.

Vline was smiling to himself. Tidus's Kingdom was still picking up the pieces. Tidus had screamed for the guards of the castle to come help him. It was one Vline versus a whiny little king and twenty soldiers - all wielding muskets. They never stood a chance - only Tidus survived, and he was very shaken. All the better...

However, it did not pay to dwell on the past. After all, the Golden Castle was waiting.


"I have come to see Cloud," stated Vline, simply.
"Yeah, and you are?" The gatekeeper was tired and cold.
"An... old aquaintance."
"You're not gettin' in m'afraid"
The staff once more shaped from pure water in his hands.
"Is that so?" He watched, with a thin smile dancing on his lips as the guard drowned, his mouth and nose rapidly and constantly being filled with water at the point of the staff.
With that, he swung open the great gates to the castle.
"Now. To buisness." The staff disappeared and water from his hand swept over his body - leaving a long blue robe where there was once trousers and hoody. He spotted the young king - Cloud himself pacing in the bailey.
"Cloud! I've come quite a way to see you!"
Cloud decided that he would have to eat something so he could actually think. He got some whisky from the fridge and had a servant get him a steak. he was about to dig in when he thought he heard a gurgle from the guard outside and right as he got up his door burst open and there was vline. he shouted "Cloud!" he said. "Iv'e come a long way to see you!"
"Well if it isn't vline, and youv'e brought the young prince tidus with you, how pleasureable. So why have you come back to tthe golden castle?
"So you remember me then. I was very worried that you'd forgotten me,"
Vline spoke softly, but with the touch of malice.
"May we have an audience? I think that our little prince here is tired after our little trip," He pushed Tidus forward in the small of the back with one finger. The defeated prince was bound by writhing snakes of water and was drenched in salty water. As a staff struck him in the back, he let out a feeble little moan. "And the sooner we have sorted out the necessary stuff, the better"
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Cloud walked vline to the main hall and sent a messenger to get everyone for this special occasion. "Vline, vline." Cloud said. "Its been a long time since ive seen you" He opened another bottle of whisky and poured one for him slef and gave one to vline. "Ok vline what do you purpose? and i bet i know it has to do with our little prince here"
"You are not wrong." He downed his whiskey in one, then dropped the bottle on tidus's head. "As you probably guessed, I will trade Tidus - not give. I have never given a shit about these petty wars between the Kingdoms, however, just think of how easily you could manipulate the stone castle as you hold it's prince prisoner. Despite our childhood frienship, I will not go for anything less than what I ask for - and you know perfectly well what it is." Vline smiled wolfishly, then turned heel smartly on his dark boots and left the room. "Think about it..."
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I'll be Seifer. *purposely spams the thread because he knows he's going to be the badass*
Vline's room was silent. Cloud still hadn't agreed to the deal, and the only words spoken by him for the rest of the day were a muttered "You've got a room. You can stay a few nights,".

He was still in the dark blue robes and long black boots. He simply couldn't be arsed to change. He was tired, but was cautious not to sleep. Tidus was in the room with him, and if a single soldier came in as he slept, Vline would reach a sticky end - and God knows what would happen to Tidus. He didn't care what happened to Tidus - just didn't like the idea of his deal being completely undermined.

Eventually, dawn broke. Vline was still sitting cross-legged on his four-poster bed. He was debating whether or not it was worth the effort to get up when a maid entered gingerly through the elaborate oak door. She asked him if he wanted any spare clothes - "as he may not have any with him". Vline was astounded at how accurate Cloud (he presumed) had been with the clothes. Dark blue robes (just the same) or a set of red trousers and (yuch) a normal, white hoody. He donned the robes, and even took care to remove the various pieces of decorative metal he liked to wear in his face.

He checked himself down, and after sucking air though his teeth then exhaling it, neatly strode down to the great hall.
Ok ailbel u can start ur story whenever u want..

Cloud was in a delima. His old friend had come to him offering the prince of the stone castle. It would be a great upside to life having him as a prisoner. these wars had gone on wayy too long for comfort. but what conserned him is what vline would want to trade him... if it was money or gold thatd be fine, he lived in a golden castle for christ sakes. but he didnt think vline would want to trade that with him... he might be able to take tidus by force from him and he knew that he could beat him but he couldnt bear thinking that vline would die with out taking out most of his resourses and guards and he could not afford to have that happen otherwise he would be vunerable to attack from the other castles... oh well he decided he would see what the trade was and if it was a good deal he would trade and if not... well he would think of that if the time arrived. A maid came and told him that Vline would be coming any second and that he liked his new clothes. well cloud thought tiredly, at leat he hasnt changed much
"Cloud!" Called Vline genially. He strode across the hall through the throng of people, looking buisnesslike even despite his bubble-gum pink hair. He approached his old friend quickly. He saw Cloud's expression - a fusion of dread and a feeble attempt at looking cheerful - and said "Don't worry. We'll leave negotiations till later - we both know that the other isn't a morning person,"


Later, at about noon, Vline once more stole up to Cloud. "So, Cloud? Do you have it?"
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